• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Maksim "Max" Sedova

Maksim "Max" Sedova

Biographical information
Palatinsk, Kitezh 2297 24
Physical description
Human Russian Male 5'7", 170cm 140lbs, 64kg Dirty blond Grey Pale w/freckles
Political Information
CCM/CNS (expatriated), AU Archaeologist, Research Assistant Max
Out-of-Character Information
Me 6/26/21

This is my Outremer character. Maksim Sedova is a young archaeologist eager to learn but unsure of himself in the face of a whole new world. Born and raised on Kitezh, life under the CCM couldn't have be more different than his present situation in the AU, but Maksim's passion for uncovering the truth about forgotten civilizations keeps him going. Disconnected from the family and society he once knew and loved, Maksim is looking for a new way to make a mark in the world.


Most Kitezh inhabitants are stubborn, sober, and unblinking in the face of danger. Maksim is none of those things. Maksim was picked on constantly as a child due to his submissive nature, and he found (and still finds) himself cowed by those who are louder and stronger than him. He is also easily impressed and wears his emotions on his sleeve. Maksim is an easy target for pranks and jokes, since he is very gullible. Maksim knows that he doesn't have the most magnetic personality, but he would rather be honest and true to himself than try to put on a persona that he knows he couldn't handle. While Maksim listens to his superiors and keeps himself humble, he knows the value of his intelligence and won't hesitate to speak his mind if he thinks it will truly help.


  • Build: On the thinner side, but keeps in shape.
  • Facial Features: Has round features that exaggerate his near-constant worried expression. Downward eyes, thin lips.
  • Hair Style: Wears his dark blond hair in a neat side-swept style. Never lets it grow past his ears.
  • Distinguishing Features: Cheeks and nose are speckled with freckles from his time in Houston.


Maksim Sedova grew up in Palatinsk, Kitezh. His parents were well-known biological engineers as well as members of the Palatinsk Institute of Sciences. Like every other child in Kitezh, Maksim joined the Young Pioneers organization, and from there the Komsomol as a teenager. While Maksim's parents and older brothers dedicated their lives to the study of biological engineering, Maksim became obsessed with archaeology and anthropology. He longed to learn more about not just his own society, but societies all across the universe. Much to the dismay of his family, Maksim pounced on the chance to leave Kitezh, bound for the New Texas star system. At age 19, he began his bachelor's degree in archaeology at Houston, New Austin. At 23, just as Maksim was preparing for his senior thesis, a professor of his pulled him aside and presented him with an opportunity: join a group of AU personnel as a research assistant and travel the Outremer system. "And be one of the first to uncover ancient artifacts from alien societies? Sign me up!" Maksim thought. But Maksim had no idea what he'd really be getting into. Fresh out of training, Maksim's not sure he's ready for what this job really entails...


[*]Skill 1: Excellent cook
[*]Skill 2: Well-versed in history, especially Neolithic era and Protohistory
[*]Skill 3: Speaks Russian, Polish, and Latin, learned in several archaic languages such as ancient Egyptian and Aramaic
[*]Skill 4: Knows the lyrics to every Queen song by heart


[*]Trait 1: Shy
[*]Trait 2: Studious
[*]Trait 3: Non-confrontational
[*]Trait 4: Gullible
[*]Trait 4: Fear of water


Put items your character owns here! Make it as simple or as complex as you'd like! What things do they own that they consider valuable in life? Or maybe it's everything and the kitchen sink? Perhaps you should include a standard loadout they typically take into fights perhaps? It's your call!


Image made using OC maker by 讓那愛熬湯 found on picrew.me (link: https://picrew.me/image_maker/684058)

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