Gifrung Type Guncrawler
A relatively advanced, mobile and durable tank, that was Clan Stygra's main assault vehicle during the inter-clan wars. It is a bit more lightly armoured than the Yorugan, but is faster (about 100-120MPH in the open) and completely amphibious. It is armed with two machineguns and a depleted uranium gattling gun, as well as an infra-red camera scope and a very accurate ranging scope.
Also sometimes mounted on the turret is a magnetic-propelled thermite spray gun, basically a giant, highly devastating, anti-armour blowtorch.
They are reasonably common for purchase in the north eastern territories, though many are modified with inferior armaments due to either scarcity of the unique ammo, or the inability of a bootleg manufacturer to copy the advanced weapon systems. Sometimes the entire turret is replaced with that of the Yorugan or Garu Yorugan, despite the clans being former enemies on the battlefield.
Vehicle Rating | |||
Armour | 4 | Firepower | 5 |
Speed | 4 | Stealth | 2 |
Weapon Range | 5 | Travel Range | 350 km per refuel |
Rarity | Common |
Variant; "Sawn-off" Sul-Gifrung Type Guncrawler
A common variant of the Gifrung, removing the turret and placing the main gun in the hull instead. It's a lot cheaper, but worse armoured and has poor close defensive ability. Mostly used by those who prefer to rely on ambush tactics, or just can't afford the real thing.
Vehicle Rating | |||
Armour | 3 | Firepower | 4 |
Speed | 5 | Stealth | 3 |
Weapon Range | 5 | Travel Range | 400 km per refuel |
Rarity | Common |
Variant; Morof Gifrung Type Missile Guncrawler
A large alternate turret for the Gifrung that mounts eight long range 800kg heavy missiles, as well as a high-accuracy passive radar dish. It is capable of attacking enemies over the horizon, targeting airborne enemies, as well as accurately assigning firing coordinates to other units. It is also a rare example of a Grawla unit with actual radio capability, though it is mostly used to monitor enemy transmissions.
Despite being a Stygra mainstay during the inter-clan wars, it is exceedingly expensive to buy new ammunition for it, and thus it is now quite rare in independent hands. Only hardcore clans, expecting war with the humans to kick off soon, have stockpiled more than a handful of them.
Vehicle Rating | |||
Armour | 4 | Firepower | 10 |
Speed | 3 | Stealth | 1 |
Weapon Range | 20 | Travel Range | 250 km per refuel |
Rarity | Uncommon except in clan stockpiles |
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