Tomasz Kalinsky
A high cyborg ex-mercenary from the American Union attempting to go clean as a security officer for the Edward Deming. He is a rough figure of incisive tongue and decisive action, possessing a mostly cybernetic body powered by technology exotic and improvised.
Blunt, cynical, and aggressive - that is Tomasz summed up in a nutshell. He is a fairly distrusting and distant person who does not get close to others and prefers to do rather than to say. While he hopes for a safer line of work, the fact that all he knows to do is combat related colours him as a very tense person who does not truly know how to relax. He does not trust the majority of interstellar powers but lacks the dogmatism or the consistency to side with any of them. He can come off as selfish but is hoping his new work can help him to better adapt to a life outside of mercenary work.
Imposing and ominous; his great height and heavily augmented body to the extent it is possibly more machine than man give him the appearance of a semi-skeletal figure akin to a bigger, heftier terminator. His flesh has become a sort of grey-white and large parts of where there would normally be biomass have been replaced by non-reflective metallic and synthetic biomass components, further diminishing his humanity.
Born in the slums of the American Union’s neglected territories, Tomasz Kalinski spent most of his youth as a miscreant and petty criminal, moving from broken household to the juvenile correctional facility, ever-adapted to the reign of ever-immanent punishment and fear. A “reformed” teenager, he entered a world where much of the work was constantly being exported to where the worker rights were worse and the conditions of living more abysmal and soon found himself migrating illegally further and further away from the periphery worlds for any chance of a living. It wasn’t long before he found himself drawn into the world of for-profit soldiering. Desperate for anything to get by and believing he had the street smarts and guts to at least make it as a grunt, he joined up eagerly for corporate funded private military corporation. It was not long before he found himself barely fending off pirate raids and ambushed by extremist militia groups, coming out each time barely alive but with his paycheck and a roof over his heads. He had found some sort of stability but it was built on the wear and tear of being a near disposable grunt for faceless megacorporations that preferred security answerable only to them.
Proving himself as a capable fighter, his multiple promotions often accompanied grievous injuries and in the highly competitive corporate ladder that extended to soldiering, he needed an edge. Increasing amounts of cybernetic began to tax his body as did his own compatriots attempting to sabotage augmentation efforts or even discretely leak information about his whereabouts to hostile forces. It was not long before he decided he had enough of being a suit-and-tie’s attack dog and faked his death during a particularly vital mission, willingly disappearing in a faked IED attack and letting a whole garrison fall to terrorist attacks as he vanished. A new life awaited him as an even less questionable line of work: not a private military contractor but a mercenary going by the name of Wormglare. With even more extensive augmentations acquired from unscrupulous sources, the removal of much of his original biomass, and the identification on his old augmentations removed then buried by countless black market additions, he was no less of a terror on the fringes where his services were employed. Starting fires in American Union barracks during occupations, destroying Magnetic Assembly power supplies, sniping Daqin military officials hidden in the wilderness – little was safe from his increasingly cybernetic sight and wrath when there was money to be made.
Once more, this life began to take a toll on him and he made yet another escape, now going by the name of Tobias Adamson, applying for a new position on board the Edward Deming a “security expert”. For once in his life, he found the idea of being a citizen appealing as the independent Hawking system seemed to be one of the few places he could think of brave enough to give the American Union the finger. Unused to the idea of a normal civilian life, he’s decided to see if this will be the final escape he deserves from a life of near constant bloodshed and treachery.
[*]Combat Training
From his days as a street-smart youth getting into gang fights and robbing businesses to his days as a mercenary both off and on the books, Tomasz is a very dangerous individual even without his signature weaponry. He is a master of fighting in wilderness environments as well as lower tech urban ones both in a more overt official capacity from his PMC days fighting for massive resource-devouring corporations or on the flipside a “specialist” often in the employ of insurgent or even terrorist groups. He prefers to fight at short to medium ranges but is an excellent shot with a variety of semi-automatic weaponry. His hand-to-hand combat style is vicious and unpredictable, partially improvised in some senses, and he has a fondness for blades whether wrist mounted or hand held. He knows a thing or two about explosives whether being launched or set-up to annihilate clueless targets.
