Metzukorig Kmadro
Short even by Hill Grawla standards and certainly on the 'goblin' end of the spectrum in terms of build, Metzu has angular, demure features. They are always seen dressed in expensive finery, though combined with the militaristic edge of their species, it ends up coming across like a feudal mercenary lord or landsknecht.
Intelligent and resourceful, their eyes have a piercing, calculating quality that can make them off-putting to be around. Metzu is obsessed with making decisions on the long term, macro scale, and is often seen as far too pragmatic by their colleagues.
They hold a great many secrets of Grawl history and Hawking Xenotech in their head, and are chief amongst those employed by the Flying Mountain Clan to create weapons which employ such terrors.
They hold a great many secrets of Grawl history and Hawking Xenotech in their head, and are chief amongst those employed by the Flying Mountain Clan to create weapons which employ such terrors.
Skills and Abilities
Xenotech: One of the most knowledgeable minds alive on Hawking, when it comes to digging up and recreating lost engineering wonders of forgotten ages.
Engineering: Involved in the teams responsible for creating things like the Mogris power armour in their younger years, and later working on much larger things. Metzu has a lot of experience organizing and working with large technical teams to fabricate all sorts of vehicular projects.
History: Both through study, and by being present during some of Grawl history's most bloody recent events, Metzu has a clean and unbiased eye towards the lessons that can be learned, and the hidden truths that should be kept at arm's reach.
Negotiations: Though by no means a people person, Metzu has a hawkish nose for the qualities of other people. They'll seize upon an opportunity, even if it means breaking a lot of red tape doing so.
Engineering: Involved in the teams responsible for creating things like the Mogris power armour in their younger years, and later working on much larger things. Metzu has a lot of experience organizing and working with large technical teams to fabricate all sorts of vehicular projects.
History: Both through study, and by being present during some of Grawl history's most bloody recent events, Metzu has a clean and unbiased eye towards the lessons that can be learned, and the hidden truths that should be kept at arm's reach.
Negotiations: Though by no means a people person, Metzu has a hawkish nose for the qualities of other people. They'll seize upon an opportunity, even if it means breaking a lot of red tape doing so.
Though Grawla do not believe in family bonds and thus cursed lineages should not really be a thing, Metzukorig is
Her fearsome intellect is said to stem from these genetics, and many of the secret machinations and rare resources they had access to during their youth informed their current obsessions.
They were still in their early teens when their world was turned upside down, however, as a collation of other forces defeated their home clan in all-out war and caused it's collapse into total anarchy.
She escaped, but ended up as the household thrall of another draconian mining baron in the southern reaches of the Tigran Plateau. They didn't recognise their intellect or exposure to the finer things, instead forcing them to do little other than basic servant duties and kitchen chores for the next eight years.
The Flying Mountain Clan eventually grew in power and prominence in the region, however, and one of their more astute academics finally recognised her on a passing visit.
Buying out her debt and taking her along, she was added to the Mogris Power Armour project in it's early stages of development, and were used as reference for the great many foreign production armoured vehicles that the clan had in disrepair. Much to the disgruntlement of those who know the truth, they were eventually assigned the rank of Kmadro, or 'xenoartificer', a project leader that is sanctioned to work with bizarre and unstable outsider technologies.
With the understanding that they'd probably never achieve true leadership status, Metzu none the less managed to organise many of the early Grawla Crater archaeological digs that turned up Iconmen components. With the help of an Magnetic Assembly Exemplar known as Noriko, these parts were eventually turned into the Iconmen Voxal, which defended both the the Clan's and the Magnetic Assembly's holdings during the New Cambridge River Incident.
To this day Metzukorig Kmadro still operates in the shadows, though their technological works are beginning to become quite widespread.
the daughter of Guyo Stygra, one of the most renowned bloodthirsty monsters in recent Grawla history.
They were still in their early teens when their world was turned upside down, however, as a collation of other forces defeated their home clan in all-out war and caused it's collapse into total anarchy.
She escaped, but ended up as the household thrall of another draconian mining baron in the southern reaches of the Tigran Plateau. They didn't recognise their intellect or exposure to the finer things, instead forcing them to do little other than basic servant duties and kitchen chores for the next eight years.
The Flying Mountain Clan eventually grew in power and prominence in the region, however, and one of their more astute academics finally recognised her on a passing visit.
Buying out her debt and taking her along, she was added to the Mogris Power Armour project in it's early stages of development, and were used as reference for the great many foreign production armoured vehicles that the clan had in disrepair. Much to the disgruntlement of those who know the truth, they were eventually assigned the rank of Kmadro, or 'xenoartificer', a project leader that is sanctioned to work with bizarre and unstable outsider technologies.
With the understanding that they'd probably never achieve true leadership status, Metzu none the less managed to organise many of the early Grawla Crater archaeological digs that turned up Iconmen components. With the help of an Magnetic Assembly Exemplar known as Noriko, these parts were eventually turned into the Iconmen Voxal, which defended both the the Clan's and the Magnetic Assembly's holdings during the New Cambridge River Incident.
To this day Metzukorig Kmadro still operates in the shadows, though their technological works are beginning to become quite widespread.
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