• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Ammaccatore Class Battleframe

Ammaccatore Class Battle Frame

The Ammaccatore (Bruiser) is an Assault role Battle Frame made for export.

About the Ammacatore

The Ammaccatore is an Assault Frame designed for ground combat against, of all things, dinosaurs.

Key Features

  • Heavy armor.
  • Tougher than usual internal frame.
  • Melee capable.
  • Heavy firepower.


The Ammacatore was made-to-order for export to New Texas to deal with their Texas Rex problem.


See: Thug. Short for an assault mech, cockpit integrated into center torso. Body is kind of a mix between a football player, a minotaur, and a grasshopper.

Statistical Information

**Organization:** Civilian Security Market \\
**Type:** Assault Role customized Battle Frame \\
**Class:** Ammaccatore \\
**Designer:** Blackwell Defense Industries \\
**Manufacturer:** Blackwell Defense Industries \\
**Production:** 108 \\
**Price:**8.4 million Werners \\
**Crew:** 1 \\
**Maximum Capacity:** 1 \\
**Passenger Capacity:** 0 \\
**Width:** 4.75 Meters (shoulder width) \\
**Height:** 9.25 Meters (shoulder height) \\
** Mass:** 85 Tons \\


**Ground speed: ** 62 kph \\
**Jumping speed: ** None \\
**Air speed:** None \\
**Range:** Intercontinental \\

Damage Capacity

* Body: Max Armored Assault Mecha


The cockpit is integrated into the center torso.

Modular Systems

* Left Shoulder: 1 Empty Slot
* Right Shoulder: 1 Empty Slot
* Left Torso: 4 Tube Mini Missile Launcher + 1 ton ammo, Heatsink
* Right Torso: 4 Tube Mini Missile Launcher + 1 ton ammo, Heatsink
* Center Torso: 1 Empty Slot
* Left Arm: Heavy Plasma Cannon
* Right Arm: Heavy Plasma Cannon
* Left Leg: Heatsink
* Right Leg: Heatsink

Onboard Systems Descriptions

Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

12 integrated Heatsinks

Hull and Chassis

Frame Internal Skeleton

This Battle Frame utilizes the same internal structure materials and construction techniques as the majority of Reservoir built units.

Frame Musculature

The frame utilizes Myomere backed by hydraulics like most modern Battle Frames.

Ceramic Weave Armor

The Ammaccatore is covered in carbon weave reinforced ceramic plates, buffered in layers of rubberized polymer. It is a crushing-type armor that is extremely effective against thermal damage, decently effective against explosives, and will stop a few high caliber rounds. The armor is designed to dissipate impacts by crumbling and diffusing the energy across flexible layers of buffering. The internal mesh keeps cracked plates from just falling away, making the armor more robust than one would think.

Life Support

The Ammaccatore has a standard life support system, with a pressurized cockpit, oxygen scrubbers, and a temperature-humidity regulation system. Inertia control is handled by a suspended linear control seat setup, which is also a standard ejection system.


Primary Power

The Ammaccatore is powered by a robust fusion reactor.

Secondary Power

Emergency power for life support and cockpit systems is provided by an SRG.

Electronics and Control Systems

This machine has support for an AI assistant to help control the machine. It is a slot terminal model, meaning the pilot must slot their AI’s drive in to make use of it.


The Ammaccatore has a quantum battle computer.


The Ammaccatore is outfitted with a fairly standard sensor package for Battle Frames.
  • IR
  • LIDAR (+UV)
  • Neutrino
  • Visual

Targeting control

The Ammaccatore’s targeting system features enhanced optical zoom and predictive aim for direct fire weapons and point defense systems.


The Ammaccatore is fitted with a high power, long range communications package for use in atmosphere. It features two large antennae that stick out of the top of the cockpit, which give the system great range and power.

Control Systems


Stability and Movement Management System

The Ammaccatore is kitted out with heavy gyro stabilizers and auto-balancer software to match. It is not designed for use in microgravity, however.

OOC notes


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