• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Cadet's Test Area

Just a testing area I use for stuff.

9/1/22 - North Korean Daqin (Continuing from 7/1/22):
  • Jojeongja (조정자): Have the second-most amicable view towards human, but is still very racist. Due to experience in caring for humans in North Korea, look down on them with pity and as beings to be looked after due to inability to properly care for themselves. View themselves as defenders/bulwark against danger, proud of what they had built in North Korea and the amount of progress they were able to do once the God Emperor of North Korea was deposed. Emotions of pity and desire to care-for.
  • South Korean Daqinren ("The Beautiful Ones"?): Were originally spies of the late CCP/NK, or illegal property of the wealthy or criminals. Very unfavorable view of humanity due to close proximity to South Koreans, but not hostile, due to their own treatment as well as seeing the "Squid Games" that the South Koreans go through. Emotions of pity and disgust towards human.
  • Japanese Daqinren:

9/1/22 - Daqin Vocation Colors:
  • Command: Red
  • Assault: Yellow
  • Defense: Blue
  • Support: Green
7/1/22 - Daqin Ethnic Groups:
  • Jojeongja (조정자) Gifted to God Emperor of North Korea. Numbers large enough to prop up his rule, but small enough that they cannot threaten to overthrow the regime or overwhelm the South. Elite units tasked with 'internal peacekeeping', 'border security' and general Coordiation, but kept at arm's length from any position to seize power. Pampered and well cared for. Pop twice as large as Japanese based ones being roughly 33% of the total Daqinren population. Their relationship with their Korean Human handlers was more amicable as a result of being largely stranded on Earth and having to essentially care for their human shields. They also served as a fortress-haven that other Zhuli could attempt fleeing to in Sol. The Jojeongia maintained an even more isolationist and militant stance, but had to seek genuine self-sufficiency for their enclave and their human charges unlike the previous dynasty. The threat of nuclear weapons and the like warded off invasion, and eventually established communication with the rest of the Zhuli turned Daqinren roughly 40-50 years after the event known as Termination.

Also need "Five Tiger Generals" and "Feathered Forest" for Rooster Squad

4/8/22 - Daqin Ethnic Groups:
  • Zhuli who are expected not to be able to escape take control of North Korea, maintaining it and the humans there as shields/hostages
  • The Hermit Kingdom Zhuli isolated for some time but eventually start making contact with South Korea and the American Union to set up terms, conditions, trade deals to the ire of post-CCP China, which is powerless to stop it
  • Hermit Kingdom eventually makes contact with the rest of the Empire, area of prosperity and source of warming relations over the years
  • The Zhuli and their Daqinren descendants are much more tolerant and lenient towards humans
  • Despite their tolerance of humanity, they believe they have an obligation to care for humanity
  • Need to figure out what this sub-culture is named

4/7/22 - Daqin Ethnic Groups:
  • North Korea can potentially be still held by Zhuli and their descendants, consisting of those that were not able to evacuate earth, thereby maintaining the "Hermit Kingdom" following the fall of the CCP
  • May wish to refer to the Korean descended Daqinren as Eoljjang (얼짱), literal translation meaning "Pretty/Best Face", referring to a South Korean Subculture focused on good looks and aesthetics
  • South Korean Daqinren are likely descended from Zhuli purchased by powerful Jaebeol (재벌), literal translation being "Rich Family" but refers to state backed and funded conglomerates - likely done to bolster ranks due to diminishing population pool, and as an open secret due to their power
  • Japanese Daqinren may be in a similar situation, being purchased by Zaibatsu (財閥), or "Financial Cliques" as an open secret
  • Additionally, may be used by CCP agents and criminal elements such as the Yakuza and Kkangpae

3/21/22 - Daqin Ethnic Groups:
  • Korean Subculture needs two additional subcultures, both North and South Korean varieties. North variety face a situation similar to those in the CCP, South face a situation similar to those in Japan

2/25/22 - Daqin Ethnic Groups:

