Valence Class Shuttle

The Valence is an older support ship deployed by the American Union for various surface to orbit and orbit-to-orbit tasks. While it uses an array of older engine systems, its is fully capable of SSTO operations and can lift a small number of people or payload into high orbit. Alternatively it can carry weapon or equipment pods to fill a variety of roles from anti-starship to scouting.
Class: Valence Class
Operators: American Union
Height: 2 meters
Width: 10 Meters
Crew: 1
Propulsion: ULA Mark 12 Small Fusion Drive
Maximum Acceleration: 3g
Sensors: JPL Block 3 Small Podded Sensor System
Operators: American Union
Union Launch Alliance (ULA): Hull / Drive system
Jovian Propulsion Labs (JPL): Sensor Systems
Length: 20 meters
Height: 2 meters
Width: 10 Meters
Crew: 1
Propulsion: ULA Mark 12 Small Fusion Drive
Maximum Acceleration: 3g
Sensors: JPL Block 3 Small Podded Sensor System
The Valence was designed to replace older SSTO designs that were being phased out as far back as 2250. The overall concept of the shuttle hadn't been updated since the early 2100s: an optional air-breathing rocket engine to bring a ship to high speed at high altitude before a rocket-assisted boost into orbit. Throughout the history of the American Union craft like these had been used to bring objects into orbit, ferry people around, and conduct various near-earth security operations.
The Valence was designed to replace a range of ships that were coming to the end of their lifespans in 2250. The design would consolidate a number of different designs into one generic SSTO craft. The craft would then start to be phased out in the 2300s as the Gleesman Class Shuttle started replacing them. However in 2320 tensions with the Magnetic Assembly and the lack of ability to get new Gleesmans would cause the Union to bring the older Valence class ships out of retirement, and begin upgrade programs to make the craft more useful.
The Valence was designed to replace a range of ships that were coming to the end of their lifespans in 2250. The design would consolidate a number of different designs into one generic SSTO craft. The craft would then start to be phased out in the 2300s as the Gleesman Class Shuttle started replacing them. However in 2320 tensions with the Magnetic Assembly and the lack of ability to get new Gleesmans would cause the Union to bring the older Valence class ships out of retirement, and begin upgrade programs to make the craft more useful.