Concussion-resistant skull, stab-resistant fur, and genetically adapted to thin atmospherics, Ludlum is the product of a last-century Daquinese marketing campaign. Aimed at complete ship-based combat and naval boarding solution packages, their product line met with middling success, hampered by high market prices and inherited training costs.
Jolly, dependable, and not too bright, Ludlum-5 comes from a stock of Chongwu trained to be ship-based soldiers. He's equipped with several stock slogans for his specific brand, and is slowly learning to develop actual, nuanced conversation from his day-to-day life.
- Build: Commercial action-figure muscles pack onto clearly augment a sinewy, lab-designed body. Stubby, clipped horns poke out from wooly, manelike hair, and thick, matted patches puff up underneath armorwear.
- Facial Features: Aside from the goat eyes and horns, Ludlum has a remarkably human face. Nose a touch broad, chin and cheekbones rough and stiff, sure, but, Ludlum could almost pass as human from the neck up.
- Hair Style: With those thick sideburns and a wooly white 'fro, Ludlum fights a losing battle against most helmets he keeps on. He claims it's for skull padding, and given how dense those locks are, it may very well be the truth.
- Distinguishing Features: Clipped Horns, to better fit into standard human protective wear. He doesn't pay them any mind, and besides--helmets are cool. Have you considered the Daquin Junshi line of personal armorwear, providing premium protection to the discerning customers?
A mass-produced soldier, Ludlum-5 was born for two things: heavy ship-to-ship firefights, and touting the latest and greatest in the Daquinese product lines. While he saw some use in no-name skirmishes, he's spent much of his time in storage. Transferred along with the Hawking System during the New Year's Revolution, he's adapted quickly to his new role. After all, his training in both skills remains fresh as ever between cyro cycles--though his natural conversation gets a bit stale.
Daquin Junshi Fan Lotus Breaching Shield
UG-18 Shotgun (Custom)
2320 Spring Daquin Junshi Catalog (x5)
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