• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.


Guo Kong Fang/GKF/國空防/Republic Space Command/RSC is the primary military institution of the Heaven Forged Republic, due to the confederacy's interstellar nature, and that planetary forces are under the command of individual member states. The GKF is overseen by the Chancellor of the HFR and the Ministry of Defense, its top military officer being the Kongjun Shangjiang/空軍上將/Space Command High Admiral. The GKF is responsible for the security of interstellar and interplanetary space claimed by the HFR, stopping at spheres of influence of gravity wells claimed by each respective member state, along with the standardization of military assets amongst the confederate states. It also oversees civilian space traffic, tracking spacecraft transits and resolving anomalies through rescue missions and anti-piracy operations.

The GKF is the most powerful organization in the HFR's executive branch, involved in military, research, and civilian operations, its power only contested by the Republic Central Bank and the Ministry of Energy. Thus, the GKF is particularly scrutinized by Council members on a regular basis.


  • Taikong Luzhandui/太空陸戰隊/Space Marines- Mainstay infantry of the RSC
    • Kongjian/空劍/Space Sword - Elite special forces units
  • Taikong Shangchuan Dui/TSD/太空商船隊/Space Merchant Fleet - Oversight organization for civilian and science vessels traversing HFR interplanetary and interstellar space, primary headquarters in Haikou (海口), China, Earth
  • Gongheguo Zhunshi Zichan Biaozhunhua Bangongshi/GZB/共和國軍事資產標準化辦公室/Republic Office of Military Asset Standardization/ROMAS - Researches new military technologies and allocates funding for manufacturing and distribution across the confederacy, primary headquarters in Kuajiang (跨江), Zhuque, Li Ming system
While confederate member states aren't allowed to operate their own dedicated, military spacecraft outside of their claimed gravity well SOI's, the top military officers of fleets operating solely in single star systems have historically been born from that very star system.
  • Tianzao Shenzhou Jiandui/TSZJ/天造神州艦隊/Heaven Forged Shen Zhou Fleet - Operates in the Shen Zhou system, headquartered on Taizu, Nurhaci Ice Giant System, Shen Zhou System
  • Tianzao Taiyang Jiandui/TTYJ/天造太陽艦隊/Heaven Forged Sol Fleet- Operates across the Sol system, headquartered on Yuezhao Station (月照), Earth-Luna System
    • Muxing Jiandui/木星艦隊/Jupiter Fleet
    • Tuxing Jiandui/土星艦隊/Saturn Fleet
  • Tianzao Liming Jiandui/TLMJ/天造黎明艦隊/Heaven Forged Li Ming Fleet - Operates in the Li Ming system, headquartered on Kongzi, Qiling Ice Giant System, Li Ming System
  • Tianzao Xingji Tanxian Jiandui/TXTJ/天造星際探險艦隊/Heaven Forged Interstellar Expeditionary Fleet - Operates in the outer zones of HFR star systems, headquartered on Haibao Station (氦爆), Taizu, Nurhaci Ice Giant System, Shen Zhou System


The GKF uses a standard commissioned and non-commissioned officer rank system used across the rest of the confederacy. The only difference is that Kongjun/空軍/Space Command is attached as a prefix to all ranks.
  • Shangjiang/上將/High Admiral/OF-9
  • Zhongjiang/中將/Admiral/OF-8
  • Shaojiang/少將/Vice Admiral/OF-7
  • Shangxiao/上校/Cruiser Captain/OF-6
  • Zhongxiao/中校/Frigate Captain/OF-5
  • Shaoxio/少校/Corvette Captain/OF-4
  • Shangwei/上尉/Commander/OF-3
  • Zhongwei/中尉/Lieutenant-Commander/OF-2
  • Shaowei/少尉/Lieutenant/OF-1

  • Shangshizhang/上士長/Chief Warrant Officer/OR-9
  • Zhongshizhang/中士長/Senior Warrant Officer/OR-8
  • Shaoshizhang/少士長/Warrant Officer/OR-7
  • Shangshi/上士/Master Sargent/OR-6
  • Zhongshi/中士/Sargent/OR-5
  • Shaoshi/少士/Corporal/OR-4/3
  • Shangdengbing/上等兵/Lead Rate/OR-2
  • Liebing/列兵/Able Rate/OR-1

Military Asset Naming Conventions

Cruisers (Spacecraft): Ancient Chinese poems, each cruiser has its own unique title
Frigates (Spacecraft): City and stations, individual vessels designated by fleet, purpose, and number
Corvettes (Spacecraft): Atmospheric and space weather phenomena for class, individual vessels designated by fleet, purpose, and number
Unmanned spacecraft: No convention, up to manufacturer, approved by the GZB

The following only have class names given by the GKF. Naming conventions are up to the confederate member state that utilizes the asset.
Aircraft: Birds, real or mythical, with an adjective prefix
Armored Fighting Vehicles (AFV, Landcraft): Geological phenomena
Mechs: Land animals, real or mythical, with an adjective prefix
Infantry weaponry: Purpose and revision number only
Unmanned craft: No convention, up to manufacturer, approved by the GZB

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