• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Chongwu Classes


The classes of Chongwu basically dictate how much time and effort was put into their creation, programming and training. This goes from the ultra elite SSS all the way down to E, which is barely a class considering they're walking abortions waiting to happen. They are exclusively produced and sold by The Empire of Daqin and are a major source of revenue despite their controversy, but this has not stopped outside groups from trying to replicate their work with very limited success.

Class SSS-S

  • They are the three highest tiers of Chongwu available
  • They are most commonly seen being used by the rich and elite as servants and/or bodyguards
  • They are also employed by companies as perfect workers in very specific and demanding roles such as engineering and design
  • Their use is highly controversial amongst human nations, as they are effectively replacing employees
  • The very most unshakably loyal and devout Chongwu, are fanatic about the jobs they were made for
  • Physical build quality matches the Daqinese themselves, with no defects guaranteed
  • Their programming is very thorough, and not only includes everything they need for their purpose, but enough general education as to function like a person
  • Their programming can be age-gated so that it unlocks as they grow
  • They are thoroughly trained, giving them the practice and experience necessary to do the job they were made for
  • No violence used to coerce at any point in time during their training
  • They are typically the only ones allowed to operate in human nations due to being 'humanely produced' without the use of violence in their training - theoretically
  • The main difference between the S Classes are the amount of time spent perfecting their training and skillset; master, proficient, newbie
  • Lots of positive reinforcement during their training
  • They take pleasure in the purpose that they were given
  • They are the most capable of independent action and thinking 'outside the box'
  • Their training and discipline does not degrade with time should their owner deploy them properly
  • They will not become lazy if given leeway like lesser classes, but will still degrade if their owners treat them poorly
  • For those outside of the empire and humans in particular, they are very expensive, with SSS units being about as expensive as a personal space yacht
  • In theory, would make for very good spec-ops and/or spies
  • Are the only classification that may be in imperial core areas restricted to 1st Class Citizens only

Class A

  • They are the fourth highest tier of Chongwu available
  • The main difference from S is the threat of pain and violence in their training to speed up the process
  • They are almost unshakably loyal and devout Chongwu, and are fanatic about the jobs they were made for
  • They overall enjoy their purpose and take pleasure in it, but do have fear of pain/punishment should they not do it perfectly
  • They are best suited to tasks that require some independent, critical thinking
  • They have general purpose knowledge, but are not trained to make small talk with or use it overall
  • They are well suited for work where they either do not interact with new people all the time, or where their interactions are relatively routine
  • They can get a little flustered by unforeseen or unexpected circumstances, which owners can find endearing; trained not to break down and cry
  • Their training can get a little rusty with time

Class B

  • There are more fear tactics, guilt tripping, threats of and actual use of violence to accelerate training/discipline
  • They are programmed with everything they need to know to do their jobs
  • They are programmed with general purpose knowledge, but only have a limited amount of practice from training to use it
  • Their training is moderate, meaning that they have experience doing it, but are not experts at it
  • They are best suited to tasks that require only a little bit of independent, critical thinking
  • They can become very flustered by unforeseen or unexpected circumstances, which owners can find endearing; they have some training not to break down and cry
  • Their training and discipline can become rusty with time and lack of maintenance

Class C

  • Their training and discipline is done very quickly, with additional use of fear, guilt, threats of violence and actual violence to accelerate the process
  • Their programming includes everything they need to know to do their jobs
  • Their programming does not include general knowledge necessary for day to day tasks outside of maintaining themselves as workers
  • Their training and the practice that comes with it is very limited, and is used as a quality-check more than anything else
  • Their training and discipline will become rusty with time and lack of maintenance
  • They will become very flustered or even cry/break down due to unforeseen or unexpected circumstances out of fear of punishment
  • They are the most suited for menial, repetitive tasks and other simple jobs
  • They are considered the economy model, and cost as much as an economy car

Class D

  • They have all the programming necessary for their job, and nothing else
  • They are not trained whatsoever, or have training that has significantly degraded
  • They have not been disciplined whatsoever, or have discipline that has significantly degraded
  • They are very quick and easy to make, even for Chongwu
  • They are either freshly made blank slates, or are used models that have significantly degraded
  • They are considered bottom of the barrel, 'do it yourself' projects

