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Jīn dǒu yún Class Shuttle



The Jīn dǒu yún is a small shuttle used as a long term transport for Daqin who many have to be away from the Merchant Fleet for extended periods of time. It contains all of the computer hardware needed for a local Daqin network to be setup, and enough internal space for 4 crew and supplies for a long term operation. The shuttle itself has limited range, and while it is capable of SSTO it isn't a truly interplanetary craft.

Though it is an older design, the craft still boats high technology and extreme quality of design, incorporating exotic materials and anti-gravity systems with the explicit goal of 'flexing' on the human super-nations and their inferior shipbuilding prowess. While it was originally intended only for the Daqin merchant fleets and diplomats, it has since been replaced by newer more opulent transports which has relegated the Jin Dou Yun to assignments of lesser importance.


Class: Jīn dǒu yún Class Shuttle
Operators: Dìguó Jūnshì (帝国军事)
Manufacturer: Daqin Diguo


Crew: 4

Maximum Acceleration:


omnidirectional electro-optical sensors
small scall ranging radar

Armament: 2x Particle Beam Weapons

Cargo Capacity:
Personal Cargo


As part of the Daqin's strategy of using their merchant fleets to promote soft power and their own technological prowess, the Dìguó Jūnshì (帝国军事) focused on long term development of extremely high quality ships with the end goal of using them as propaganda tools to be viewed with desire by the Human super-nations. This would lead to the start of the Jīn dǒu yún program in 2321 and a development time of nearly a decade before it was put into widespread service with several other shuttle design programs starting up throughout that time frame with the goal of being able to provide diplomats with a wide variety of transports that exceed the capabilities of their human counterparts.

The Jīn dǒu yún was first encountered by the Magnetic Assembly on Hyperborea when the crew of the Edward Deming found a Daqin agent that had been left behind after Hoshiko's initial visit to the planet with Heram Wazu in 2319. The shuttle was concealed under the surface of a lake, its internal waterproofing and durable construction allowing it to keep operating for years without detection or degradation.


The shuttle has an access ramp on the underside of the front, that leads up to an airlock. The inside of the ship only has a single room that serves as combined crew, cargo, and engineering space. 2 'breathable liquid oxygen' tanks on either side of this room provide long term and heavily acceleration resistant accommodation for one Daqin each. Access to the ship's systems is provided through detachable panels around the interior of this space.

The rear of the ship contains two engine systems, while the reactor and weapons are housed under the main floor. The ship's two wings house RCS systems for maneuverability.


Carbon composites make up the ship's protective shell, and are designed largely to protect against micro-meteors or other small impacts. The lightweight material that makes up the ship's shell is not rated to protect against weapons fire stronger than small scale handgun rounds.


The Jin Dou Yun is armed with a pair of particle beam weapons in a forward facing mount on either side of the loading ramp. Each weapon is aimed using electromagnets, providing +/- 15 degrees of tracking forward of the craft.

Life Support

Housed under the floor sections towards the front of the craft is the ship's life support systems which contain enough oxygen and carbon-scrubbing capacity for four people for ~12 hours. The ship is mainly intended for short duration flights, and longer term life support is handled by the ship's liquid-pods which can keep a Daqin's body alive for weeks while allowing their minds to function in VR, or to keep the Daqin in total hibernation for months.