[*]Repairs and Technology
Being more machine than man at this point, he is an expert in applying, maintaining, and upgrading augmentations whether on himself or on others. This has lead to him naturally being quite good at maintaining robots, mecha, and even vehicles. He cannot say he is a true engineer, knowing often enough to patch up moderate damage and to get dysfunctional devices working again. Yet when it comes to augmentations, there are few that are on his level and he takes pride in being able to make “unstable” or “dangerous” augmentations practically harmless for usage.
His imposing appearance belies the fact that as someone who has vanished multiple times over his life, Tomasz is someone who can be very sneaky without the need for cloaking technology. Whether the prey of government forces, bounty hunters, vengeful corporations, or even bioengineered beings, ruins and wilderness are his domain. Misleading foes through deception, creeping amongst their camps, and concealing himself in filth and dirt are all part of his expansive playbook. More than a few cocky big shots and their squads of heavily armed cohorts have vanished never to be heard from again when they felt they could bring back his head from whatever hovel he had been hidden in.
From his violently unpleasant youth to his treacherous adulthood, Tomasz learned not just to stand up for himself but to force other to stand down. His grotesque appearance compliments his harsh voice and ear for threatening rhetoric. On more than one occasion, this combination of uncomfortably mechanical aesthetics and rough speech has warded off potential threats. It also proves useful for forcing questionable people he often comes into contact with or the employ of to hold up their end of the bargain or give him exactly what he wants. The fact that he can back this up with violence beyond merely just looking the part and has very, very few qualms about hurting those he feels deserve give him an aura of terror and barbarity when he is not in a good mood.
Since becoming a living machine, the originally not particularly computer savvy Tomasz claims he “understands” them better. He cannot claim to be a master hacker but his various cybernetics allow him to remotely or physically interface with digital outlets whether it’s covertly observing electronic data or causing momentary malfunctions to distract or momentarily confuse potential threats. For him, it is like simply tricking a sucker into doing what he wants even if he avoids hardcore electronic warfare.
Ever since he left his PMC job (and gained the ire of many), he has been often forced to make due with less or with the unfamiliar. As such he is experienced in surviving in the wilderness, warzones, abandoned areas and maintaining strange technology built into his own body. He can improvise upgrades, augmentations, repairs, and also hunt for food, track wildlife, identify foraging spots and bodies of water among others. This proved handy for the many times he found the tides of politics and power shifting against him, forcing him on the run and with the often-inconsistent logistics support he had simply not an option. He often carries bug-out bags and emergency equipment on his person or hidden in various components within his body.
Traits are more or less some noteworthy aspects of your character. Are they brave? Are they cowardly? Is this person creative or dumb? Maybe they're very pretty, or completely distracting?
When Tomasz gets agitated, he lets it be known and doesn’t often hold back. Sometimes this is intentionally to intimidate those he dislikes. Other times it is a prelude to brutalizing them.
When he’s not terrorizing others or being a difficult person to work with, he is carefully watching and planning his next move. His complex cybernetics allow him to scan, analyse, and record much of what he can perceive and subconsciously he is often plotting how to survive a situation that has gone wrong.
Fear is an old friend to the ex-mercenary but rather than holding him back, it sharpens him and can even embolden him to show it off to those around him. This is not a case of ego; rather if he is working with others, being the brave one often pushes your allies to simply doing their jobs better by virtue of boosting morale. He’s not so bold he’ll constantly risk himself over petty nonsense but enough that he will have less qualms about being put in very dangerous situations than most.
His high rank during his time as a PMC and his reputation as a mercenary often put him in charge of squads of soldiers many of which were of varying levels of skill and competence. It was his job to keep them all in line and to ensure missions were completed. To this end while he is not always likeable, he knows how to coordinate small units of people and can be charismatic when he needs to be.
Cybernetics Framework
This is his body really; a complex living system of armour, augmentations, and synthetic biomass that functions as both a combat automaton and a living computer. Hidden weapons, advanced computers, redundancies via back-up organs and devices, even a mobile data providing system among others make him freakishly versatile and hardy. It also boosts his already impressive strength, reaction time, and other physical capabilities on top of having more efficient internal systems than conventional humans.
