• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Justin Mccallum

Justin McCallum

Justin McCallum is a player character played by Bullroarer.

^ Justin McCallum ^^
^ Species & Gender: | Male Human |
^ Date of Birth: | 29/ 7/ 2378 GSC |
^ Organization: | Saga of the Blood Cross |
^ Occupation: | Frame Pilot |
^ Rank: | Lochias (lieutenant) |
^ Current Placement: | Second Lance |

Physical Description

Before you stands an imposing Male, 7'2" tall, easily 150 kilos, tanned caramel skin, Manly square jaw of a possessor of a super Y gene in his genealogy. Rounded Ears, nose, and mouth contrast from uniformity with neon green eyes and red-orange hair. Deep, thick scars run across his forehead and around his left eye. Multiple surgical scars can be noted to his abdomen, neck, and face. He has all ten fingers. Across his back is a new ornate tattoo of pouncing Jaguar leaping through a billowing dark mist. An old tattoo of a Roman Numeral "VIII" on his left shoulder rounds out his physical features. When he bothers to speak instead of glowering, a moderate Tenor voice with a thick ancient accent whispers out.



Orderliness and stoicism are the hall marks of Justin. Always dressed in either training clothing or his standard tactical gear of some sort, he always has the tools for the job at hand and those tools are arranged just so. With life constantly in flux, accepting of what comes has always served him well. To pass time between missions and to keep a pulse on the greater culture, Justin listens to pop music while eating yogurt, the more trending, the better. Once an out going and flirtatious Marine, over time and with the isolation of recon and intelligence work, Justin is now a very reserved person, taking much time to reveal any true personal information about himself. This, of course, is not the case when he is developing a contact. In those contexts, Justin is whatever he needs to be for the mission at hand. Underneath the stoic nature lies tortured psych paired with an extremely violent temper. The death of his mates in the former (he doesn't consider the current IPG worthy of the title) IPG (Intelligencia Pace Gruppo) has given him motivation to root out hypocrisy, especially in bureaucracies. In that, he needs money, a lot of money, to buy a title in Vice, to eventually overthrow or marry into the monarchy and change the face of that planet for the better.

An ordered mind is an ordered life. - Justin McCallum

History and Skills Learned

Growing up in Sydenham

In the beginning...Born to a "workin girl" in the lower slums of Sydenham, Justin picked up the "culture" fairly quick. the Ancient Phrase: the quick and the hungry, or dead, or just about any descriptor of a negative connotation you can think of became second nature. Survival meant doing what you had to, and that usually meant Breaking and Entering or just being plain mean spirited, much like a half starved junk yard dog.

Join the Army, See the Universe...and kill it

Basic Training is drilled into every new marine in the Crown's Service since the dawn of time, and this boot camp was no exception. This course lasts for five consecutive months, with the fifth and final being the most grueling part of the training. It is here that they are usually exposed to the older sergeants, some of which are diligent in their duty and believe in the mission of the military corps. Others are simply sadists, who pine for the old days when there were wars in the streets and plenty of targets to shoot, including smug recruits. The last sort was the bulk of Justin's instructors.

In the first month, Or "Fightin’ and Diein’" month, Marines such as this one are trained to stay fit, to shoot weapons, and to punch someone’s lights out if need be. This includes how to set up a workout regimen by devoting at least an hour a day to physical fitness, how to set up and clean workout equipment, and how to properly cycle through workout types to get a full body workout. Marines who only ever work out their arms are punished! Marines are trained to fire accurately, and in the same direction as other marines, their physical and mental capacities are stressed to the limit and to still understand and follow orders.

This is eased up during the second month when they begin learning how to use personal weapons and equipment, how the Crown Service is structured, and to communicate up and down the command chain. Marines learn about combat tactics and the differences between power armor and light infantry operations and tactics. They are also taught about combined arms operations, utilizing Crown Navy and Battle Frame assets to support their own operations. They also learn how to plan and execute various non-standard operations such as commando raids, Combat reconnaissance, urban, jungle, desert & artic warfare as well as starship boarding operations.

