The personal mech piloted by Jack Dolly [[ ]]
The Galvaneer was originally an asteroid herding mech (Class : Roid Wrangler By Nanotransen). Outfitted with a humanoid torso on its quadruped base and a variety of grappling and ensnarement equipment along with drilling and explosives equipment. After fighting off a pirate raid the turreted section of the mech was nearly unsalvageable but with the bounty money Jack Dolly got a salvaged cockpit and with a bit of help and a lot of percussive engineering the mech was turned into a combat ready artilery mech.
Galvaneer is a quadraped mining mech retrofitted for artilery. It is big and bulky with heavy armour, minimal paint, and a giant gun strapped onto the cockpit.

Key Features
Built for operating in asteroid belts the mechs feet have been equipped with both magnetic locks and physical pitons that lock the feet in place relevant to the surface. This does mean it can’t move its feet from the positions quickly in exchange for being very hard to move and a possible melee weapon.
The railgun is the main weapon of this mech, its immense range and power allow for the Galvaneer to engage at extreme range with high accuracy. While it isn’t designed for close range combat the rotation speed of the cockpit and weapon mount allow for it to target fast moving close targets. The main downfall of the system is the reload speed. With the loader system in the cockpits body allow for eight rounds per minute but due to the size of the shells the loader can only hold twenty rounds before having to align the cockpit with the ammo stockpile, in the body, to reload.
Shell Types
The railgun has five different types of shell that it can fire. Each has its own ups and downs. Most common is the three normal types of artillery shell, High Explosive, Armor Piercing, and Fragmentation. High explosive explodes when triggered by an inertial fuse, useful against buildings or lightly armored targets but does little against heavy armour. Fragmentation shells are set to either explode midair or on contact to shred an area or single target though it is rather useless against armoured targets. Armour peircing shells are built to peirce heavy armour, has minimal AOE so is minimaly useful against fast targets.
The other two shell types are anti personel which is a finer version of the frag shell, filled with pebble sized frag insead of the finger or even hand sized frag that the fragmentation shells use. The thumper shells are more similar to the armour peircing shot except instead of using a sharp point and weight to peirce a target these shells use wieght and momentum to crumple and crush a target.
The other two shell types are anti personel which is a finer version of the frag shell, filled with pebble sized frag insead of the finger or even hand sized frag that the fragmentation shells use. The thumper shells are more similar to the armour peircing shot except instead of using a sharp point and weight to peirce a target these shells use wieght and momentum to crumple and crush a target.
The two seater cockpit is set ontop of the central body of the mecha. The cockpit interior is stripped to the bones wiring, fuseboxes, piping and other components either strapped to the hull or hanging about. Behind the co pilots seat is a bare firewall seperating the crew cabin from the loading mechanism.
Weapons Systems
With the none adjustable nature of industrial mechs the only modular weapon mounts can be found on the turreted cockpit.
The hard-point locations, space available, and current loadout:
* Cockpit Main Mount : Heavy Railgun
* Cockpit Secondary Mounts : Point Defense Pulse Laser x 2
* Cockpit Interior : Railgun Loading Mechanism (10 rounds)
* Body Interior : Ammo Stockpile (30 rounds)
The hard-point locations, space available, and current loadout:
* Cockpit Main Mount : Heavy Railgun
* Cockpit Secondary Mounts : Point Defense Pulse Laser x 2
* Cockpit Interior : Railgun Loading Mechanism (10 rounds)
* Body Interior : Ammo Stockpile (30 rounds)
Statistical Information
Organization: Unknown
Type: Retrofitted Industrial Mining Mecha
Class: Galvaneer
Designer: Unknown
Manufacturer: Unknown
Production: 1
Price: Unknown
Crew: 1
Maximum Capacity: Variable
Passenger Capacity: Variable
Width: 25Meters
Height: 14 Meters
Mass: 115 Tons
Type: Retrofitted Industrial Mining Mecha
Class: Galvaneer
Designer: Unknown
Manufacturer: Unknown
Production: 1
Price: Unknown
Crew: 1
Maximum Capacity: Variable
Passenger Capacity: Variable
Width: 25Meters
Height: 14 Meters
Mass: 115 Tons
Ground speed: 30 Kph
Jumping speed: None
Air speed: None
Range: Intercontinental
Jumping speed: None
Air speed: None
Range: Intercontinental
Damage Capacity
Cockpit Body : Heavy Armour
Cockpit Head : Light Armour
Body : Heavy Armour
Body Underbelly : Medium Armour
Front Right Fore Leg : Heavy Armour
Front Left Fore Leg : Heavy Armour
Back Right Fore Leg : Heavy Armour
Back Left Fore Leg : Heavy Armour
Front Right Leg : Medium Armor
Front Left Leg : Medium Armor
Back Right Leg : Medium Armor
Back Left Leg : Medium Armor
Cockpit Head : Light Armour
Body : Heavy Armour
Body Underbelly : Medium Armour
Front Right Fore Leg : Heavy Armour
Front Left Fore Leg : Heavy Armour
Back Right Fore Leg : Heavy Armour
Back Left Fore Leg : Heavy Armour
Front Right Leg : Medium Armor
Front Left Leg : Medium Armor
Back Right Leg : Medium Armor
Back Left Leg : Medium Armor
Onboard Systems Descriptions
Hull and Hull Integrated Systems
Hull and Chassis
The Industrial design of the mech is extremely sturdy and built with hydraulic actuators instead of the more common musculature systems.
