• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Search results

  1. CadetNewb

    Day in the Life: Streets of Letroit

    Empire of Daqin, Pínqióng (貧窮) System Zhīnǚ (織女) Station, Special Economic Zone "Letroit" Asteroid Module New Year's Eve, 2324 CE Rain. It always seemed to be falling in the asteroid city of Letroit. "Little Detroit" if someone was being particular. The station recycled water felt like it was...
  2. CadetNewb

    IDS Yīnghuā - Log 1.0: Swift as the Wind and Quick as Lightning (風馳電掣)

    Empire of Daqin, Pínqióng (貧窮) System The Forbidden City With the great flurry of activity, months all flew by fast. Even by Daqinren standards! They were all instant celebrities for the strike in FTL, a historic first among all nations. There were press conferences, interviews, sponsorships...
  3. CadetNewb

    A Brief on Magic (HFR)

    Heaven Forged Republic, Commonwealth of the Dawn Li Ming System Planet Zhu Que, Capitol City of Yun Wang University of Yun Wang Common Era 2324 The hustle and bustle of students clamoring to enter the university's lecture hall was nothing new. Both the newly minted young adults fresh out of...
  4. CadetNewb

    Day in the Life: Rescue from the Depths

    Empire of Daqin, Pínqióng (貧窮) System Super Luminal Engine Arrival Zone Humans needed many material goods to maintain not just their health, but also their sanity and happiness. The old word was 'consummerism' or Xiāofèi Zhǔyì (消費主義). The words to the Daqinren could be further broken down and...
  5. CadetNewb

    VotO Book 3: Fakelaki

    Atlantica, Gulfia, In route to Atlantica Colonial Administration Head Offices These days, it seemed like Atlantica was the center of the universe. It wasn’t that long ago that the American Union hardly seemed to care about the planet as anything more than a rest-stop on the way to Hawking...
  6. CadetNewb

    Day in the Life: Assault on the Heavenly State

    Shen Zhou System, Heavy Freighter Cháng Lǜ (常綠) In Transit to Super Luminal Engine The ship was a massive, utilitarian eyesore made long ago by the Soyuz and sold to what would eventually become the Heaven Forged Republic for hauling cargo. As far as any onlookers were aware though, it was...
  7. CadetNewb

    Q&A General

    Well, considering how my current job as a medical professional in this day and age has me pretty beat and tired, I decided (with a lot of poking) that this would be a good way to answer questions regarding the setting that anyone had. I'll give my two cents, and if the answer I give is...
  8. CadetNewb

    Chapter 9 & 10 Intermission 1: Shopping Spree

    Co-authored by: Ray of Meep (GM), Acewing13, ArsenicJohn, Ikate Keda Studios, PaladinGreco, Piston1937, TheCountryWarrior 2320, 2nd day after landfall on Earth Syracuse outskirts, Grau Lancers HQ The military base was incredibly old, but nonetheless functional. Built by American forces nearly...
  9. CadetNewb

    Chapter 9: Return Home

    Co-authored by: Ray of Meep (GM), Acewing13, ArsenicJohn, Ikate Keda Studios, PaladinGreco, Piston1937, TheCountryWarrior 2320, Six weeks after departure from the Silbern System Low Earth Orbit, Daheim One "Juan, Beatrix, Derek, Jami, Luna, Serafina, report to the bridge." Ulrike announced...
  10. CadetNewb

    Chapter 8 to 1 - Book 1: Epilogue

    Co-authored by: Ray of Meep (GM), Acewing13, Ikate Keda Studios, PaladinGreco, Piston1937, TheCountryWarrior 23XX, 36 hours after the Fabron raid In low orbit of the Fabron asteroid, aboard Daheim One [Eberhard and Joan Medbay] (Ray of Meep, Edto, and TheCountryWarrior, primarily) Eberhard...
  11. CadetNewb

    [The Gentle Breeze] Chapter 3.5 - Email of the Beast

    Atlantica System 2320 CE The police were not equipped to handle this. Typically, cells in a jail were simple affairs. Just temporary holding areas more than anything else. It was a small area with simple foam beds jutting out of the wall in the back, along with a sink with an integrated toilet...
  12. CadetNewb

    [The Gentle Breeze] Chapter 4 - Unlimited MacGuffin Works!

    Imperial Cruiser Wéifēng, Hangar Bay 2 "Welcome back everyone!" Sakamoto greeted them all. The ride back had been tense and silent despite the faceless Daqinese troopers demanding to open up 'the package' for them to place a helmet on top of the slightly toasted Koala's head. In the end of the...
  13. CadetNewb

    [The Gentle Breeze] Chapter 2.5 - Wu Tang (18+)

    Tiāntáng (天堂), 2320 CE “There has to be something better than this…” she thought to herself. Wu had just finished with the miserable, zombie filled mission she had been assigned by Sakamoto and had spent the last half hour in a warm shower trying to remove the stink of being inside of her...
  14. CadetNewb

    Compatibility Experiment (18+)

    American Union New Texas, City of New Austin 2320 CE As the first colony of the American Union, the planet of New Texas had seen a lot of development. But even then, there was plenty that had remained untouched. Going up the glass elevator of the hotel, one could look across the cityscape and...
  15. CadetNewb

    [Darkness Down Below] Chapter 1.1 - Easy Does It

    Soyuz Sotsialisticheskikh Mirov Conference Room The room was the average fare, with the walls being rather drab and plain with no decorations or even windows. In the middle, there was a set of fold-out plastic tables put up in a U-shape around a main screen, with cheap folding polymer seats...
  16. CadetNewb

    American Union: The Happening (Valentines Day Special 2020)

    American Union, New Texas The Mega Mall was perhaps the most picturesque slice of Americana imported into space there ever was. Though they had faced their demise long ago, they were revived out of nostalgia. In this day and age, there was a certain appeal in physically shopping for things...
  17. CadetNewb

    [The Gentle Breeze] Chapter 3 - Psychadellic Boogaloo

    Imperial Cruiser Wéifēng, Recreation Area 1 Ellie quietly sat and brushed back her long, green following hair. By now, the little girl was looking much better now that she was in a proper dress and didn't look injured anymore. However, her emerald eyes were firmly fixed on something. Holding a...