In the third month, they are taught how to operate Power Armors in addition to classroom and physical courses. In this phase of basic training, a Marine is taught how to wear their uniform, How to sleep in and maintain a hammock bed, to not speak unless spoken to when dealing with a superior officer, and to follow orders with a snappy "Yes Sir!" Despite the Marines trying to produce more professional soldiers, the end product tends to be a little rough around the edges.

The daily drill includes:
* Reporting all violations of orders you are instructed to enforce
* Only leave an assigned post when properly relieved
* When assigned to a sentry post: Talk to no one except in the line of duty and be alert
* Report an emergency in case of fire or disorder
* Salute all officers.
* Do not disrespect a superior officer
* Do not disobey orders lawfully given
* In combat or during physical training, do not report an injury, the medic will be notified automatically electronically.
* If you are unable to physically continue with your orders, you may call for a medic..
* If you die, prepare to be repaired and returned to active duty.

[REDACTED] Marines are expected to know how to survive and live off the land without resupply. Their fourth month of training is spent teaching them the skills to recognize edible plants and animals, to catch and prepare said animals, and how to navigate without electronics or a map. Marines are also taught how to make a fire without any of the usual means as well as to survive in cold weather without a fire.
In the fourth month, they go on wilderness survival and simulated combat courses, learning and refining their Survival, Escape & Evasion (SEE) skills as well as becoming familiar with basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other Marines through headsets, ships, battle frames, ground vehicles, power armor, and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions. Marines are fluent in [REDACTED]. They must be able to speak and write both correctly and efficiently and can write reports, fill forms, issue orders under fire, etc. The character is skilled in field communications and is proficient in all rudimentary forms of communication (hand signals, flashing lights, etc).

All of their efforts culminate in the fifth month of training, Hell Month. During this month, recruits are tested in every manner possible to see how much they have absorbed and progressed. Each day's test is a surprise to the recruits. It could be a 15 km run with full combat gear followed by a live fire combat exercise or it could be a grueling test of Marine Corps philosophy and tactics followed by personal interviews asking recruits to respond to specific scenarios. Nothing is off limits during this month if it results in a stronger, tougher, smarter Marine.

After graduation from basic, with top scores in his cadet cadre, Justin went into Sniper Training. It is a twelve week course that focuses on every aspect of being a Marine sniper. Soldiers are taught how to use and clean the [Redacted] and the designated sharpshooter rifle. They are trained extensively in how to operate these weapons with and without power armors, teaching them things like how to lay prone with your feet turned flat, how to adjust for atmospheric conditions, and to bolt the [Redacted] down to the ground if it is going to be used without a power armor. They must also learn Covert Operations. How to infiltrate behind enemy lines, how to escape and evade hostile forces without support, and how to make the most efficient use of their skills. Since it is a job that requires a great degree of confidence and discipline, Marines who pass this course are considered to be a cut above most others.

More important than the shoot things aspect of the training, is the seeing things aspect of the training. It is important for a sniper to keep watch for a squad, to pass along important information to where it needs to go, and to call for support when it is needed. All snipers are trained on the [Redacted] and how to use it and a datapad to send requests for orbital laser strikes, fighter attacks, mortar, or even beyond line of sight power armor attacks using mini missiles.

At the end of the course, Marines are awarded the coveted "Sniper" designation as well as a badge, proving that they are amongst REDACTED's elite. And Justin would prove it. Though not terribly distinctive in his 9 years of service in the 8th Recon, It was during the Battle of REDACTED that his skills shone through. 38 confirmed sniper kills as well as another 14 in either CQC or close range precision shooting, earning himself the notice of a rising star....

Boy, you dun stepped into it now

The Peacekeepers Group is an elite corps within the military, founded by order of Rickard Virtue in 2301. It engages in mostly “black” operations, especially espionage and assassination, as well as engaging in more conventional operations and security for REDACTED Crown officials.

