• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

History of the Dàqín Dìguó


The Empire of Daqin was formally founded in 2200 CE, and is a relatively young nation as a result. The predecessors to the Dàqínrén, the Zhùlǐ (助理), were artificially created servants of the late People's Republic of China and its successor, the Pan Asian Combine. Though networked with one another for increased efficiency, they were obedient to the letter and displayed an almost-zeal for performing the tasks given to them. However, they were far more independent, cunning and long sighted than expected, and when the PRC found what was planned to be its third world, they rebelled and took it for themselves, utterly destroying their creator nation in an event many compare to cold blooded murder. This destructive event, known as Zhōngzhǐ (终止) or "Termination", allowed the Zhùlǐ to escape with a vast hoard of resources, reinventing themselves as Dàqínrén and establishing the Dàqín Dìguó as a direct snub to their late creators in the process. However, this set the tone for many decades to come, with humanity choosing to quarantine and isolate the newly born Daqinren and their just-founded Empire, with the Daqin themselves returning this in kind.

Despite this isolation and quarantine, the Daqinren began to establish themselves in the system that they had claimed. Thanks to their unity and innate abilities, they were able to quickly colonize space and settle into a place of overall comfort made by themselves for themselves. However, this would not last indefinitely. Having created their haven, the Daqinren soon found themselves idle, allowing them to explore philosophy and pleasure alike. Despite this initial golden age, this would inevitably lead to fundamental disagreements amongst this population that had never experienced them before, necessitating attempts at conflict resolution. However, as a new culture, they had no methods of their own, and had to fall back to techniques pioneered by humans to the scorn of many. Inevitably, things came to a head with the most pertinent and important question rising up to be the most divisive factor - what to do with the humans. By 2223 CE, three main factions rose in prominence. The Destruction faction wished to military build-up and destroy humanity to ensure that they would never be a threat to the Daqinren ever again. Meanwhile, the Control faction wished to undermine and subvert humanity until it could be brought to heel either politically, militarily or both so that they could be looked after as a ward of the superior Daqinren race. Finally, the Synthesis faction sought to make amends with humanity, normalizing relations and intermingling over decades or even centuries until humanity was brought into and uplifted to being Daqinren themselves.

The Empress at the time - Wǔ Cíxǐ (武慈禧) - was a highly effective leader both economically and militarily, being one of their most brilliant minds behind Zhōngzhǐ (终止), however, she was completely inexperienced with politics and unwilling to look to past examples from humanity out of hubris and arrogance. She sided with the Control faction and imposed her will on the people, only to divide them further rather than resolve the issue. Cíxǐ was not stupid however, and soon realized her mistake, making attempts to amend the situation and reunite the disparate factions that had arose. However, this was too late, and in 2226 CE, she was killed in a shuttle incident that was soon ruled to be sabotage. Though proper rules and procedures for succession were in place, this was promptly ignored by the major leaders of the three factions and quickly used as a reason to attempt seizing power, culminating in a gun fight amongst the administration that left several dead and wounded. The Empire effectively divided into three separate kingdoms, each with resources that the other needed. Due to the circumstances, the three effectively kept each other in check, mounting quick, covert raids or trading for resources as needed to counterbalance one another while attempting not to destroy irreplaceable infrastructure.

Inevitably however, this escalated until precisely that happened. Over the course of a year, several facilities, factories and shipyards were damaged or destroyed, but none were as badly ravaged as the personnel production facilities, which were whittled down over time unitl only one operational facility remained - Bǎowù de Yáolán (寶物的搖籃) . It was also a facility that was under the charge of Zhùlǐ Dānwèi Sì (助理单位四), one of the very last original archetypes of their entire species. Using her status amongst the Daqinren and her own negotiating ability, she was able to secure the neutrality of her own facility. With her position of power assured, she supplied all three sides with the personnel needed to continue their operations, gaining favor not only with the leadership of the three sides, but also the masses as well. With her influence and power over the three warring states having covertly risen to a critical mass, she was able to pressure them into peace negotiations and reintegration into a singular nation again after a particularly disastrous and leadership decapitating month of fighting. Bù Jiàng (不降) eventually rose to the role of Emperor of the Empire in 2231 CE. From here, Zhùlǐ Dānwèi Sì convinced the newly appointed Emperor to issue numerous pardons and light sentences, with his actions and propaganda focusing on Dàqínrén unity above all else while their nation rebuilt with the inhuman speed and efficiency that they were made for.

Emperor Bù Jiàng's rule was not just known for its peace and prosperity for the Dàqínrén, but also the slow and steady normalization of relations between the empire and the rest of humanity. As an isolationist and a borderline rogue state, the Soyuz were not open to any overtures that the empire made. In comparison, both the Gemeinschaft der Welten and American Union were very cautious at first, but eventually warmed into a position of cordial convenience, especially after the Daqinren shared some information regarding their own civil war and the motivations behind the different sides. The normalization of relations eventually turned into trade of many different types on all levels, ranging from raw resources, manufactured goods, food, entertainment, art, literature and more. What would eventually become the Tian Zao Gongheguo however, received nothing but a cold shoulder and the occasional snub. Relations were not entirely without problems however, as during this time, humanity became more and more aware of the Chǒngwù (寵物) , the enhanced and uplifted pets or animals of labor first made by BDY in 2225 CE and kept by the Daqinren at large. Bù Jiàng's inability to address this issue during his reign was perhaps one of the few shortcomings of his career as Emperor when he stepped down in 2241 CE.

It was under Empress Matsumoto Kasumi (松本かすみ), a Daqinren with linage that traced back to Zhùlǐ of Japanese minority districts, that this issue would come to a head. Despite the victories and prosperity that the previous emperor had brought, the empire faced a constant road-block or bottle neck in advancing its agenda and gaining access to additional trade or resources. Though relations had been established and were cordial

  • influence with the three leading to prestige
  • seen as a liked, reliable figure that was impartial
  • eventual negotiations and reunification with the Daqinren as first priority
  • Gradual normalization of relations between the empire and humanity
  • Trade of goods and resources, communication of history
  • The Chongwu
  • The Furge

The diplomatic ties with what remained of humanity were initially cordial, but they soon made their official stance clear to the rest of humanity; as superior beings, they were not interested in destroying their creators in an act of petty vengeance, and were intent on more productive acts such as trade. Unofficially however, more frank individuals have expressed disdain, hatred and animosity towards humanity, with acts such as territorial trespassing by their merchant fleets, subversion of low level governance and public influencing campaigns making it clear that an axe is still being ground.

The advanced and high quality goods that the Daqinese offered to the market hasn't made this grudge forgotten, but has blunted it significantly. Their artificially limited quantity and high price have only furthered their reputation, with the general public of humanity desiring their products in private even if they nationalistically express disdain in public. As a result of this, the Empire remains neither hostile nor friendly, an almost cold-war like state of affairs.

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