Wrath-Type Enhanced Battle Rifle
A heavy calibre automatic weaponry based on upgrades to aging American Union rifles to make them effective enough for contemporary use. While they are not popular in the military, Tomasz kept one with him from his days as a PMC and has extensively modified his own for larger magazine size, higher rate of fire, and various attachments that can network with his own digital systems. The weapon typically features a scope at a minimum but one can also find grenade launchers, digital signal trackers, target painting lasers, and even exotic equipment like electroshock projectors and energy-casing bullet jacketing add-ons attached to it. It typically has a 20-round magazine and has been modified to allow for rapid fire and four round bursts.
Red Mamba Direct Energy Beam Gun
A compact energy weapon firing its titular energy emission, capable of piercing through heavy armour and striking vital components. This was a corporate-exclusive weapon, meant for fighting powerful automata and normally somewhat difficult to use if not for Tomasz’s various own augmentations and modifications to the weapon. It can now fire in short controlled bursts at lower power but rapidly amplify to high concentration, making it better for faster targets as well as lighter vehicles. The beam has also been modified to be capable of disrupting the air for a certain distance, knocking away particles that might leach its energy though this feature stops working past a certain range. It gives a high heat signature so when he uses it, he is likely not going to care much about stealth.
Rampage Fragmentation Pistol
Favoured by the insurgent groups he first fought then was hired by, this weapon was based on old prototypes for a compact shotgun that never really took off until its creator sold the rights to a shell company fronting for militants. This magnum-like weapon fires conical blasts of small flechettes accelerated by an electro-chemical reaction. While it is not as powerful as a proper shotgun, it can degrade even heavy infantry armour up close and can be fired as fast as one pulls the trigger. He has an attachment that allows for the rounds to be fully electrified as well as to explode after embedding themselves in a target on top of an extended magazine and an aim-assisting tracking device.
None yet.
- Build: Muscular, slightly thick around the shoulders, little fat and overall powerful in an almost predatory way. Most of the size comes from the fact that a lot of his armour is integrated into his body in the form of layered plating a dull blue-purple in colour with flexible ballistic padding spacing out various sections.
- Facial Features: All of the tissue from his face had been removed years ago leaving it a masked, metallic skull-like mask complete with a grate-like mouth covering. He does not possessed a visible nose or ears but has small olfactory-auditory receptors in the shape of small speaker-like buds on the sides of his head and upper cheekbones. He has four eyes hence his nickname; one is his natural eye which sits in one socket and is heavily augmented by nanobot linings and augmentative cybernetics. The other is a cluster of three tubular eye-substitutes that emerge from a half-dome like covering over his other socket. All of his eyes can look independently of one another.
- Hair Style: N/A
- Distinguishing Features: His arms have a variety of metallic components, gears, and intersecting parts running through them, making them look almost entirely metallic save for a few streaks of his oddly coloured flesh and the outline of his metal-laced bones. There are exoskeletal attachments on the side of his legs going up to the sides of his waist that are used to increase his movement speed. A series of rails can be seen on his inner arms that appear to be able to be slotted with some sort of projectile or dart. His shoulder blades jut out of his body slightly like very small shoulderpads, made of a semi-organic half-metallic bone-like material with lights that can be activated that peek over his shoulders. Rather than ten fingers, he has fourteen with three opposing thumbs on each hand.
Born in the slums of the American Union’s neglected territories, Tomasz Kalinski spent most of his youth as a miscreant and petty criminal, moving from broken household to the juvenile correctional facility, ever-adapted to the reign of ever-immanent punishment and fear. A “reformed” teenager, he entered a world where much of the work was constantly being exported to where the worker rights were worse and the conditions of living more abysmal and soon found himself migrating illegally further and further away from the periphery worlds for any chance of a living. It wasn’t long before he found himself drawn into the world of for-profit soldiering. Desperate for anything to get by and believing he had the street smarts and guts to at least make it as a grunt, he joined up eagerly for corporate funded private military corporation. It was not long before he found himself barely fending off pirate raids and ambushed by extremist militia groups, coming out each time barely alive but with his paycheck and a roof over his heads. He had found some sort of stability but it was built on the wear and tear of being a near disposable grunt for faceless megacorporations that preferred security answerable only to them.