As Justin was recruited as an Operator, most of his work was redacted for security reasons. During this time he lived by a motto:
Hour Uncertain, Death Certain. - Latin proverb


These are the hitmen of the organization, relentlessly trained and exceedingly well equipped and informed. Although there is an introductory training period of four weeks, full training for one of these formidable soldiers is rather varied, depending on how much experience the selected trainee has. A marine or police veteran, for instance, will require less training than a simple street tough who interested a local FIO. While most citizens are allowed to enter training with the blessing of a Field Intelligence Officer, there is a standardized "loyalty assessment," during which the potential Operator has his activities monitored for around a week, and given a number of psychological exams. Should they be deemed acceptable, they are brought to Rok'Veru, where their true training begins.
The PG candidates then go through five weeks of classes and field courses for all of the necessary skills expected of every PG agent at the [redacted]. This period serves as their orientation to the PG. Their test scores from each course determines which branch they are sent. If candidates fail to do well in any course, they are dropped. These courses include:

* Hacking and Data Retrieval
* Breaking and Entering
* Suvival, Escape & Evasion (SEE)
* Covert Operations (Insertion, Infiltration, Rendezvous, Exfiltration)
* Interrogation Techniques

In combat requiring Power Armors, they are usually seen in either top-of-the-line [Redacted]. In other, more subtle situations, they are often equipped with [Redacted]. Justin received training at [redacted] on such armor and weapons systems as well a robust and in depth indoctrination of the greatness and purity of the Crown. After again scoring well on all standardized tests and practical examinations, as Justin was already experienced in most of the required skill sets, Justin became a Counter-intelligence Operator with cross training with the [Redacted]. During this era, Justin served as lead Counter-Intelligence Operator with the [Redacted] . More often than not, Justin was tasked with analyzing information already retrieved by members of [Redacted] or extracting it from [Redacted]. Other work included collating and sharing information with local police enforcement, setting up electronic bugs or hacking into suspect computer systems, and coordinating with other Operators, generally in the field. As few Operators were distinctly qualified, Justin became one of a handful of Operators designated Tier 1, the best of the best. Only a comparatively few members of this branch operate in the field. Those who do are generally tasked to operate within REDACTED and gather information within the REDACTED. These new skills were as follows:

* Disguises and Undercover Work
* Surveillance Techniques
* Interrogation Methods
* Technology Manipulation
* Identity Creation
* Information Analysis
* Psychological Traits of all known species

The [Redacted] are the combat arm of the IPG, usually just called the Commandos. They, more than any other branch, are generally deployed outside of REDACTED to find and eradicate the nation's enemies. It is they, more than the other branches, who stand ready every day and night to visit extreme violence to those who would threaten REDACTED's security.

This training with the Commandos was the most physically rigorous Justin had ever experienced, since it is expected for all Operators to be able to complete the mission with or without power armor. And since many missions require a great amount of physical strength and endurance, the Commandos are often portrayed as the roughest, toughest and manliest of the IPG. With the [Redacted], Justin achieved his greatest skills and physical prowess. Skills learned while with the Commandos included:

* Combat Reconnaissance
* Light Infantry tactics
* Covert Infiltration
* Sabotage
* Stealth
* Small unit tactics

As the terrorist Cells on REEDACTED begun to drastically deplete the ranks of the IPG, Justin realized he was part of a greater death purge of the "old guard". Many of his friends were eliminated by bureaucratic failures as much as by enemy combatants. This led Justin to request an honorable discharge. After the full pacification of REDACTED, and stripped of his government issue cybernetic enhancements, Justin was discharged, to make his way in the civilian sector.

Out with the Old, In with the new

With his fortunes cast to the winds, Justin eventually landed in the basement of an old informant of his, Jimmy Sorano a.k.a. Jimmy the Sleaze. Jimmy was a older fence for one of the smaller Syndicate cells on Vice, the Dark Mist. As Jimmy had aspirations to become a major player on Vice, and Justin needed work, bodies started to fall. A few at first, to get Jimmy positioned in the Syndicate, then more. Many more. Within a few short years, Jimmy had risen to head the Dark Mist, which had also transformed from a small, insignificant group of a few thugs to a major organized group, with fingers and contacts reaching the lower rungs of the landed nobility.

