- - Service Notes - -
Internal service notes are AUTHORIZATION LEVEL ORANGE.
-This manual is to be distributed ONLY to SEER personnel with an authorization level of RED or GREATER. Viewing or copying this document without authorization, or allowing the information within to be distributed to other non-authorized civilians or organizations, is a matter of planet Hawking national security and will be met with LETHAL FORCE.-
- Dr. ███████ Note #1
The initial boot-sequence for 101 was rocky. It took several minutes for the unit to awaken, with variable heart and brain function, and upon waking she did not immediately verbalize. However, upon prompting she seemed immediately capable of complex sentences formed from words we had spoken to her. She was classified as a Type C. By the time the unit had finished orientation, she was fully capable of holding a sophisticated conversation. I have high hopes for this unit.
- Dr. ███████ Note #2
The unit has already developed several exophage abilities and seems to be rapidly becoming more and more competent with them. Unfortunately, experimenting has resulted in a few mutations, so we will have to slow down testing. Luckily, none appear to negatively impact her performance. I have also discovered she appears to have reflexes far beyond the baseline for an Echoni.
+ 101 scored 100% on her intelligence test and her combat capability score was near-perfect.
+ 101 has a large potential for exophage experimentation.
- 101's brain works exceptionally quickly, meaning she is prone to hyperactivity and boredom.
- 101 appears relatively prone to mutation.
- 101's incident count is now at 2.
- Dr. ████████ Note #1
The unit has been moved to storage until containment procedures can be made. She is not to be removed until proper containment can be arranged. 101 has an incredible potential to be one of the most successful bioweapons we have produced, but we risk a catastrophic failure if we can't get her under control.
- 101's incident count is now at 5.
- Dr. ███████ Note #3
101 has been taken out of storage after further containment modifications have been made. We resumed testing immediately and she is continuing to make steady progress.
+ 101 has developed telekinesis which she is starting to use subconsciously.
- Dr. ████████ Note #2
I understand how tempting this Echoni is but I am formally requesting that she be removed from experimentation.
- 101's incident count is now at 6.
- Dr. ███ Note #1
I have finally gotten approval to take 101 out of storage. I'm hoping to undo some of the damage Dr. ████████ did to her.
- Dr. ███ Note #2
Rehabilitation appears to be going well. I have gotten approval to install some experimental modifications that I believe will be helpful both in increasing her maximum output and as a last resort restraining method.
- 101's incident count is now at 7.
+ 101 has spontaneously developed an exoskeleton. Analysis shows it is made of a combination of bone, organic carbon nanotubes and some sort of unknown crystalline substance. She is adapting to it well, although she is to be kept on pain medication, steroids, and antibiotics until the bleeding and swelling goes down.
+ Installation of cybernetic augmentations has nearly doubled her physical capacity.
- 101 keeps accidentally breaking things. She is temporarily banned from hugs and high-fives.
- Dr. ███ Note #3
101's training is complete! As long as her handlers are given proper instruction on how to handle her she should prove to be a perfect weapon. After her cybernetic exophage limiters are perfected, she will be cleared for combat. Previous incidents are not to be disclosed to future operators as they do not pertain to her current psychological status. I am redacting the details. Her history before deployment will be as a blank slate.
+ 101 has been transferred to the Edward Deming.