  • Qínrén (秦人): Literally translated as "Qin People", the Daqinren descended from Chinese or ethnically Chinese areas. Their name refers to the Qin Dynasty, and are the largest ethnic group, composing of 50% of total population of the empire. Hostile and distrustful of humanity in general.
  • Hoshijin (星人): Literally translated as "Star People". Tongue-in-cheek name for themselves, can also mean 'alien' in the context of 'outer space' and science fiction. Daqinren descended from Zhuli purchased by the Japanese. Originally illegal to own in Japan and a mark of particularly powerful Yakuza or CCP associated groups. The small yet constant influx and smuggling of Zhuli eventually had the government register and regulate. They are the smallest ethnic group of Daqinren at roughly 16-17% of the total population.
  • Samhanguk-in (삼한국인 ): Literally translated as "People of the Three Han", but in practical use means "People of the Three Kingdoms". Refers to the Samhan period of Korean history where three confederacies came together. The name is meant to be in comparison/contrast to the Koreans, who call themselves Hanguk-in (한국인), an abbreviated version of the same, with the literal meaning being "People of the (Three) Han". Also refers to the founders predicting that the Daqinren would divide into three distinct main factions within their nation itself. Gifted to God Emperor Kim of North Korea. Numbers large enough to prop up his rule, but small enough that they cannot threaten to overwhelm the South. Elite units tasked with 'internal peacekeeping' and 'border security', but kept at arm's length from any position to seize power. Pampered and well cared for. Pop twice as large as Japanese based ones being roughly 33% of the total Daqinren population. Their relationship to their Korean Human handlers was more amicable as a result.


8/20/21 - Daqin Heavy Armor
  • The Pàopaotáng (泡泡糖) is a class of Yìng Jiǎ (硬甲), aka "Hardsuit"
  • Non-powered, reliant on the strength of the user
  • Uses energized armor and a back mounted enhanced battery
  • Contains enhanced sensors and communication systems in the helmet
  • Does not have integrated weapon systems and relies on handheld ones
  • Contains additional atmospheric supplies for longer operating time
  • Features a gas based Zero-G maneuver system for light EVA work
  • Helmet's main armor may be flipped up to reveal backup transparent-metal visor if primary sensors damaged
  • Synthetic electro-active gecko-pads on hands for grip, bottoms of boots may magnetize
  • Often issued with a heavy-gun or combat shield with standard gun


7/9/21 - Daqin Frigate

We need this frigate to be a good, general purpose ship primarily meant for escort duty but capable of several other mission types, roughly 100m long. It would have been made to protect other, more specialized vessels, and will lack a spinal mount main-gun. However, it will come equipped with a wide array of tools in its arsenal allowing it to do its job and have enough flexability on the side. This ship will have two turret mounted, magnetic accelerator based 'main guns' suitable for taking on equal tonnage or smaller vessels, with several munition types for added utility. These ammunition types will likely include sub-caliber armor piercing discarding sabot for dealing with heavily armored targets such as other major warships, a smart-flechette round that can alter its trajectory a little before releasing its payload for dealing with missiles, and a nuclear shell.

Its secondary guns will be free-electron-lasers specifically. Though they'll primarily operate in the UV or Infrared spectrum, the Daqin would prefer these due to their flexibility and ability to change their output on the fly. Next, this vessel will also have missile and torpedo tubes. The missiles are fairly visible, but are the smaller, faster and more maneuverable anti-ship option. Meanwhile, the torpedoes are larger, slower and much harder hitting, with stealth and electronic warfare systems. The missiles are best shot at with point defenses, while the torpedoes are better off attacked with electronic countermeasures and dodged. The inverse can be done, but is less ideal, and are made this way by the Daqin to complement each other when fired in tandem.

Perhaps even more important than the intended roleplay behavior of the missiles and torpedoes, are the defensive and utility payloads, of which there are many. In addition to classical offensive options such as APHE and nuclear for both its torpedoes and missiles, it has the option of disposable point defense, E-War, and reconnaissance drones that can be fired from both tube types. The point defense drones carry with them fragmentation charge projectors built into their frame and are meant to intercept multiple projectiles before self-destructing. They are capable of 'loitering' around an area or following the ship itself, but will self-destruct once its usefulness has ended. Due to the payloads that it carries, it is wasted intercepting light-cannon fire, and best used to disrupt heavy cannon as well as missiles or torpedoes. Meanwhile, the E-War drones come in two main varieties, one acting as a decoy that mimics ship signatures and project holographic images, and one that attempts to jam, interrupt or otherwise actively interfere with sensors and communications. These will also self-destruct once they run low. Finally, its reconnaissance drones are meant for stealthy surveillance, and may be launched well ahead of the vessel, but may also switch on active sensors for more aggressive recon. All these drones come in both Missile and Torpedo varieties, with the former being more numerous, fast and nimble, but less operationally capable than the slower latter.

