• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Arachne Panagiotopoulou

Arachne Panagiotopoulou

Biographical information
Space 2291 31
Physical description
Human Hellenes Cis-Female 190.5 cm (6'3") 78.47 Kg (173 lbs) Charcoal Grey Hazel Beige
Political Information
Gemeinschaft der Welten
(Commonwealth Space Command)
Military Scientist (Xenopathology) Kapitänleutnant (Captain Lieutenant)
Out-of-Character Information
Noodles When did you make this character?


Arachne is a focused, well-learned woman who finds a great deal of enjoyment and comfort amongst her research and experiments and less so amongst those she does not consider her peers. While not exactly a shut-in, or a total social outcast Arachne prefers the company of other more scientifically minded individuals.

She enjoys most things from which she can satisfy her curiosity, even newfound curiosities- especially newfound curiosities. She is a product of the fast-paced, efficiency focused environment of being raised on a GDW space station.

While appreciative of the role that the Navy fulfills and the funding she is provided with there exists a certain disdain and barely hidden distaste for other Officers and Crewmen of other departments.

There exists some tact in this woman, and despite her low expectations for most other people she is generally polite and courteous- being well aware of the proper behavior expected of one in social situations. Her intelligence has not affected her social awareness in a negative fashion- if anything it has given her a sharp tongue and a large, very effective social 'arsenal'.


Arachne stands at a slightly above average of 6'3” (177.8 cm) and weighs 173 lbs (190.5 cm). She has a slim, lanky body type with only the slightest amount of muscle definition and a small (32a) bust. She has a beige skin tone. She has long charcoal grey hair that lightly brushes the very top of her shoulders and frames her kite-shaped face. Her eyes are hazel in color; They are approximately a single eye's length apart (1 Inch/2.5 cm). Between her eyes sits a moderately sized, downward pointing nose.

She isn't an altogether attractive woman, but she cannot be described as homely either. She has clear skin, often keeps her hair well-brushed- so it is clear she takes care of herself. Arachne would best be described as perfectly 'whelming'

Her voice is mid-range and sharp, the voice of a woman who doesn't enjoy repeating themselves.

  • Build: Thin and Lanky
  • Facial Features: Kite-Shaped Face, Sharp angular features
  • Hair Style: Charcoal Grey hair
  • Distinguishing Features: The most unusual feature that this otherwise 'whelmingly' plain woman has is her naturally grey hair. She appears much too young, and lacks any of the normal signs of stress-induced early greying.


Arachne Panagiotopoulou was born on 2289 to her single mother- Rana Panagiotopoulou, only nineteen at the time of birth- and then adopted by her wealthy grandparents-Hudson and Flo Panagiotopoulou- prior to her first birthday and then presented to the public as her mother's younger adopted sister.

Arachne spent a majority of her formative years being taught by private tutors and lecturers in-residence- with a focus on high-level maths and sciences. The vast of majority of her social circle consisted of many of these same tutors, leaving her a young woman with the socialization of someone many times her own age- but a lack of the social skills to interact with others in the same age range as herself.

At the age of eighteen in a fit of reactive impulsiveness often displayed by young adults Arachne enlisted herself in the CSC Survey Corps, right under the noses of her adoptive guardians. She spent a full four year tour as an enlisted woman, achieving the rank of (OR-4) Stabsgefreiter, before leaving the service for university.

In a solid nine years time Arachne graduated with a PhD in Xenopathology and an MSc in Psychology- and then promptly commissioned back into the CSC with very little gap between graduation and commission.
She is currently, as of 2322, two years into her service as a commissioned officer and is ranked as a (OF-2) Stabskapitän.


[*]Xenopathology: - Arachne's utmost talent, specializing in microbiology and immunology- putting her knowledge and skills to work to study diseases- specifically the kind native to non-human species and environments- and develop cures and/or prevent outbreaks within the GDW Navy.
(Arachne is very well versed in this subject, and while not the leading expert in this field she is an expert.)

[*]Psychology While not required for her field of study, she is still well-learnt in this subject. It helps her to better empathize and read those she works with. People are often skeptical, scared, or combative when the subjects of 'experimentation' or 'Quarantine' come up.
(Arachne is not a psychologist, but she can do in a pinch)

[*]Medicine Arachne is *not* that kind of doctor. While she does have to have a working knowledge of medicine and human biology to study how alien diseases will effect and interact with the human body is not a medical physician.
(If no other medical personnel is available, she could stabilize you until someone with a higher level of medical expertise can get to you.)

[*]Marksmanship Arachne is a military officer, but a scientist first. She can operate and maintain her side-arm. She can point and shoot at a target with minimal danger to herself. Whether or not she will hit this target is a different matter entirely.
(She can safely operate a firearm, but don't expect anything spectacular.)

[*]Athletics: Arachne has to pass the CSC's physical fitness standards the same as everyone else- with some slight leniency.
Arachne is reasonably fit, she can reliably run several kilometers without running out of breath, climb over small obstacles, and haul field gear. (Other, more combat oriented personnel are very likely to out perform her.)

[*]Hand to Hand Combat Arachne has some passing knowledge. She has taken the self-defense courses provided by the CSC. She is by no means a 'skilled combatant'.
(She knows not to tuck her thumb into her hand when she makes a fist.)


Traits are more or less some noteworthy aspects of your character. Are they brave? Are they cowardly? Is this person creative or dumb? Maybe they're very pretty, or completely distracting?

[*]Studious: Arachne prides herself on her in-depth knowledge of her fields of choice. She can study and retain information with a high level of efficiency.
[*]Focused: Being born and raised on a GDW space station left very room for laziness or distraction. Arachne has laser-focus on every task she sets herself onto- to the point of annoyance should she be interrupted.
[*]Self-Confident: Arachne is acutely aware of her personal worth. She will not be taken for a fool or lose confidence in her personal ability because of the ignorant opinions of others on her work.
[*]Shrewd Arachne is acutely aware of herself, her environment, and those around her. She picks up on subtle social cues, details in her work that someone with less training might have missed, and keeps track of her own state.
[*]Tactful: Arachne thinks about every word she says, before she says it with a certain level of practice.



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