The Republic Space Command of the HFR is a corvette fleet first and foremost, relying on specialized corvettes as the backbone for all military operations, with frigates and cruisers acting as supporting vessels.
List of GKF Military Spacecraft
Huoshuanfeng/火旋風/Firespin Class Artillery Corvette, designated as HPC-## (Huopaochuan/火炮船/Artillery corvette)
Jiguang/極光/Aurora Class Recon Corvette, designated as ZCC-## (Zhenchachuan/偵察船/Recon corvette)
Lengfeng/冷鋒/Cold-front Class Escort Corvette, designated as HWC-## (Huweichu/護衛船/Escort corvette)
Liuxingyu/流星雨/Comet-storm Class Missile Corvette, designated as DDC-## (Daodanchuan/導彈船/Missile corvette)
Qingdao/青島/Qingdao Class Multirole Frigate, designated as DYT-## (Duoyongting/多用艇/Multipurpose frigate)
Kuajiang/跨江/Kuajiang Class Logistics Frigate, designated as HQT-## (Houqinting/後勤艇/Logistics frigate)
Dasan/大三/Dasan Class Marine Frigate, designated as LZT-##( (Luzhanting/陸戰艇/Marine frigate)
Jingyesi/靜夜思/Jingye-si Class Command Cruiser, designated as BLJ-## (Bulujian/督率艦/Command cruiser)
Jiguang/極光/Aurora Class Recon Corvette, designated as ZCC-## (Zhenchachuan/偵察船/Recon corvette)
Lengfeng/冷鋒/Cold-front Class Escort Corvette, designated as HWC-## (Huweichu/護衛船/Escort corvette)
Liuxingyu/流星雨/Comet-storm Class Missile Corvette, designated as DDC-## (Daodanchuan/導彈船/Missile corvette)
Qingdao/青島/Qingdao Class Multirole Frigate, designated as DYT-## (Duoyongting/多用艇/Multipurpose frigate)
Kuajiang/跨江/Kuajiang Class Logistics Frigate, designated as HQT-## (Houqinting/後勤艇/Logistics frigate)
Dasan/大三/Dasan Class Marine Frigate, designated as LZT-##( (Luzhanting/陸戰艇/Marine frigate)
Jingyesi/靜夜思/Jingye-si Class Command Cruiser, designated as BLJ-## (Bulujian/督率艦/Command cruiser)
A standard GKF anti-piracy group is composed of a single Qingdao Class Multirole Frigate and four Cold-front Class Escort Corvettes, spread out across a two-light-second diameter sphere of space, centered around the Qingdao. Most of the time, a single Cold-front is sufficient to shoot down missiles holding a cargo vessel hostage, or dissuaded manned pirate-craft with its coilguns. Should a pirate vessel choose to engage violently, bravery typically owing to corporate backers, or if the cargo-craft has already been compromised by boarders, the Qingdao is summoned to bring additional fire support and marines.
These five-spacecraft anti-piracy groups are typically overseen by the Zhongxiao/Frigate Captain of the Qingdao Class. In regions of heavy pirate activity, two or even three anti-piracy groups are collectively overseen by a Shangxiao/Cruiser Captain. This position is viewed in the GKF as a relatively safe path towards a Shaojiang/Vice Admiral position and beyond.
Squadrons are the lowest level units of the GKF, short of individual spacecraft. Squadrons are made of three to four vessels of the same class of corvette, occasionally supplemented by a multirole frigate. Squadrons are commanded by Frigate Captains, rarely Cruiser Captains should the task be tactically vital. The following are squadron designations.
- Jusha Zhongdui/巨殺中隊/JSZD/Anti-capital Squadron - Firespin's
- Xianfeng Zhongdui/先鋒中隊/XFZD/Vanguard Squadron - Cold-front's
- Daodan Zhongdui/導彈中隊/DDZD/Missile Squadron - Comet-storm's
- Dianzizhan Zhongdui/電子戰中隊/D3ZD/Electronic-warfare Squadron - Aurora's
Battlegroups are the lowest level, strategically-independent units of the GKF. Multiple battlegroups form a fleet, and can operate independently from the fleet, local strategic decision making falling to the Vice Admiral.
Main Battlegroups
Main battlegroups, designated as PTQ-##'s (Putongqun/普通群/General group), are typically composed of a single Jingye-si Class Command Cruiser, two Qingdao Class Multirole Frigates, an Anti-capital Squadron (JSZD), a Vanguard Squadron (XFZD), a Missile Squadron (DDZD), and an Electronic-warfare Squadron (D3ZD). A PTQ can exchange squadrons depending on the local, strategic environment. For example, an area with heavy Statesmen-class presence will result in a PTQ present without a D3ZD or XFZD, in exchange for an additional JSZD. The Qingdao's present serve to supplement depleted squadrons and provide general support where necessary.
Logistical Support Groups
Logistical support groups, designated as HQQ-##'s (Houqinqun/後勤群/Logistics group), are backline support groups whose primary purpose is to deliver fuel, ammunition, spare parts to the frontline and treat casualties, carrying them back to friendly territory. An HQQ will consist of an XFZD with a Qingdao Class attached, four-to-six Kuajiang Class logistics frigates, and a civilian hospital ship. These civilian hospital ships, while under an HQQ's command, operate light minutes out from the group and continuously have their beacons turned on to avoid being targeted upon. An HQQ can supplement its escort with an additional XFZD if necessary. Often, the HQQ is commanded by a cruiser captain instead of a Vice Admiral.
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