
The MAG-22 is electronically actuated/ignited 9mm pistol with 2 round burst aim-assist produced by the Magnetic Assembly.
By 2323 the Magnetic Assembly had lost access to the range of firearm companies on Earth that produce and design the majority of small arms used throughout the Human Sphere. This meant no more ability to license the latest updates to weapon systems. While the Assembly could still produce modern weapons for the foreseeable future, there would eventually be a need to start upgrading existing stock. This would lead to the start development on the Mag-22, an upgraded version of the existing Mag-21, to outfit both the Provisional Fleet and the Hawking Gendarmerie in small numbers. The end goal of the program is to eventually start producing designs that will replace legacy systems within both organizations.
The Mag-22 has a fairly conventional pistol layout, holding a magazine in the handle, an electronics package just forward of the trigger, and an upper section where the front part remains static while the rear part acts as the slide for the weapon.
The weapon's muzzle has eight exhaust ports with electronically controlled vents. The actuators for these vents are also connected to the weapon's slide, allowing the weapon to cycle itself if there is a misfire, as well as to recover electrical energy from a shot to recharge the battery.
Just behind the muzzle on the top is a replaceable section that can house a standard optic for the weapon such as a red dot sight.
Below this is the electronics package. It has a touch-pad on the side for mode-selection, and has a forward facing optic
The Trigger assembly is fairly standard, and sensors are inset into the handle to ensure the weapon is only fired when intended.
Revision History

Revision 1, with slide opened

Revision 2, with ammo counter and enhanced slide grip

Revision 3, with additional mechanical safety and ETC firing system
The intended usage of the Mag-22 is in the self-defense role, allowing unaugmented individuals to have some level of mechanical aim assist through the two round burst mode.
When fired, the weapon's camera will observe where the weapon is pointed and take a best guess at what the intended target is. The first shot is manually aimed by the operator, and the computer-adjusted vents will control the recoil of the weapon so that the second shot will land on the computer-selected target. The recoil is then used to recharge the weapon's battery or in the case of a misfire, the weapon can attempt to cycle itself to clear the obstruction.
The Optic on the underside of the weapon can also be used to project a laser sight, a strobe effect, or a directed blinding laser. The projector can be operated by the touchpad on the side of the weapon.
The firing mechanism has seen several revisions during the course of the project with the earliest versions using an electrical firing system. The second revision of the weapon used a focused electrical discharge to try and ignite conventional striker-fired rounds as well. The third revision switched to a plasma-injection firing system designed to allow the usage of ETC ammunition, to ignire electrically fired rounds, or to ignite a conventional striker fired round. ETC rounds being more energy intensive use a special magazine with additional power storage that connects to the weapon's own power supply. The mechanism is also rated for higher pressure rounds, helping ensure the weapon can handle future rounds and a wide range of existing 9mm projectiles.
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