The SAk-94 is a highly conventional rifle designed to be picked up and used by anyone.
The SAk-94 is a highly conventional rifle designed to be picked up and used by anyone.

Prototype models marked SAn-94 were developed in 2308 based off older existing platforms with an eye towards filling the Soyuz need for a standard weapon that could be deployed throughout their armed forces. Unlike other cutting edge rifles at the time, the SAn-94 needed to be more cheaply mass produced so choices were made to use heavier but less advanced materials. Features like sights, add-ons, and selection switches were streamlined and simplified. The design that was delivered for evaluation had all of its features, grips, and sights set in stone so that a soldier could be assured that any SAn-94 he picks up will be exactly the same as any other SAn-94.
In 2309 the weapon would be accepted into use with the military and be rebranded the SAk-94. The weapon would largely be distributed to second-line units and generally sold on the open market. The high build quality, reliability, ease of use, and outright stopping power make it a popular choice on the civilian market as well, ensuring that by 2315 the weapon could be found throughout the Human Sphere.
The SAk-94 is a very conventional rifle in terms of layout. It has a stock that is fixed in place, pistol grip, forward grip, integrated red dot sight, and very conventional box magazine with ejector level in front. It has an ambidextrous charging handle on either side towards the front, and two rails for attachments on either side forward from that. An adjustable riser can be attached to the side to hold optics. The weapon has a fire selector on the left hand side, and the level can be put to automatic or single-shot.
The weapon itself uses a heavy barrel with an integrated suppressor designed mainly for recoil reduction. This heavy barrel and suppressor are designed mostly for recoil and heat absorption, making the weapon better suited for firing the high energy chromatic rounds developed by the Soyuz.
The SAk-94 is a weapon designed to be easy to use. A soldier on Earth and a soldier out on the frontier of the human sphere have an SAk-94 that are nearly identical. A crate of SAk-94s can be sent anywhere in the human sphere and the people who pick up the weapon can be assured their training will carry over and that the weapon is ready to use the moment it is pulled from the box. This makes it a suitable weapon for mass distribution to second-line units who need a weapon that can pernitrate through body armor, but who don't necessarily need some of the more advanced specialty weapons.
The heavy round makes it a popular choice for civilians as well, as it carries far more penetrative power than the rounds used by the UG-12 and UG-17. The weight of the rifle also makes it better at absorbing the heavy recoil of of the round.
Both of these groups rarely need to move quickly, making the increased weight of the rifle less of a disadvantage.