• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.



Biographical information
Magnetic Assembly, in one of many flying stations. 2290 31
Physical description
Robot Heavy War Bot TAT4 chooses to be male 2.15 m (7 ft) 200 kg (441 lbs) N/A Blue, but accroding to first law of robotics - if angered Red Mostly black metalic
Political Information
GDW Heavy fire support / Fauna & Flora researcher TAT4 / Big Ol' SteelBoy
Out-of-Character Information
My First and main character - Jotunbane 22/12/2021

A mechanical giant who loves to discover and care for new species of plants and animals. Employed by GDW, he serves as fire support for GDW researchers. Despite silent obeying the commands, TAT4 is much more sapient than he officially admits


TAT4 is a robot with an exceptionally joyful approach to life. He enjoys every day, every moment spent in this war-torn world. He loves being outdoors, exploring new species o flowers and animals. He likes to be around people and other aware Androids. He believes that all phobias related to race, orientation, and level of mechanization are extremely illogical and, if not corrected (or removed), lead to wars and all evil in the world.
Besides, he is a beloved little robot.


The Kaa-B00M-RAT4TAT4 Mk I was created as a combat model capable of withstanding continuous heavy caliber fire. It is a large Android with a humanoid shape. All covered with an alloy that can withstand a shot from a sniper rifle, and the visor is made of tempered bulletproof glass.
Hands with three fingers provide sufficient grip without weakening the armor too much. Legs made on the human model with an additional joint allow for high mobility and jumping up to 20 meters in full run.
The latest generation of cylinders gain monstrous strength, test androids were able to tear thick steel shells after a few seconds of force.
Despite its size, the TAT4 moves with surprising grace. When not observed or with someone he trusts, TAT4 moves in the manner of a happy giant. He gesticulates in speech, often uses props in stories, is expressive, and enjoys contact.

  • Build: Big stell body with heavy armor and heavy shielding. His outer layer is capable of adapting to surroundings, so colors may vary.
  • Facial Features: The stern face of the mechanical giant.
  • Hair Style: Well... nope. Unless he is trying to use some wigs.
  • Distinguishing Features: The number IV on his nameplate looks scribbled long after production. His voice is best described as the voice of a "Mighty man working in the army", however, he can mimic any timbre.


Kaa-B00M was created as Android 9th generation to support rapid response units. Later, as it worked quite well, He was transferred as a support to the Army and generally wherever diplomats failed and it was necessary to tear the armored door from the safe or twist the barrel of a modern tank. It operated for about fifteen years. Despite the appearance of newer devices, the good old Kaa-B00M proved to be successful wherever it was a pity to use the latest technology.
That was, until he joined the DarkSide 2.0 military squad, tracking down infidels with information about Machine Exemplar. Supposedly, he was hiding on earth, in the territory of former Ukraine, and that is where the TAT4 unit was sent. As one can expect, they were ambushed. It was not known who prepared it, it was not even sure if the dissident existed. The unit was stunned with high-class EMP grenades and taken under heavy fire. Someone really to get rid of DarkSide2.0 because he blew up the building afterward.

Of course, in areas without top-down authority, each armed conflict meant one thing - treasures. It didn't take long for local pickers to reach the field to look for a better weapon or just anything they could push. Fortunately, Vasilij Pompka reached the area before scrap collectors. He was one of the Hermit Scientists left by the GDE in the areas intended for environmental restoration. The elderly man, who was considered a weird freak by everyone, found a lying Android lying among the rubble and bodies. The EMP explosion combined with numerous shots deactivated it and the additional explosion fragmented it a bit. The memory shaft was intact but all software was badly damaged.

Vasilij transported the Kaa-B00M to his kingdom. However, it was an underground burrow somewhere in the ruins of a museum. Aside from being a freak, Vasilij was a proficient engineer, programmer, and biologist with a Ph.D. He spent most of his time cataloging living species, creating their mechanical counterparts, and "talking" to them, teaching them the way to balance machines with nature ...
The first activation of the Kaa-B00M did not go well. According to the program, the robot wanted to shoot off Vasily and crush any current androids that did not have the appropriate IDs. But more surprising than the lack of pinned limbs was the fact that he began to think about it all. Well, Vasilij improved his software by implementing basically all of the latest AI generations.

There came a time when Vasilij taught a new member of the steel family what art, science, dance, and singing were. He taught him how to plant and distinguish between plants, how to grow something in a reborn world. He taught him the joy of communing with nature and how to be a good and happy person in general. Kaa-B00M, now affectionately named TAT4, helped his new father with all his chores. Once or twice some desperate bandits tried to invade them, but TAT4 showed them that the combat robot was called not for fun, and usually sent them back in pieces, which always caused a wild smile on Vasily's face.

However, some ten years passed and the Vasilija project was stopped. The researcher was to return to Berlin to show off the results of the research. Most of the metal creatures were released by scientist, but TAT4 wanted to explore the world further.
Vasilij took care of the appropriate permits and approvals and then TAT4 was incorporated into his research unit. Initially, the robot from Magnetic AsseAssembly was treated with distrust, but it soon became apparent that the software enhancement made by Vasilij effectively removed the connotation with the previous faction.

And now, a few years later, TAT4 is a permanent member of the GDW research expedition, while itself is treated as Vasily's project on the subject of "Peak of Machine Learning". TAT4 tries to keep in touch with its last maintainer while hiding somewhat how much he has become like humans.


[*]Skill 1: Military class weapons - TAT4 has loaded efficient use of firearms of all kinds, with the specification of heavy assault rifles and shotguns.
[*]Skill 2: Martia Arts - Pre-loaded Martial Arts Movement Algorithms such as Krav Maga, Muai Thai, and Jew Jitsu
[*]Skill 3: Engineering - Vasilij taught TAT4 some basics about his body and how to repair himself.
[*]Skill 4: Biology - TAT4 downloaded database with most known species


Traits are more or less some noteworthy aspects of your character. Are they brave? Are they cowardly? Is this person creative or dumb? Maybe they're very pretty, or completely distracting?

[*]Trait 1: Most of his skill was taught by himself, his learning algorithms are still evolving making him even more curious about the whole universe.
[*]Trait 2: He is trying his best to understand human emotions, but even if he knows why people react as they react, but not really feel why it happe
[*]Trait 3: His artificial brain is highly analytical and can shut down "emotions" if necessary.
[*]Trait 4: After contact with a large number of people, his algorithm dictates a lack of trust and suspicion towards newly met individuals.
[*]Trait 5: TAT4 envies the ability to grow and own hair and fur.


TAT4 has a wardrobe full of different clothes fitted on his big metallic body. But his most prized possession is a black Hawaiian shirt with radiant pink flowers.

His weapons loadout changes depending on the missions he is on, however, he is often seen with UG-12-MG as he can wield it quite easily.

Robotic specification

-The TAT4 has air filters with sensors that can recognize temperature, oxygen availability, and contamination.
-The viewfinder can zoom in 2x-128x while maintaining sharpness in total darkness.
-Heavy armor for heavy duties, however due to his size and weight, TAT4 is not a good candidate for low-profile missions.
-GDW added their heavy shielding making TAT4 truly a mobile stronghold.
-His algorithms are evolving quickly making him hard to hack, but also making him unable to understand this process as well.
-According to manufacturers, his battery needs to be recharged every 200 years.
-His surface paint coat is connected with various sensors and can change its color to blend into surroundings.
-His scanners are giving him passive 360° perception.
-Theoretically, the TAT4 memory core could be transferred to another body. But nobody tried it yet.
-While excited, TAT4 has a tendency to overclock making his moves way quicker and less precise.


Nope. All mine :D

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