Proving himself as a capable fighter, his multiple promotions often accompanied grievous injuries and in the highly competitive corporate ladder that extended to soldiering, he needed an edge. Increasing amounts of cybernetic began to tax his body as did his own compatriots attempting to sabotage augmentation efforts or even discretely leak information about his whereabouts to hostile forces. It was not long before he decided he had enough of being a suit-and-tie’s attack dog and faked his death during a particularly vital mission, willingly disappearing in a faked IED attack and letting a whole garrison fall to terrorist attacks as he vanished. A new life awaited him as an even less questionable line of work: not a private military contractor but a mercenary going by the name of Wormglare. With even more extensive augmentations acquired from unscrupulous sources, the removal of much of his original biomass, and the identification on his old augmentations removed then buried by countless black market additions, he was no less of a terror on the fringes where his services were employed. Starting fires in American Union barracks during occupations, destroying Magnetic Assembly power supplies, sniping Daqin military officials hidden in the wilderness – little was safe from his increasingly cybernetic sight and wrath when there was money to be made.
Once more, this life began to take a toll on him and he made yet another escape, now going by the name of Tobias Adamson, applying for a new position on board the Edward Deming a “security expert”. For once in his life, he found the idea of being a citizen appealing as the independent Hawking system seemed to be one of the few places he could think of brave enough to give the American Union the finger. Unused to the idea of a normal civilian life, he’s decided to see if this will be the final escape he deserves from a life of near constant bloodshed and treachery.
[*]Combat Training
From his days as a street-smart youth getting into gang fights and robbing businesses to his days as a mercenary both off and on the books, Tomasz is a very dangerous individual even without his signature weaponry. He is a master of fighting in wilderness environments as well as lower tech urban ones both in a more overt official capacity from his PMC days fighting for massive resource-devouring corporations or on the flipside a “specialist” often in the employ of insurgent or even terrorist groups. He prefers to fight at short to medium ranges but is an excellent shot with a variety of semi-automatic weaponry. His hand-to-hand combat style is vicious and unpredictable, partially improvised in some senses, and he has a fondness for blades whether wrist mounted or hand held. He knows a thing or two about explosives whether being launched or set-up to annihilate clueless targets.
[*]Repairs and Technology
Being more machine than man at this point, he is an expert in applying, maintaining, and upgrading augmentations whether on himself or on others. This has lead to him naturally being quite good at maintaining robots, mecha, and even vehicles. He cannot say he is a true engineer, knowing often enough to patch up moderate damage and to get dysfunctional devices working again. Yet when it comes to augmentations, there are few that are on his level and he takes pride in being able to make “unstable” or “dangerous” augmentations practically harmless for usage.
His imposing appearance belies the fact that as someone who has vanished multiple times over his life, Tomasz is someone who can be very sneaky without the need for cloaking technology. Whether the prey of government forces, bounty hunters, vengeful corporations, or even bioengineered beings, ruins and wilderness are his domain. Misleading foes through deception, creeping amongst their camps, and concealing himself in filth and dirt are all part of his expansive playbook. More than a few cocky big shots and their squads of heavily armed cohorts have vanished never to be heard from again when they felt they could bring back his head from whatever hovel he had been hidden in.
From his violently unpleasant youth to his treacherous adulthood, Tomasz learned not just to stand up for himself but to force other to stand down. His grotesque appearance compliments his harsh voice and ear for threatening rhetoric. On more than one occasion, this combination of uncomfortably mechanical aesthetics and rough speech has warded off potential threats. It also proves useful for forcing questionable people he often comes into contact with or the employ of to hold up their end of the bargain or give him exactly what he wants. The fact that he can back this up with violence beyond merely just looking the part and has very, very few qualms about hurting those he feels deserve give him an aura of terror and barbarity when he is not in a good mood.
Since becoming a living machine, the originally not particularly computer savvy Tomasz claims he “understands” them better. He cannot claim to be a master hacker but his various cybernetics allow him to remotely or physically interface with digital outlets whether it’s covertly observing electronic data or causing momentary malfunctions to distract or momentarily confuse potential threats. For him, it is like simply tricking a sucker into doing what he wants even if he avoids hardcore electronic warfare.
