Zaitsev-Class IVAS Suit
The Zaitsev Class Inter-Vehicular Assault Suit is a standard issue piece of armoured vacuum apparel. Commonly seen around the Union of Socialist Worlds in the 2320s, it forms the backbone of spacewalks for the civilian and military sectors alike.

Zaitsev IVAS Type-E /|||||\ Zaitsev IVAS Type-K
The suit went through several drafts in its development cycle, with the first prototype being a jumpsuit designed for wear within the confines of CCM space installations and spacewalks. In 2103 CE, following the commencement of Project Izkhod, an order came down on the scientific institutes from the Earth CNS. The instructions demanded that a new spacesuit be fashioned to represent Soyuz, to equip the first colonists reaching out towards Kitezh. While most institutes came up with various designs and prototypes of potential suits, there was one in particular that was favoured due to its impeccable durability and protective properties - one designed by the Anatoly Zaitsev Polytechnic Institute of Engineering and Material Science, located in Novosibirsk. At the time, this Zaitsev Type-O IVAS suit paid homage to the old Soviet variants by being vibrant orange, with black and white accents, as well as a distinct ringed helmet mount resting atop the shoulders. Originally on paper, the suit was supposed to have a large red star printed on the back, which would contain the name of its owner in white. This feature was scrapped, due to the similarity with the Walk of Fame in Hollywood; and refusal of Institute administration to allude to CCM citizens being walked on by Americans.
After vigorous testing, said orange glittered around Soyuz spacecraft and orbital installations for the next 96 years, before the suit was put through a military upgrade in the wake of the Zhōngzhǐ. Anticipating an imminent anti-communist attack from the Zhùlǐ, the Zaitsev Type-O IVAS received padding with domestically produced kevlar and surface carbon fiber shielding. The threat never materialized, but the armour remained. At this stage, the division between a military and civilian IVAS was clear enough to separate into different models of various colouration.
With the introduction of reactive armour technology in the 2260s and established material independence of the Yasny system, the IVAS went through another redesign. New armour plating was added, giving the suit an unorthodox crystalline appearance; reflected in many other modern Soyuz designs. The same reached the helmet, which was given distinct outer 'jawbone' support, ultimately retaining its domed form. To establish ease of identification, the Zaitsev IVAS were divided into two primary types - Type E for Earth (claiming established colours of the Earth CNS), and Type K for Kitezh (claiming established colours of the Kitezhan CNS). The underlying jumpsuit design which formed the original Type-O was refurbished to be charcoal/black in colour. A reliable addition for CCM citizens and members of the MoD, some of the suits originally built in the 2260s still protect their owners without fail in 2321.
After the new IVAS suits came into use, most of the Type-O surplus has been modified to be worn by droids. Some of the original suits have remained in families as heirlooms.
After vigorous testing, said orange glittered around Soyuz spacecraft and orbital installations for the next 96 years, before the suit was put through a military upgrade in the wake of the Zhōngzhǐ. Anticipating an imminent anti-communist attack from the Zhùlǐ, the Zaitsev Type-O IVAS received padding with domestically produced kevlar and surface carbon fiber shielding. The threat never materialized, but the armour remained. At this stage, the division between a military and civilian IVAS was clear enough to separate into different models of various colouration.
With the introduction of reactive armour technology in the 2260s and established material independence of the Yasny system, the IVAS went through another redesign. New armour plating was added, giving the suit an unorthodox crystalline appearance; reflected in many other modern Soyuz designs. The same reached the helmet, which was given distinct outer 'jawbone' support, ultimately retaining its domed form. To establish ease of identification, the Zaitsev IVAS were divided into two primary types - Type E for Earth (claiming established colours of the Earth CNS), and Type K for Kitezh (claiming established colours of the Kitezhan CNS). The underlying jumpsuit design which formed the original Type-O was refurbished to be charcoal/black in colour. A reliable addition for CCM citizens and members of the MoD, some of the suits originally built in the 2260s still protect their owners without fail in 2321.
After the new IVAS suits came into use, most of the Type-O surplus has been modified to be worn by droids. Some of the original suits have remained in families as heirlooms.
The jumpsuit is slim-fitting, able to stretch to facilitate owners of varied height, muscle volume and body fat distribution. Designed to be re-useable for at least a century, it is easy to clean and maintain, compounded with elasticity that minimises wear throughout its lifecycle. Its owner is guaranteed advanced insulation, shielding from solar radiation and damage protection - with high tensile strength and abrasion resistance assured in the durable design.
CCM reactive armour designs form the iconic angular surfaces which are designed to protect its wearer from direct hits. Though appearing crystalline, the armour is typically formed from light metal alloy with chromium additive, creating a reflective surface sheen. Its angular shapes are designed to diffuse the force of ballistic impacts by facilitating diagonal impact areas, as well as crumple zones which can take much punishment to shield the user from internal damage. Older designs fuse the armour directly to the jumpsuit (1.0), while the most common form is having the plating mounted on jumpsuit integrated rails (2.0). Some of the more modern designs feature the same intent, albeit with different underlying infrastructure - allowing the armour to react to damage by changing to accommodating shapes (3.0).
The IVAS helmet contains active AR features, allowing its user to access assisted visuals and live-feed information of their choice. This can come in the form of a simple HUD, with various additional widgets depending on activity such as flight, driving and taking measurements. The protective dome uses grain metallic compounds and plastics to provide a similar level of protection as reactive armour, though sacrificing some durability to allow transparency for the user. The overhead visor can be polarised, forming a fully reflective silver exterior while maintaining transparency for the wearer. Breathing is assured via a closed cycle system which is typically connected via an oxygen tank add-on mounted on the back, though in a breathable atmosphere, the wearer can continue using the helmet without an air feed by adjusting some of the interior valves.
The O-Type IVAS, as well as the newer Type-E and Type-K Zaitsev IVAS suits have additional, cross-compatible parts that can be attached.
- Auxiliary Display (Wrist Mounted)
- Closed Cycle Respiratory Module (Air Tank | Back Mounted)
- Integrated Propulsion System (Atmospheric Jetpack & RCS variant)
- Software Package (Additional AR Features)
- Exoskeleton Rails (Frame Support)
- Firearm Storage Clips (Thighs | Hips | Back)
- Additional Pockets (Jumpsuit Storage)
- Mounted Lamps (Flashlight | Suit Illumination)
- Cosmetics (Colour Grading | Suit Mods)
- Prosthetic Limb Support
- Reactive Armour 3.0 Infrastructure
- Drug Administration Framework [RESTRICTED]