Developed by the Zoomer Clan during their time in Colholm, using the basic template of hardened underwater suits that the tyrannical Clan Stygra used to combat errant Sea Grawla tribes. Spreading out after Stygra's downfall because of it's use in nautical salvage operations, the Zoomers attached bulky life support equipment and power systems that were the best the clan could get their hands on at the time, attempting to re-purpose it as a space suit that could be easily mass produced.
Early designs come from a period when the Zoomers didn't have access to space, in part because they had no space ship and also in part because Grawla culture had reservations about going into space and possibly drawing the attention of further space dwelling terrors that might endanger their people. These designs had to be tested in vacuum chambers, and the limited technology of the time mean the Grawla had to develop bulky pressure suits, CO2 cleaning devices, and other rebreathing technology to allow for what they assumed would be 'survival in space'. This would also result in a low-pressure high oxygen content interior along with a skin tight counter-pressure and cooling suit that could be worn under the space suit.
This resulted in a very bulky suit which tended to get warm. This made the suit a very attractive prospect for the Zoomers in Colholm since that helped them deal with the freezing temperatures. Constant use of the suit also helped the Zoomers get familiar with their space gear just in case they might be able to go into space in the future.
To further complicate issues, the Grawla that did not want the Zoomers to go into space would blockade the Zoomer clan. The Grawla that did interact with the Zoomers would often treat them poorly, as wanting to go into space was often seen as extremely dangerous for all Grawl. This would lead to the addition of Heavy armor to help protect the Zoomers, followed by the addition of specialized materials to help deal with the extreme radiation of space as Grawla started to learn more about the environment of space around the planet thanks to knowledge gained from the Humans on planet.
The heavy weight of the suit, and limited vision options, AND the Grawla's cultural aversion to using radios make the Zoomer's space suit a very sub-optimal design for its task.
Zoomer space suits generally all have the same layout, with a power pack and life support systems on the back, thick armor around the arms, joints, legs, and a head section that is directly connected to the body with enough space for a Grawla's head to look around without having to move any part of the suit.
The Grawla also use a number of specialized tools to get around their technological limitations. Many of the suits have additional armored sections to pull over the transparent head sections. Similarly tools can be directly attached to the exterior of the arms to help get around the thick gloves of the suits themselves. Often there are exterior pouches for additional tools like signal flairs or communications lines as well as attachment points for tethers so that a group of Grawl can tether themselves to one another.