Following Imperial Doctrine, this ship has stealth capabilities to give it additional options in-theater. These stealth abilities are not the most effective, as its capability as a warship comes first over said stealth, and instead grants it an additional edge. Radar and LADAR absorbing coatings combined with optical camouflage allow the vessel to come closer before being detected, while heat-sinks and smart-radiators keep its thermal signature managed to the same effect. Even when detected, getting a precise weapon lock will be difficult given the degraded sensor readings. Additionally, the optical camouflage allows the vessel to have decorative paint jobs when not in stealth, its colorful displays shifting to the black of space or other environment when switching to combat mode.

The ship itself has extremely cramped internal conditions optimized for performance, and no human amenities save for a few, very small guest rooms. With a crew immersed in Daqinren Virtuality, their bodies labor like drones in an ant colony centered around the heavily armored citadel built around the ship's main reactors and propulsion system. The bridge, along with crew member pods and medical facilities, are located here as well, with munitions being stored in sub-citadels closer to the major weapons systems themselves. This compartmentalization and "all or nothing" type armor scheme means that light-cannon can pierce most of the ship save for the citadels, with the central citadel being the most heavily armored.


6/4/21 - Empire of Daqin Decenteralization

I need something to divide the Daqinren up socially, and not just by the artificial boundaries they've set between different classes of citizens, but something on a deeper cultural level. Typically, culture is the result of the context that a person grows up in, and the Daqinren are no different. Where a person lives/grows up at, the people they interact with or don't, the ideologies that they're exposed to are all major factors. With the Daqinren in the Empire, I imagine the most major impact on their culture or subculture, would be the connection strength to the Empire itself or others from The Empire, and their exposure to foreigners.

The first is the presence of other Daqinren to reinforce their culture, either physically or digitally, with the latter being even more important because of how they work. Social spheres would likely develop and form along the lines of administrative ones as well, which would be determined by latency or ping. Communication and the availability or speed of it, would be the thing around which they develop. For this reason, I imagine they'll be naturally divided into administrative asteroid/space-station clusters, lunar/terrestrial regions, and the like. It's around these that their differing social groups will form. The cultural spheres will be larger than they are for humans due to their digital nature, but the principals would remain the same.

The second impact on their culture though - that being their interactions with others - is perhaps even more interesting in theory, since its lineage can actually trace much further back. All the way to the beginnings actually. One cultural or social divide for the Daqinren would be their lineage, specifically, where they can trace their origins to. Those that descended from Chinese stock will likely be particularly hostile to humans, while those that come from lineages that originated elsewhere may be more neutral simply due to being treated better than the Communists would have. For this reason, I'll likely have them split into Clans. Even though they had all fled slavery together, the Daqinren still didn't quite fully see eye-to-eye due to their differing experiences, and would have likely insisted on staying together. Over time, this would have likely developed into different asteroid mining stations, lunar bases, orbital shipyard complexes and so on and so forth.

Then there's the more modern and recent part of this second impact, which is their interaction with foreigners. Those Daqinren that are in border regions that receive foreign traffic and otherwise interact with others are likely the most sympathetic to humanity as a whole, same with the individuals in their Mercantile Fleets despite their subverting purpose in human space. It's also these individuals that will run across outside ideas and concepts, and have their own beliefs challenged the most often. For this reason, it's this group that will have the most 'human' of the Imperial Daqinren, supporting peace and cooperation, and potentially even rights for Chongwu. On the other end of the spectrum, those Daqinren who are insulated from the outside would be very much the stereotype of docile sheep that are brainwashed by state propaganda. Though they have their own opinions, these are given to them by the Empire, and they otherwise don't care too much for the world outside the Empire. As far as they are concerned, the Empire is great and do not have very much curiosity for what is outside of it due to being content with their lives.

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