Frame Internal Structure
The structure of the mech is a Titanium Steel alloy core surrounded by the various required components with a foam filling and steel casing.
Frame Hydraulics
With the industrial base of the mech the majority of the joints are moved by high strength, if not particularly fast, hydraulics. Faster electric motors are of course in place as backups and for faster movements but can’t hold up under the recoil of the heavy weapons and can’t overpower the hydraulics systems.
Carbon Latticed Steel Blast Shields
These large sheets of C Steel are the strongest pieces of armour on the whole mech. They are extremely resistant to most forms of attack with a melting point of 3015 degrees celsius lasers have little chance of vaporizing it and most kinetic weapons will have a hard time penetrating it. The main weakness of the material is its tendency to bend shatter under strong and continuous strain.
Life Support
The cockpit was a part of a void craft at some point in its life. It has retained or has had the following functions added to it. The cockpit itself is void tight and able to withstand extended travel in a vacuum. The air filtration systems were removed and have been recently replaced with a combination water and air filter system along with back up air tanks that can supply air for four days. The original seats were removed and assumed sold, their replacements fit the roll of inertial dampeners and can be sat in rather comfortably in a void suit. Temperature regulators are not exactly up to standards, the heating and cooling systems have been rerouted from the main weapons cooling channels and so during combat the cabin can get rather toasty.
Primary Power
Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators are the main power source for the mech supplying plenty of power to run the mech during normal operation, as well as the mech main source of heating. They do need to be changed out when the Isotope inside them dies but are very reliable.
(They don’t allow the mech to reach its highest fire rate but can sustain a fire rate of a round a minute.)
(They don’t allow the mech to reach its highest fire rate but can sustain a fire rate of a round a minute.)
Secondary Power Source
A singular plasma reactor is the mechs secondary power source. This isn’t the backup power source but is the Mechs source of energy in intense combat situations. Allowing the mechs main weapon to reach the maximum fire rate of eight rounds a minute. The onboard fuel allows the mech to power this reactor for thirty six hours straight though the coolant would probably have mostly vaporized by that point.
Cooling System
The mechs main cooling system uses a liquid setup to circulate coolant throughout the mech and to the radiators along the legs as well as some into the cockpit for thermal regulation.
The Secondary cooling system is built to cool the plasma reactor and only the plasma reactor. Along with the emergency vent systems the coolant system cycles through cooling cells powered by the main power circuit before returning to the reactor.
The Secondary cooling system is built to cool the plasma reactor and only the plasma reactor. Along with the emergency vent systems the coolant system cycles through cooling cells powered by the main power circuit before returning to the reactor.
Electronics and Control Systems
The mech has very few automated systems. While this does add to the pilots workload the mechs normal operating functions rarely require attention. The majority of the electronic assistance comes from survey scanners, mapping, target tracking and trajectory calculations.
The sensors are rather high quality compared to the rest of the mech. Originally intended for mining purposes they include subsurface scanners, siesmec, mineral analyzers, mass sensors, and optical sensors. The retrofit additions include a laser range finder, radar, electromagnetic sensors, and neutrino sensors.
Max range : 400 miles
Max scan accurate range : 100 miles
Max range : 400 miles
Max scan accurate range : 100 miles
Subsurface and Siesmec scanners
In its active state the scanners use the impact of the mechs pitons into the ground allows the mech to get a sonar scan of the subsurface area for a large range in all directions. In the more passive state it commonly uses the sensors pick up surface vibrations and use those to estimate the subsurface terrain as well as keep a track of where the surface vibrations originate from.
Targeting assistance
The mech assists the pilot by plotting the assumed trajectory and recommending adjustments based on surface shockwave and visual data.
For close-range transmissions, it is more difficult for the enemy to intercept, because they have to be in the area of the beam. Also limited to light-speed.
Full spectrum, Dual-Modulation, range theoretically unlimited except by interference. Practical range is short, since the waves only travel at light-speed.
Control Systems
The mech uses a Mind-Machine interface control system, linking the pilot up to the Frame directly. Interface is achieved when the pilot dons the specialized helmet. The mind-machine interface is a step above manual controls, and allows for pilots transferring to the new frame to have a shorter time to synchronize with it. The Interface also gives the frame faster movement and quicker reactions times.
Secondary controls are the display screen, pedals, and joysticks that allow the pilot to control the rotation of the mechs various components with the walking motion being automated to the speed pedals and direction the cockpit is facing, or continue in the direction allowing the cockpit to rotate freely.
Tertiary controls require a little more work. Meant to be the last choice the mech can be manually controlled through the various fuse boxes in the cockpit. This is restricted to simple actions like rotating the cockpit, charging the weapons, rotating the weapons and such. Each fuse panel is labeled but effective action using this method isn’t possible.
Secondary controls are the display screen, pedals, and joysticks that allow the pilot to control the rotation of the mechs various components with the walking motion being automated to the speed pedals and direction the cockpit is facing, or continue in the direction allowing the cockpit to rotate freely.
Tertiary controls require a little more work. Meant to be the last choice the mech can be manually controlled through the various fuse boxes in the cockpit. This is restricted to simple actions like rotating the cockpit, charging the weapons, rotating the weapons and such. Each fuse panel is labeled but effective action using this method isn’t possible.
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