Class E

  • They look fine, but are walking abortions waiting to happen due to their lack of genetic and/or cellular stability
  • These are typically counterfeit Chongwu made by anyone other than the Empire, or are made if the Empire is in a huge hurry
  • Their programming, training and discipline can all vary depending on what the makers are trying to pass them off as, or have time to do
  • Their pricing can vary greatly, going from next to nothing, to SSS tier should they be passed off as such
  • They immediately drop down to Class F once they start destabilizing

Class F

  • These are the outright failures, monstrosities, horrors, and living abortions
  • They are typically something expected to come out of a mad scientist's laboratory
  • They can be too horrible to die
  • For these, death is most likely mercy at this point
  • They can be extremely dangerous
  • Their level of sentience, sapience and intelligence can vary greatly

OOC Notes

The Chongwu! The Superior Pet, for the Superior People. The Chongwu are possibly the DaQin's greatest achievement, and their greatest folly! The Chongwu are either animals who have been genetically uplifted and given heightened intelligence, or, are entirely new cretures using animal, and sometimes human, or DaQin genetics to create humanoid peoples capable of most everything people are capable of!

One of the things you must keep in mind when writing a Chongwu, is that they are slaves. There are very few naturally born Chongwu, most having been made in Chongwu Factories and sold off to the highest bidder. Their lives, no matter how kind their Owner may be, are likely not the greatest. They are chattel, sub-human, and lack even basic rights. Additionally, even humans agree, the Chongwu are chattel, and actively participate in the market. There are very few places that are safe for a Chongwu, and respect their status as people.

The second challenge, is the understanding that your characters brain, at some point, was genetically programmed. They were programmed with a specific demeanor, the were programmed with a specific job specialty, and they were likely programmed with various different orders. How well these orders have taken hold and how strong this genetic programming is, is entirely dependent on the class of Chongwu you decide to make your character.

Classes player characters can be, range from Class D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS. Class A, for simplicity, is probably the easiest Class, and I will explain why.

Class D: Programming is basic and the Chongwu lacked the continued indoctrination to make the programming stick. While they do have a natural inclination to certain tasks, that's all it is. A knack for performing their intended task. Most owners keep these Chongwu in line with very direct and physical means, and the class is typically best suited to hard labor work as they tend to act out. Typical methods of discouragement are explosive restraints, starvation, sleep deprivation, physical and mental abuse of varying degrees. They are largely uneducated, often finding even simple academics impossible.

Class SSS: These are the best Chongwu money can buy, and are often exclusively used for domestic purposes. Not only was the Programming top of the line, but the indoctrination after "Birth" was designed to make the programming stick. Chongwu of this class are entirely brainwashed, to the point where they have a physical addiction to completing their tasks. A Maid Chongwu of this class, if needing to pick one or the other, would choose completing her task as a Maid, over food, and the slightest scolding from their owner will cause signs of depression and anxiety, which will cause them to throw themselves into their work to make up for whatever they did to be scolded. They are highly educated in any and every subject that could make them better at providing service to their owner.

Now, of course the classes are a scale. Though, to put it in better terms, as a Character, a D Class Chongwu, will likely be unskilled, and while lack any signs of brainwashing, they will have likely lived a life of abuse and neglect for a vast majority of their life. On the other hand, SSS Class Chongwu will likely have been raised well and treated like beloved pets, but to effectively play the Character as an independent free thinker, they will have had to have gone through an intense rehabilitation process which will often leave them confused about their identity. Depression and Anxiety are likely to be a permanent marker of their character personality, and they can actually relapse, undoing the rehabilitation, and making the suffering for nothing.

This is why Class A is likely the easiest point for someone looking to play a Chongwu. They are right in the middle. Their level of Programming allows them to be controlled with a more delicate touch, but they are free thinking enough to have a personality of their own, and any rehabilitation they may go through isn't likely to completely erase any sense of identity they have. Other classes can be played well, but are certainly more challenging to write authentically.

There is definitely a Darkness to the DaQin that is most potent when it comes to the Chongwu. While it doesn't need to be at the forefront of all writing you're involved in, it should still be there, somehow. Let it influence your writing, but don't let it strangle it.

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