• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Vin O'Varin

Vin O'Varin

Biographical information
Isolated Territory 2322 Not. Yet. 52 On his ship
Physical description
Daqinese (Formerly Human) Great Dire Wolf Male 6'4 140 kg Jet Black Green Light Tanned
Political information
Himself Bounty Hunter, Professional Killer N/A Second Class N/A Drill Masters, N/A The Mad Dog
Out-of-character information
Stereo_Joe Jason Todd


Vin O'Varin is a tall man of deceptively lithe build. Under the fine articles of clothing, he looks athletic at best. The only thing that looks intimidating about his look is the red enclosed muzzle on his face that he has on all times, which actually suppresses his ability to bite, something that Great Dire Wolves do very often. His green eyes do most of the work in expression for him, with most of his face obscured through the mask.

However, when pushed to or when working, his appearance changes quite a bit. His body wells up, become larger and more muscular looking, fitting for someone of his weight. Fur begins to grow over him, dark and thick. His claws begin to show, razor sharp, augmented with unnatural means.

Skills and Abilities

Roguish Aura: The silver-tongued, near-machiavellian, Vin O'Varin, has been described to have an amiable and welcoming personality, if ever a tad bit too sarcastic. He is capable of weaving in and out of topics and conversations easily, lying and misdirecting as if it was second nature. With a penchant for sleight of hand and amateurish magic tricks, Vin has a way with his hands as much as does with words. In the shadows, he moves quickly, silently, a predator stalking from the shadows, trained by years under traditional training.

Masterful Combatant: Vin O'Varin' has trained himself in both the traditional arts of combat to extensive degree under the tutelage of his masters. His knowledge of ancient techniques were already highly regarded before he left and went rogue. From there on, he sought to learn the modern arts and after many years of training, found himself on the precipice of mastery. His skill with weapons find little rival further more his finesse in unarmed combat.

Advanced Intellect: Vin has minor training in the scientific arts, capable of amateur engineering, chemistry, biology, and pharmatology.

Dire Wolf Enhancements & Training: Under the cross of a Dire-Wolf and years of training, Vin O'Varin displays vastly enhanced strength, speed, and endurance above that of the average Daqin citizen. As a large rush-hunter, Vin O'Varin specializes in strength, power, and endurance as he faces combat head on. He bears enhanced senses sharper, capable of seeing through the dead of night as a nocturnal animal and hearing a pin drop in a humming room. Natural weapons include an extremely strong bite-force and claws which have been replaced by vibro-blade implants to cut through the toughest of materials.


Vin O'Varin is a man of exquisite tastes, simple pleasures, and fine ambience. He does his work for the rush and the money, dedicated to living his life the way he would like it. However, he remains a very traditional and conservative man at heart, very uneasy to change and his mind closed on most topics in spite of his hedonistic outlook on life. As such, many portray Vin as a self-centered, greed-enamoured, and bloodthirsty killer. And they are right. What is worse is that Vin does not see this as a moral grey, he knows what he does is evil and bad, yet he admits that is what makes it all the more enjoyable. However, the teachings of his old masters still resound within him. He has an affinity to children, animals, and nature, as his masters did and thought him to do so. He respects beauty, both inner and outer, and yearns for some semblance of peace in life. Vin is a man that chases the high-life, not seeing that he can be content with what he already has if he just starts walking instead of running.


- Vin O'Varin was found and raised on a nameless, isolated, human town offworld that prided itself on living as they were.​
- Their guards were warriors that trained in the "traditional arts", martial combat that dated almost three hundred years prior. When Vin was found, he was enlisted into their ranks as a young trainee.​
- Vin trained and gained the respect of his masters, yet the small town wasn't exactly keen on letting an outsider become a high-ranking official of their guards.​
- Vin was often a loner due to this. He lived a rather simple life up to this, inside the barracks, eating the plain food they could grow. He didn't talk much, nor did he try to connect with anyone. He never felt lonely, even if half of the reason why he was alone was his fault.​
- Vin found solace in art. He respected good food, beautiful pieces of paintings and music. They gave a hint of color to the life he had in the small town.​
- Vin, after a few years into his work as a guard, left the town. Reason... was never quite given why.​
- Vin worked odd-jobs as he traveled around the world, gaining new experiences. Of course, once he had a taste of a greater life, Vin found himself climbing up the best way he could, fighting.​
- Vin began as a cage fighter, fighting against beasts and physically superior races with his bear human body, expanding his skills with each loss and victory.​
- After a year or so, Vin was asked to become hired muscle in a heist. Vin gladly accepted.​
- Spiralling downwards, Vin found himself a going into more and more dangerous jobs. For one, he began assassinations. While a loner for most his life, he found himself becoming more confident in his words. Not because he had friends, but to better engage his targets.​
- Vin became an official professional killer, known for his suave aura and his great physical prowess. He is mostly hired for missions that are subtle, requiring finesse rather than force, though he could do the later very well.​


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