• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Conestoga class

Conestoga-class Replenishment Ship


The Conestoga is a Replenishment ship built out of repurposed, older, Statesmen class hulls capable of transporting large numbers of smaller craft and provisons over interstellar distances.


Class: Conestoga
Operators: American Union
Union Launch Alliance (ULA): Hull / Drive system
Jovian Propulsion Labs (JPL): Sensor Systems​
Length: 300 Meters
Diameter (Radiators): 80 Meters
Diameter (Main Body): 40 Meters

1 x ULA Mark 17 Fusion Drive
1 x ULA Ship-Portable SuperLuminal Engine Block 23

Maximum Acceleration: .25 g

Crew: 50

JPL Block 12 Optical/Thermal Sensor Systems​
JPL Block 3 Ship Radar​


Following the New Years Revolution and the disastrous battle of Reiss the American Union found it needed to rethink its combat strategy. The loss of six Statesmen class ships at once left the American Union entirely unable to continue operations in the Hawking System AND Atlantica, which would lead to the loss of the 6th fleet as an organization entirely. The long production times required for new Statesmen would also prevent the Union from replenishing their losses. The answer would be to 'surge' smaller ship classes like the Whip class, as they could be brought up to modern standards and then mass produced in a relatively short amount of time with new hulls being commissioned in the middle of 2320 and numerous older hulls being updated with modern equipment by the end of 2320, promoting backline and training units to full combat roles.

The problem with this strategy was two fold. First, Whips lacked the Statesmen's SLE drive and thus required the use of external SLEs to move from Sol to Atlantica and beyond. Second, the lack of internal storage and the two weeks of FTL travel made their strategic range short on the exit before needing refueling and resupplying. What was needed was a ship that could be used as a replenishment ship and tender for the Whips. Thus, Project Conestoga was born.

Able to connect 16 Whips together, this barebones rejected Statesmen hull section had limited armor and was stripped of all nonessentials, but filled the hull with provisions and a large recreation section to service the Whip crews and its small crew to work the drive and keep up the other systems.

With the ceasing of hostilities in 2323,the Conestogas were used to continually move Whips into Atlantica and New Texas to free up Statesmen for upgrading to Elder Statesmen or rebuilding into Chairmen, Speakers, or Conestogas. As their role as ferry and field R&R became apparent, a new small ship was designed to work with the Whip. The Representative class.

Ships of Note

The naming scheme of the class is based on cities settled by pioneers. First were old western US.


The Conestoga's layout is perpendicular to the acceleration from the engine. Cargo is placed in the front half of the ship and between the docking rings for the Whips. Behind the second docking ring is the recreational facilities for all of the crews, followed by the Conestoga's crew quarters, and the engineering spaces for the engines.


The Conestoga is a lightly armored ship, with only the basic protection needed to survive long distance laser strikes.

Anti-Flash layer

Coating nearly every surface is an extremely thin anti-flash layer made up of a highly heat resistant layer of tungsten carbide and an undercoating of industrial diamond. This is intended to provide a high amount of protection against high instantaneous heat flashes from nuclear weapons.​

Anti-Laser Layer

A layer of graphite impregnated aerogel is used on the outer skin of the ship for protection against laser attacks.​

Spaced Armor

The cargo space has thin layers of armor between them to lower damage from long range strikes. Living quarters and recreational areas have thicker armor plates.​

Osmium and Amorphous Carbon internal layers with spall lining.

Much of the interior of the ship’s structural components and interior walls are made with layers of sandwiched Osmium, Amorphous Carbon, and internal spall liners to provide a level of protection in depth when the ship is struck by incoming attacks that get through the exterior.​


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