I once saw him kill three men in a bar, with a pencil. A FUCKIN pencil! - Viggo Tarasov|

Skill Summary

  • Fighting and Physical: +4
  • Strategy (Tactics & Discipline): +3
  • Survival: +3
  • Communication: +2
  • Specialty: Sniper Training: +2
  • Operator Training: +3
  • Maintenance and Repair: +1
  • Battle Frame Piloting: +3
  • Battle Frame Gunnery: +4
  • Interrogation: +2

Fighting and Physical

Or Fightin’ and Diein’, Marines such as this one are trained to stay fit, to shoot weapons, and to punch someone’s lights out if need be. This includes how to set up a workout regimen by devoting at least an hour a day to physical fitness, how to set up and clean workout equipment, and how to properly cycle through workout types to get a full body workout. Marines who only ever work out their arms are punished! Marines are trained to fire accurately, and in the same direction as other marines, on the BFR, the 45_caliber, and the assault rifle. Marines are taught how to strip down, clean, and put these weapons back together. Finally, marines are taught the basics of hand to hand combat in the form of martial arts.

This is then followed by a course in Power Armor operation and handling. Marines are taught how to use the basic trio of REDACTED power armors.

Strategy (Tactics & Discipline)

Also known as how to understand and follow orders. During the second and third months of training, Marines learn about combat tactics and the differences between power armor and light infantry operations. They are also taught about combined arms operations, utilizing Navy and Marine airborne assets to support their own operations. They also learn how to plan and execute various non-standard operations such as commando raids, reconnaissance, urban, jungle, desert & arctic warfare as well as starship boarding operations.

In basic training a Marine is taught how to wear their uniform, How to sleep in and maintain a hammock bed, to not speak unless spoken to when dealing with a superior officer, and to follow orders with a snappy "Yes Sir!" Despite the Marines trying to produce more professional soldiers, the end product tends to be a little rough around the edges.

The daily drill includes:
* Reporting all violations of orders you are instructed to enforce
* Only leave an assigned post when properly relieved
* When assigned to a sentry post: Talk to no one except in the line of duty and be alert
* Report an emergency in case of fire or disorder
* Salute all officers.
* Do not disrespect a superior officer
* Do not disobey orders lawfully given
* In combat or during physical training, do not report an injury, the medic will be notified automatically electronically.
* If you are unable to physically continue with your orders, you may call for a medic..


REDACTED Marines are expected to know how to survive and live off the land without resupply. Their fourth month of training is spent teaching them the skills to recognize edible plants and animals, to catch and prepare said animals, and how to navigate without electronics or a map. Marines are also taught how to make a fire without any of the usual means as well as to survive in cold weather without a fire.


Marines must be familiar with basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other operators through headsets, ships, battle frames, ground vehicles, power armor, and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions. Justin is fluent in trade, Japanese. They must be able to speak and write both correctly and efficiently and can write reports, fill forms, issue orders under fire, etc. The character is skilled in field communications and is proficient in all rudimentary forms of communication (hand signals, flashing lights, etc).

Specialty: Sniper Training

The Sniper Training Program was largely developed by the PG with the assistance of REDACTED. It is a twelve week course that focuses on every aspect of being a Marine sniper. Soldiers are taught how to use and clean the rifle and the power armor. They are trained extensively in how to operate these weapons with and without power armors, teaching them things like how to lay prone with your feet turned flat, how to adjust for atmospheric conditions, and to bolt the rifle down to the ground if it is going to be used without a power armor. They must also learn how to infiltrate behind enemy lines, how to escape and evade hostile forces without support, and how to make the most efficient use of their skills. Since it is a job that requires a great degree of confidence and discipline, Marines who pass this course are considered to be a cut above most others.

More important than the shoot things aspect of the training, is the seeing things aspect of the training. It is important for a sniper to keep watch for a squad, to pass along important information to where it needs to go, and to call for support when it is needed. All snipers are trained on the ITD 32 target designator and how to use it and a datapad to send requests for orbital laser strikes, fighter attacks, mortar, or even beyond line of sight power armor attacks using mini missiles.

At the end of the course, Marines are awarded the coveted "Sniper" designation as well as a badge, proving that they are among REDACTED's elite.

