• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.



Biographical information
East Hurudan Peninsula 2296 28
Physical description
Grawla Savana F in chat 5' 7" 122 lbs Light Grey Red / Yellow Dark Green
Political Information
Black Triangle Clan Xenoarcheologist
Out-of-Character Information


====Personnel Registry====

-Physical Description-

Mousey and gremlinish, Palzurna has an immediate dorky quality with gawky proportions, large ears and oversized glasses. They are quite thin and waifish, but also have larger hands and feet than you'd expect, plus surprisingly large teeth hiding behind normally timid features.

Green like seaweed, their skin is also marked with dark blue rectangular tattoos on the bridge of the nose, neck, and biceps/thighs. Hair consists of a long mane of grey-blue plumage which is practically impossible to restrict or comb. The left hand and right leg have been replaced by slightly crude cybernetics. Clothes tend towards the combertable, quite happy to look dumb in the largest padded jacket or enviroment suit available. Otherwise their fashion sense consists of torn black skirts with grim imagery, spiked collars, ripped jeaks, spiky heels, e.t.c.

-Personality Description-

Timid and reserved in personal matters, but easily enthralled and motivated by machines and obscure lore. She doesn't really know the northern grawla tongue well, let alone human english, and so tends to rapidly mix their words and fail to get their point despite best efforts. It's a symptom of incredibly poor social skills, the majority of their brainpower constantly spent thinking about ancient mysteries and technical diagrams.

-Advantages & Disadvantages-

+ Actually rather smart, good memory and analytical skills
+ A highly capible engineer
+ Knows a lot about alien relics and mechanisms

- Still only organic
- Not actually a soldier, can barely use firearms
- Terrible social skills, limited knowledge of human history and language

Alternate Art



Palzurna was born male, with the name of "Ayidrin". They were a mine straggler of the East Hurudan Peninsula on Hawking, a place of rapidly diminishing wealth and resource value. Many Grawla there were joining Drochomin Zongi military units, or Tigran Plateau mercenaries- Ayidrin had less violent urges, and would have prefered to build machines for a living.

Eventually falling in with an obscure cult known as the Ghost-Power Unificators, or 'Higrig Tonagris', they were exposed to many strange artifacts and scraps of lore from this point. The leader of the cult was a woman known only as 'Irid Otoniamdia', a strange and enigmatic, beautiful creature with apparent magical powers... Which most sensible Grawla, of course, found incredibly suspicious.

Because of their beneficient nature, the Grawl of the cult attempted to emulate a great deal about Irid's appearance, personality and effects, even without being directly ordered to do so. Ayidrin embraced an inner part of themselves, and became Palzurna, with a genuine love of living things and the secret laws of the universe driving them forward.

Alas, the summer of love was not meant to go on forever, and the lady suddenly dissapeared without explaination in the spring of 2314.

Without direction, the cult officially split up to search for her, though completely dissolved in effect. Palzurna eventually answered Swrujuhi's call for Grawla with xeno-occult experience to join the 'lore hunters' of the Black Triangles, a mercenary organisation directly attached to human Magnetic Assembly operatings on Hawking and beyond.

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