• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

James Adrian

Personnel Registry

James Adrian

Biographical information
Space Station Elementum 12

Physical description
6ft 4in
193 lbs
Political Information
Magetic assembly
Terrorbyte, James, Brain in a jar
Out-of-Character Information

Physical Description

James is a Human brain in a Daqin engineered human body. He stands a bit over 6 feet tall and has brown hair and is built like your average human. Though his body tends to be tricky as his body was engineered by the Daqin biologicaly and himself cyberneticaly. His strength is beyond what a normal human should be at his build as well as his endurance and speed.

Genetic/Cybernetic Augmentations

Daqin Mind Machine Interface : Wireless connection to machines
Daqin Enhanced Bones and Muscles : Strength +2
Enhanced Pace Maker : Acts as a pace maker, defibrilator, and lung contractor.
Subdermal Polymer Armor (Location Specific) : Base armor on forearms and forelegs +2
Brain assistant Implants (Dependant on Terror Byte) : Allows control of his body through remote connection

Psycological Description

James is not what most would consider right in the head. His almost 100 years of doing contract work for various unsavory indiviuals has given him an unrivaled sense of paranoia. Underneath the many levels of engrained self defense mechanisms there is actualy a human being capable of caring, what he chooses to care about is somewhat up for debate however.


Paranoia +4
Cybernetics +3
Engineering +3
Drone Control +2
Haggling +2
Smuggling +2
Small Firearms +1
Appraisal +1
Mind Machine Interfacing +1
Hacking +1

Terror Byte


Terror Byte (or T3RR0R B1T3) is James' personal AI counterpart. It started life as a pilot program for his ship until James started adding functions, none of which was a personality module, and hasn't stopped. The most recent addition would be the large computing network hidden in hawking, which has allowed the AI to expand its proccessing to greater heights along with its owners growing asperations.

Though calling Terror Byte without a personality would be a lie, being probably the only computer with access to a full human brain for a substantial length of time, 60 ish years, some of the biological coding has wormed its way into his system. Though considering the source of said basic biological data one could be simply mistaken for assuming the AI didn't have a personality at all.


Hacking Countermeasures +4
Drone Management +3
Star Ship Piloting +3
Hacking +2
Industrial Management +2
Medical Opperations +2
Strategic Assesment +1
Hacking Countermeasures +1
Buissness Management +1
Knowledge (Human Brain Opperation) +1

Hardware/Software Mods

Quantum computing hub (Location specific) : Proccessing Speed +2
Expanded Stellar Chart : Star Ship Piloting +1
Brain in a Jar (Empty) : Add skills
Firewall : Hacking requires +2 to difficulty check

The Void Strider


The Void Strider used to be a Coffer Class Mining Ship. In the 80 so years James has owned this vessel it has been modified to suit a different purpose. Originaly the ship was modified for smuggling with hidden compartments, some questionably legal weaponry and a bigger engine, the original two mining shuttles got sold and swapped out for three larger and more cargo oriented shuttles, and the mining bays got changed around to cargo bays and a workshop area for James' hobbies.

This design philosophy didn't last as James gain some attention that wasn't aimed at his goods. The engines got swapped out again for combat grade and the weapons mounted couldn't be hidden under point defense any more. Though sadly this didn't stop a particularly well prepared group of bounty hunters from ambushing the ship and blowing some serious holes in both it and it's captain.

However that is not the end as most would think, James' AI Terror Byte was able to rescue the dying human and stuff his body in a medical unit and succefuly extract the living brain from the failing body. Thus began the ships role as flying dutchman to its semi imortal captain. As time went on the ship slowly shifted, the slightly lived in vibe that had been given off by James in his many visitors became cold and empty, metal skeletons roamed the ship acting the part of the crew as the dust acumulated over everything, only ever shifted by the occasional inspection team. Mimicing the captain the ship slowly became more a kin to afloating tomb, instead of a home, floating from planet to planet, job to job.

Though in the past few months the ship has slowly gotten more lively. Thanks to a pair of playful chongwu, and the newly bodied captain.


General Description

James' drones are quite uniform in their ramshackle apperance. They have a range of shapes and sizes depending on what they were built for but considering one of James' hobbies and side jobs was selling cybernetic augments and humanoid prosthetics the vast majority of his drones are humanoid.

Generic Drone

The most common of these types would be his generic worker drones, skeletal humanoid shapes with varying amounts of manipulation devices and mounted tooled appendages. They have no armor to speak of and while extremely dextrous they do not have much strength, they make up for this short coming with thier modularity. One drone can mount many different types of limbs whether it is a cutting tool, surgical equipment, welding torch, or even basic weapons. Though they do have a hard limit of six limbs the shear variety of limbs makes these a very verstile drone.

Key Features

Height : 6 ft 4 inches
Maxium Lifting Capacity : 3 tons
Armor : None
Power source : Battery (32 hours average)

Combat Drones

Most of James' combat drones are specialzed for certain roles. While this does make some of them useless in certain situations James attempts to make up for it with quantity. Each has an onboard proccessor that can pilot the drones competantly when given directions but rely on Terror Byte or another controling AI to opperate in complex combat situations.

Scout Drone

Built with speed and agility in mind James' scout drones use a combination of spring feet and deployable clawed feet to hop or run around at high speeds. The head is built like a hammerhead shark to hold the range finder along with the extensive sensor suite given to this type of combat drone. The main armament of this drone is a long range rifle, though they can be equiped with any weapon the longer range the better as these units lack most forms of armor that isn't worn over it's frame.
Key Features
Hammer head sensor suite
Minimal armor
High manuverabilty
Battery life : 72 hours

Assualt Drones

Decently armored and well armed these drones are the standard combat unit at James' disposal. Either quadrapedal or bipedal these drones are meant as a cheap front line unit for whatever assault James needs to do or be protected from. Normaly equiped with standard assualt rifles of various designs and ages , a close range secondary and some form of explosive the drones rely on outnumbering the opponent to win an engagement.
Key Features
Well Armored torso and legs
Battery life : 72 hours

Heavy Combat Drone

By far James' rarest type of combat drone. These walking tanks are built to last with multi layered skins over their heavy duty frames they tend to be able to shrug off most small arms and are the only drone with hardend systems against EMPs. They are normaly equiped with James' limited supply of heavy weapons, anti tank weapons, chemical throwers, and various rocket propelled explosives.
Key features
Heavily armored
Max lift capacity : 7 tons
Hardened systems

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