• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.



Class: Qingdao/青島
Operators: Republic Space Command of the HFR
Taizong Shipyard (Final Assembly)
Shen Zhou Industrial Group (Metalworking)
Yunwang Energy Group (Engines)
Hak Technologies (Sensor Systems)
Tran Aerospace (habitation Systems)
Taizong Dynamics (Weapons)
National Taibei Institute of Technologies (Drones)

Introduced: 2290

Length: 140 m Antenna to Nozzle

Crew: 8 (Skeleton), 40 (Nominal), 80 (Maximum)

5X Yunwang Energy Group "Yongfei" (Brave Fly) FHF-B007 Dual-Grade Fusion Torch Drive, Frigate-Grade (FHF: Frigate Hejubian Fadongji)
3X Yunwang Energy Group FF-C008 Reaction Control System Suite, Frigate-Grade (FF: Frigate Fanyingkongzhi)
Maximum Acceleration: 5 g

Range: Interplanetary, interstellar with additional support

Hak Technologies "Zhanjian Nao" (Battlecraft Brain) PZ-E021 Standard Military Spacecraft Avionics Suite
Hak Technologies "Jiangshi" (Battle General) WZ-A002 Master Drone Control Suite

2X Hak Technologies High-Gain Tightbeam Arrays, Frigate-Grade
6X Hak Technologies Low-Gain Scanners, Frigate-Grade
1X Hak Technologies Electronic Warfare Array, Frigate-Grade

13X Taizong Dynamics "Jinbao" (Metal burst) FDX-B003 Multirole Coilguns, Frigate-Grade (FDX: Frigate Duoyong Xianquanqiang)
1X Spinally mounted Taizong Dynamics "Xianfeng" (Vanguard) FJG-A005 Anti-capital Railgun, Frigate-Grade (FJG: Frigate Jisha Guidaopao)
1X Turreted Taizong Dynamics "Baolei" (Bulwark) FZX-A008 Heavy Coilgun, Frigate-Grade (FZX: Frigate Zhong Xianquanqiang)
80X National Taibei Institute of Technologies, "Feimao" (Flying spear) DD-C005 Kinetic missiles, divided into two bow-side auto-loading magazines (DD: Daodan)


Conceived in the 2260's as a part of the HFR's fleet modernization and reconstruction program after the Zhongzhi event and Operation Distant Flock crippled existing fleet power. Faced decades of delay, having to repurpose existing infrastructure in Shen Zhou and Li Ming, before the first Lengfeng class was deployed in the 2280's along with its sister classes.


From bow to stern:

Drone Bay --> Command module --> Crew module --> Cargo hold and workshop --> Engines


The Jiguang Class is lightly armored like the other GKF corvette classes, save for the Lengfeng Class. It uses a standard steel-ceramic laminate hull, with water, fuel, and coolant plumbing underneath as secondary, ad-hoc protection.


The Jiguang Class uses a single coilgun as protection against missiles. Its primary arsenal is its onboard drone fleet, stored in and around the upperhalf of its hull. The Recon corvette has a standard outfit of decoy, autocannon, and recon drones, serving to confuse, harass, and gather intelligence from the enemy. Its drone fleet can be swapped out for missile carriers, large battlecruiser and asteroid crackers, or utility drones.

Life Support

Tran Armored Miniature Habitation Module, designed and manufactured by Tran Aerospace, a module designed specifically to compliment HFR's bio-cyber enhanced personnel

Tactical Doctrine

The Jiguang Class is designed to stay in the middle of the formation, behind vanguard units to coordinate its drone fleet and use its electronic warfare array to confuse and disrupt the enemy, all the while gathering key information on enemy systems and intentions. With extensive refits, the recon corvette can be fitted for stealth, infiltrating unfriendly territory to gather intelligence without additional fleet support.

Occasionally, the Jiguang class is sent on science missions to provide support using its utility drone fleet and powerful sensor arrays.

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