Ever since he left his PMC job (and gained the ire of many), he has been often forced to make due with less or with the unfamiliar. As such he is experienced in surviving in the wilderness, warzones, abandoned areas and maintaining strange technology built into his own body. He can improvise upgrades, augmentations, repairs, and also hunt for food, track wildlife, identify foraging spots and bodies of water among others. This proved handy for the many times he found the tides of politics and power shifting against him, forcing him on the run and with the often-inconsistent logistics support he had simply not an option. He often carries bug-out bags and emergency equipment on his person or hidden in various components within his body.
Traits are more or less some noteworthy aspects of your character. Are they brave? Are they cowardly? Is this person creative or dumb? Maybe they're very pretty, or completely distracting?
When Tomasz gets agitated, he lets it be known and doesn’t often hold back. Sometimes this is intentionally to intimidate those he dislikes. Other times it is a prelude to brutalizing them.
When he’s not terrorizing others or being a difficult person to work with, he is carefully watching and planning his next move. His complex cybernetics allow him to scan, analyse, and record much of what he can perceive and subconsciously he is often plotting how to survive a situation that has gone wrong.
Fear is an old friend to the ex-mercenary but rather than holding him back, it sharpens him and can even embolden him to show it off to those around him. This is not a case of ego; rather if he is working with others, being the brave one often pushes your allies to simply doing their jobs better by virtue of boosting morale. He’s not so bold he’ll constantly risk himself over petty nonsense but enough that he will have less qualms about being put in very dangerous situations than most.
His high rank during his time as a PMC and his reputation as a mercenary often put him in charge of squads of soldiers many of which were of varying levels of skill and competence. It was his job to keep them all in line and to ensure missions were completed. To this end while he is not always likeable, he knows how to coordinate small units of people and can be charismatic when he needs to be.
Cybernetics Framework
This is his body really; a complex living system of armour, augmentations, and synthetic biomass that functions as both a combat automaton and a living computer. Hidden weapons, advanced computers, redundancies via back-up organs and devices, even a mobile data providing system among others make him freakishly versatile and hardy. It also boosts his already impressive strength, reaction time, and other physical capabilities on top of having more efficient internal systems than conventional humans.
Wrath-Type Enhanced Battle Rifle
A heavy calibre automatic weaponry based on upgrades to aging American Union rifles to make them effective enough for contemporary use. While they are not popular in the military, Tomasz kept one with him from his days as a PMC and has extensively modified his own for larger magazine size, higher rate of fire, and various attachments that can network with his own digital systems. The weapon typically features a scope at a minimum but one can also find grenade launchers, digital signal trackers, target painting lasers, and even exotic equipment like electroshock projectors and energy-casing bullet jacketing add-ons attached to it. It typically has a 20-round magazine and has been modified to allow for rapid fire and four round bursts.
Red Mamba Direct Energy Beam Gun
A compact energy weapon firing its titular energy emission, capable of piercing through heavy armour and striking vital components. This was a corporate-exclusive weapon, meant for fighting powerful automata and normally somewhat difficult to use if not for Tomasz’s various own augmentations and modifications to the weapon. It can now fire in short controlled bursts at lower power but rapidly amplify to high concentration, making it better for faster targets as well as lighter vehicles. The beam has also been modified to be capable of disrupting the air for a certain distance, knocking away particles that might leach its energy though this feature stops working past a certain range. It gives a high heat signature so when he uses it, he is likely not going to care much about stealth.
Rampage Fragmentation Pistol
Favoured by the insurgent groups he first fought then was hired by, this weapon was based on old prototypes for a compact shotgun that never really took off until its creator sold the rights to a shell company fronting for militants. This magnum-like weapon fires conical blasts of small flechettes accelerated by an electro-chemical reaction. While it is not as powerful as a proper shotgun, it can degrade even heavy infantry armour up close and can be fired as fast as one pulls the trigger. He has an attachment that allows for the rounds to be fully electrified as well as to explode after embedding themselves in a target on top of an extended magazine and an aim-assisting tracking device.
None yet.
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