Lucile Faulkner
Lucile is a cool-headed, gunslinging, chain-smoking gal from New Austin, a wild and untamed planet filled with enormous beasts and primeval jungles mostly untouched by any higher intelligence species. She works for no one but herself-and whoever's paying her at the moment. As a freelance merc, she has total freedom to pick and choose her jobs, and answers to nobody beyond whoever is immediately directing her.
Generally a very kind and caring woman, Lucile does her very best to be a good person-she helps those that need help, defends the weak and defenseless, and generally does as much good as she can in this bitch of a galaxy. She's a friendly person, and easily makes friends with her easygoing and good-natured demeanor, but if you get on her bad side, she's likely to hold that grudge for years to come.
A conventionally attractive woman, with close-cut blonde hair, greenish-brown eyes, and fair skin. Tends to wear her Kevlar-reinforced long leather coat anywhere she goes, as well as simple jeans, a button down shirt, and tall combat boots. When she's working, she outfits herself in high-end body armor, consisting of knee guards, elbow guards, wrist guards, a chestplate, a pair of rather large shoulder plates, and a full-masked helmet with a variety of handy gadgets built into it.
- Build: Fit and athletic; a soldier's body
- Facial Features: A fairly ordinary face, albeit rather attractive. No particularly distinguishing features.
- Hair Style: A short pixie cut, fairly militaristic in appearance.
- Distinguishing Features: N/A
Born and raised in New Austin, Lucile McCray grew up on tales of cowboys and gunslingers, romanticized tales of America’s distant past and the wild, free men and women that inhabited it, and from a very young age was filled with a lust for adventure and justice. She gravitated naturally towards firearms, and very quickly became a skilled markswoman, defending her community from attacks of wild animals with the best of them. She wasn’t just some dumbass backwoods bumpkin, however-Lucile has always loved engineering, mathematics, and science, and has devoured all manner of books and online courses on subjects ranging from trigonometry to astronomy to automotive design and many, many other subjects.
When she turned 18 and left to join the military, she was gifted her family’s heirlooms; an enormous, beautifully-engraved .45-70 revolver that had been passed down from generation to generation, and an equally beautifully engraved lever action that had been in the family since the ancient era of the cowboy back on Earth. It has remained at her side ever since, a trustworthy and dependable companion that has yet to let her down. She spent the next 8 years in the rank and file of New Austin’s military, serving in the engineer corps and mostly assisting in humanitarian projects. While the work was fulfilling, it just wasn’t what she wanted; she wanted something more. Those tales of gunslingers and desperados filled her head, and she craved action. Adventure. Wild shootouts and vigilante justice.
It was in the corps that her magical ability first appeared-in a firefight with a wild Texasaur, the stress triggered a surge in magical energy within her, causing her to somehow slow her own perception of time and save her unit as everything slowed down. Lucile managed to keep the incident under wraps, and ever since has been studying her powers, hoping she can one day figure out how to refine them into proper magic.
As soon as Lucile’s service obligation was up, she went on to become a freelancer, serving as a gun for hire across the known galaxy and taking on whatever jobs suited her fancy. She’s spent the last two years of her life drifting from planet to planet, hunting bounties and doing freelance merc work-mostly guarding shipments from pirates and raiders, but occasionally serving as a bodyguard for big shots like CEOs and politicians.
- Skill 1: Military Training-Lucile has been through extensive training in boot camp, and as such has learned how to fight in a group, how to handle a firearm, and how to present herself as a professional soldier.
- Skill 2: Martial Arts Training-Lucile is trained in military martial arts, and can handle herself effectively in hand to hand combat, as well as in knife fighting.
[*]Skill 3: Engineering Corps Training-Lucile's time in the engineering corps has taught her much about engineering; she's a skilled mechanic and a decent architect, and can fix a car, design a bridge, and even build a house, among other things.
[*]Skill 4: Quick Learner-Lucile is a fairly intelligent woman, and can quickly get a good grasp of most subjects being taught to her, or subjects she's trying to learn.
[*]Skill 5: Mathematician-Lucile excels in math, and is a genius in calculus, trigonometry, geometry, and various other fields of math.
- Trait 1: Cool-Headed-Lucile knows how to manage her negative emotions, and how to not let them affect her performance.
- Trait 2: On The Fly Strategist-Lucile can create effective strategies on the fly as need be, with her teammates in mind and one objective; neutralize the enemy.
- Trait 3: Encouraging Presence-Lucile's military training has not only taught her how to work in a team; it's also taught her how to lift her allies' spirits, and how to keep their morale up.
- Trait 4: Seductive-Lucile is a good-looking woman, and she knows it. She also knows how to use her looks to gain leverage in certain situations-for instance, convincing a bouncer to let her into a bar anyway, or persuading someone to give up information.
-Fairly standard military body armor
-Old school cowboy hat
-Kevlar-reinforced duster
-Thunderbird Hunting Revolver
-Winchester lever action rifle (reflavored Prairie Warrior Repeater)
-Damascus steel bowie knife
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