• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.


MAWS-64 Cold Laser Coupled Particle Beam Weapon System

Magnetic Assembly Weapon System Number 64 ( MAWS-64 ) is a large scale laser weapon that uses cold particle beam systems to help focus the beam over long range to get better performance than a traditional laser weapon system.

See: Toughsf Blog

The large size and heat generation requires the weapon system be mounted in the largest ships or on ground emplacements.



Weapon: MAWS-64
Type: Cold Particle Beam Coupled Laser Weapon System
Operators: Magnetic Assembly
Manufacturer: Magnetic Assembly

Height: 54 Meters

Ammunition: cesium salts / electricity
Capacity: 5 hours of operation


Laser Weapons using particle beams for focus enhancement were first introduced on the S3 Series Starship 2317. These systems were largely custom-built systems that were too large to build into the normal cargo-container sized modules traditionally used at the time. The technology was gradually improved upon over the next few years but the technology largely remained experimental as the American Union seemed largely uninterested in systems that were larger, more expensive, and not built locally in the Sol system.

This changed after the New Years Revolution, where the Assembly's preference for longer range weapons would lead to a new investment in the technology. The existing technology was adapted for use in the New Modular Starship Program, and sized/fitted for the larger starship hull modules being created as part of that program. The MAWS-64 represents the first production model of the Cold Laser Coupled Particle Beam for the Magnetic Assembly. When first deployed, the weapon system didn't have better capabilities than any existing laser system but the Assembly assumes that they will be able to improve on its performance faster than on conventional laser arrays.


The MAWS-64's weapon system is built inside of a hexagonal section of hull designed for the New Modular Starship Program. An opening in the side allows for the main weapon emitter to face outward. The weapon system itself is a large reflector to focus the laser component of the system with a hole through the center for the particle beam system. A pair of electro-optical sensors are included near the main weapon to aid with targeting. The additional equipment for the laser generator, computer control equipment, and other systems are built in 'above' and 'below' on the weapon system. There are also hookups for power and coolant on the sides and top/bottom of the weapon system. While the weapon is intended to be mounted on a starship, it can also be laid sideways and attached to a rotating mount via structural supports on the top and bottom allowing the weapon to be rotated to face a target.

The main weapon is in a fixed position, though through beam forming techniques it can be aimed +/- 4 degrees off center.

The upper and lower segments of the weapon system are armored on the side facing in the direction of fire, though the weapon's emitter array is unarmored which can result in damage to the weapon's critical systems from enemy fire or debris.


The MAWS-64 is a long range weapon system designed to be able to out-range even laser systems through advanced focusing techniques.

Like most laser weapons, it can take an excessive amount of time to cut through armor, so traditionally it is used to damage sensitive components on a starship from extreme range like radiators, sensors, weapons, and communication equipment. Also like laser weapons it requires a massive amount of cooling to be able to operate, either through dumping heat into heat-sinks or by having large radiators.

Unlike Lasers, the MAWS-64 uses a charged particle beam for focusing, which in turn can be deflected by other particle beams. While this is usually not an issue, situations can arise where an incoming particle beam can deflect the shot enough to miss and reduce its effective range.

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