Yandex is a mainstream provider of general computing, OS, software and database solutions in the CCM. It has dominated the market for over 200 years - as a result, its logo can be found on most Soyuz systems.
Founded in 2000, Yandex provided a range of internet services for European and Asian markets throughout the 21st century, becoming a multinational giant in general computing that eventually competed with Microsoft. After the emergence of the second iron curtain in the 2070s and consequent exodus of business with western roots, Yandex acquired an overwhelming majority of abandoned IT assets, filling the vacuum left by the likes of Windows with its own alternatives. Over time, Yandex has forked into multiple versions that cater to different markets - B2B, B2C, Energy, Transport, Cloud and more.
Today, Yandex maintains a presence in every CCM socialist republic on Earth as well as population centers in Yasny.
Yandex Overlord is an operating system initially intended for fast-tracking administrative tasks. It is the only one that integrates AI, facilitating machine learning and partial automation of processes based on user activity and behaviour. Though 2 branches of Overlord can interact with each other, each has a unique development cycle based on how its end user utilises the hosting machine. Overlord is capable of co-mingling with other Yandex archetype packages to diversify its range of functions. The package has a positive reputation for being a 'companion', as the integrated AI gradually forms into a digital mirror image of its user, eventually being able to perform complex tasks from the user's routine with only superficial input. However, Overlord also has a positive reputation in criminal circles, with case studies of the AI adapting to the lifestyle of its cybercriminal users in a proactive context. Cracked versions of this operating system can fetch a high price on the elusive underworld markets within Soyuz; though the usefulness of illicit copies lapses quickly, as Yandex releases frequent patches to avoid leaving global systems open to compromise. A known downside and source of some comedy is that an Overlord installation bonds with only one user, being unable to learn from more than one individual and becoming stubborn with anyone else.
In addition to vanilla, Overlord has two sub-branches;
OverlordBK - Floating version used exclusively with droids and drones. Though fresh from the press initially, the AI takes an average of a year to learn a full range of emotions from its user, developing a fully independent personality after 5 years. This version became a dominant force in the robotics market due to its popularity with end-users.
OverlordTK - [REDACTED]
Yandex Overlord OS is prefixed with 'O' before its version number.
Yandex Sage is used almost exclusively in the service industry. Known for its simple unified interface, it operates from preset configurations and minimises auxiliary functions to make its use as beginner-friendly as possible. Because of this, Sage is used in the education system and is the first kind of computer interface that children within the CCM come to know. The preset used is typically unique to each Union, though operating on the same fundamental principles.
Yandex Sage OS is prefixed with 'S' before its version number.Gold
Yandex Vanilla, also known as Gold, is the baseline operating system. It is by far the most widespread and is the factory default for all devices. In the early stages of development, some elements of this operating system were noticeably ripped from Windows due to lack of legal consequences, though it stopped being comparable in the 2150s. Robust and powerful, Gold is commonly used in civilian infrastructure due to its utility and diverse application. Experts who can leverage the full functionality of Gold are highly valued and often have their own placements within each Union.
Unlike other archetypes, Yandex Gold OS does not have a prefix to its version number.Pandora
Yandex Pandora is a developer-tailored operating system. It is a disassembled version of Yandex Gold, fully customizable and open-source - both Overlord and Sage were developed using Pandora. Known for being the 'glue' between software applications and baseline Gold, Yandex Pandora is mostly used by programmers to work compatibility between new apps and command structures within Yandex Gold. Use of Pandora is taught at university level and is out of reach for the average citizen due to its complexity and nuance.
Yandex Pandora OS is prefixed with 'X' before its version number, though can often be recognised by its appearance drifting on a day-to-day basis.This page has been seen 419 times.
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