The half-dozen Aos'Si watched as the Daqinren moved about, a constellation of floating stars fit for a children's room ceiling marking their body like glitter, but despite the obvious positioning, they did not act.
"Royalty? Very interesting," The robed caster of the group noted. "But, I could ask the very same of you as well. Why are you here?" Looking at them carefully, her blue eyes narrowed behind her face wrap. "What is wrong with that one?" the woman asked, pointing at Wen, who was in turn being pointed at by Jun with her rifle. Inside their virtuality, Hoshiko facepalmed as the Aos'Si jockeyed for better verbal position.
"Maybe not so obviously, Jun." Hoshiko sighed.
"Ara-ara," Sakamoto began in her minority dialect, a mischievous smile on her lips. "It's the dungeon entrance, and we're already facing a speech check!" the merchant tried not to laugh. Hoshiko virtually rubbed her temples. Negotiating was not her strong suite.
"We were sent to see what you were doing," Hoshiko began to reply in meatspace. "Will you tell us?" she tried not to grind her teeth. Cautiously, the Aos'Si replied,
"I would rather not." Eying the star studded silhouette of their weapons, her gaze drifted to Wen again, if only briefly. "If that is unacceptable however...perhaps we could come to an agreement of some sort?" the caster carefully probed, well aware she and her people were at a disadvantage.
"Royalty? Very interesting," The robed caster of the group noted. "But, I could ask the very same of you as well. Why are you here?" Looking at them carefully, her blue eyes narrowed behind her face wrap. "What is wrong with that one?" the woman asked, pointing at Wen, who was in turn being pointed at by Jun with her rifle. Inside their virtuality, Hoshiko facepalmed as the Aos'Si jockeyed for better verbal position.
"Maybe not so obviously, Jun." Hoshiko sighed.
"Ara-ara," Sakamoto began in her minority dialect, a mischievous smile on her lips. "It's the dungeon entrance, and we're already facing a speech check!" the merchant tried not to laugh. Hoshiko virtually rubbed her temples. Negotiating was not her strong suite.
"We were sent to see what you were doing," Hoshiko began to reply in meatspace. "Will you tell us?" she tried not to grind her teeth. Cautiously, the Aos'Si replied,
"I would rather not." Eying the star studded silhouette of their weapons, her gaze drifted to Wen again, if only briefly. "If that is unacceptable however...perhaps we could come to an agreement of some sort?" the caster carefully probed, well aware she and her people were at a disadvantage.