Operator Training

From there, the PG candidates go through five weeks of classes and field courses for all of the necessary skills expected of every XX agent at the PG training facility. This period serves as their orientation to the PG Commandos. Their test scores from each course determines which branch they are sent. If candidates fail to do well in any course, they are dropped. These courses include:

* Hacking and Data Retrieval
* Breaking and Entering
* Suvival, Escape & Evasion (SEE)
* Covert Operations (Insertion, Infiltration, Rendezvous, Exfiltration)
* Interrogation Techniques

Only a comparatively few members of this branch operate in the field. Those who do are generally tasked to operate within REDACTED and gather information within the field. With the current reduction in qualified personnel, the PG is more cautious about sending its few qualified field agents into foreign territory without back up. The loss of even a single experienced field Operator would be felt by the PG.

* Disguises and Undercover Work
* Surveillance Techniques
* Interrogation Methods
* Technology Manipulation
* Identity Creation
* Information Analysis
* Psychological Traits of all known species

Training for the Commandos is the most physically rigorous since it is expected for all Operators to be able to complete the mission with or without power armor. And since many missions require a great amount of physical strength and endurance, the Commandos are often portrayed as the roughest, toughest and manliest of the PG.

Skills amongst those learnt by the Commandos include:

* Combat Reconnaissance
* Light Infantry tactics
* Covert Infiltration
* Sabotage
* Stealth
* Small unit tactics

Maintenance and Repair

The prevalence and reliance on advanced combat technology in the known universe has made soldiers skilled in both fighting and technical skill a valuable asset to any fighting force; field Combat Engineers are capable of fighting and coordinating with other soldiers, while also able to make field repair or handle technical issues with equipment. Engineers have highly technical skills, and are usually leagues smarter than the average Marine. If there is a practical problem that requires solving, a Marine Engineer is one of the first people to speak to.

Social Connections

Inventory & Finance

Justin McCallum has the following:

Clothing And Armor

Formal Wear

* 2 black neckties
* 2 Dark grey dinner suit trousers:
* 2 Dark grey Evening shirt (formal):
* 1 pair black leather wing tipped oxfords:
* 2 black leather belts:

Training Wear

*10 grey t shirt:
*10 Sweat suit:
*10 grey simple briefs:
*20 pair black socks:
*Trainers (sneakers):
*Leather boots:

Ship Wear

Ship jumpsuit, Black:

Special Ops Combat Suit

* **Type:** Light Stealth Suit
* **Class:** Full Body Armor
* **Weight:** 35 Ibs

**Base Materials:** Diamond Nanotube Reinforced Plastics (5), Treated Exotic Fiber (10)
Upgrades: Reduced Plating (-5), Power Weave, Beam Refractive Coating, Thermoptic Camo, Mechanical Servos, Sensor Baffler (Med), Rechargeable Battery (2)

**Appearance:** The Special Ops Combat Suit is a stripped down combat armor suit designed for stealth operation. It's a lightly armored nearly skintight suit with light plating over the chest, groin, thighs and forearms. All of the materials are black and the plating has an unusual blue sheen to it. The plating itself is rounded and very form-fitting. The two visible battery packs form two parallel ridges on the center of the back.

Shooting Gloves

* **Type:** Ballistic Mesh gloves
* **Role:** Protection and aesthetics
* **Weight:** 1.5lbs

**Description:** Soft grey range gloves, made of tightly woven (yet breathable) Ballistic mesh, meant to help protect the hands of the wearer from the abuse of extended fire with guns. With light meshing between the fingers (not between the index and thumb) to improve the temperature transfer on the hands, the wrist of the gloves is also made of a loosely tensioned elastic to prevent the gloves from shifting while in use. The back of the hand on each glove has an intricate embroidered crest upon it, Showing a Pouncing Jaguar From a billowing Mist.

Battle Frame

Justin received a Tiger class battleframe called Lone Wolf for his 42nd birthday from his now fiancé, Sophia Sorano

OOC Information

This page was created by Bullroarer on 10, 19 2017 at 16:21.

Art by Bullroarer using [[http://www.heromachine.com]]

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