101 is a relatively old Echoni, at only 7 years old. However, you would probably never know her true age this simply by looking at her or interacting with her. Physically, she appears to be about 19 or 20, and she is extremely intelligent, with a near encyclopedic knowledge of things that interest her.
This unit has a genius intellect, which has allowed her to develop far more rapidly than some of her fellow Echoni. However, her intelligence is rivaled and tempered by a hyperactivity that tends to cause her to be brazen and incautious. She is generally friendly, but can become bored with other units or researchers if not properly stimulated. This unit has a tendency to get herself into trouble, which has resulted in several lockdowns and increasingly drastic containment measures for her.
101 has only a few visible mutations, mostly appearing to be a cybernetically enhanced human. One of the most unsettling mutations is that fact that a large amount of her bone structure is external and extremely solidified. A series of metal plates and pneumatic systems augment this natural armor. Incredibly, despite everything, this unit still has all of their limbs fully intact, and the cybernetics seem to mostly be enhancement, rather than pure replacement. The unit has been outfitted with a handful of cybernetics, from two gigantic shoulder mounted thrusters, to a long, tubular tail. However, the rest of her appears to have been mostly untouched.
- Build: Lithely muscular, although a little curvier than usual for an Echoni.
- Facial Features: 101 has a very symmetrical face that is noticeably alien. Her sclera are black, and her glowing pink irises have slitted pupils, not unlike those of a snake or cat.
- Hair Style: The unit has mostly white hair, however it is streaked with black in some places. She often keeps it in a long ponytail so it is out of her way.
- Distinguishing Features: She has a tattoo of her number on her left cheek and a large yellow caution symbol on her right. This is the symbol that identifies her as a High Devil.
Like every Echoni, 101 was created on Hawking. As a relatively new unit to be created, 101 has very few memories and not all that much experience. 101 was singled out almost immediately for her incredible intellect, picking up basic motor functions and language far faster than average. Her curiosity grew as she was given more things to learn, and it was hard to feed her insatiable need to consume information. Eventually, she was given a direct brain-computer port to test the limits of her brain and to stop her from bothering researchers with her constant pestering for books. In terms of Exophage abilities, she was equally a natural. While her abilities are still being slowly explored in an effort not to cause unnecessary corruption, she has been shown to be capable of telekinesis and telepathy. When she is in a bad mood, she has a tendency to cause a lot of problems, and has escaped multiple times, only to be found wandering the hallways extremely bored. Her natural abilities, combined with her unstable personality has caused researchers many headaches and resulted in her current classification.
- Skill 1: Melee Combat (Blades)
- Skill 2: Ranged Combat (Heavy Weapons)
- Skill 3: Aberrant Power Focus
- Skill 4: Hacking
- Trait 1: Intelligent
- Trait 2: Curious
- Trait 3: Hyper Active
- Trait 4: Sadistic
- Trait 5: Easily Bored
Exophage Transmission Sheath
Combat Knife
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