• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Chū Guó Carrier

出国 (chū guó)


出国 with cargo doors open

The 出国 class of starships started life as a stealth merchant ship in 2304 and received many design changes and upgrades throughout its service life. Though it is one of the stealthiest ships in the Daqin inventory, the ship never quite lived up to its original design objectives do to physical limits to stealthyness in space. The ships would end up assigned largely to merchant units operating outside of Daqin home space and is largely considered as a lesser-role in the Daqin military.


Class: 出国 (chū guó)
Operators: Dìguó Jūnshì (帝国军事)
Manufacturer: Daqin Diguo

Length: 180 Meters
Width (Radiators): 110 Meters
Height (Main Body): 30 Meters

Crew: 80 Crew
32 ship crew,
48 additional soldiers or pilots

Propulsion: Fusion-Thermal engine system
Maximum Acceleration: 3.8g



4x wide-band radar systems​
2x electro-optical telescopes​

Armament: x2 particle beam systems (optional)

Cargo Capacity:

Support Craft:



Rear of a 出国 with cargo doors closed

The 出国 class of starships was finalized in 2304 to support the Dìguó Jūnshì's merchant and culture spreading operations outside of the home star system. While initially this included simply the ability to transport cargo and transporting diplomats. This task would be greatly expanded during the initial design phases requiring the addition of internal FTL systems to reach its destinations from the home world or return if needed along with diplomatic areas, ample crew space, defensive weapons, and the capacity to launch a range of support craft all ontop of a wide range of stealth features. The project would also get a huge boon with Heram Wazu giving the Daqin substantial information on how to build stealth systems, leading to many of the design choices in the ship's reaction mass storage and stealth systems.

The first of the ships would enter service in 2305, and would end up being assigned to Dìguó Jūnshì merchant fleets where they would initially serve as the flagships of these 'civilian' fleets as they were minimally armed and had the ample diplomatic space to allow ship-captains an amount of additional luxry while underway. The ship would see itself deployed in relatively large numbers to help make up for the limited carrying capacity compared to dedicated cargo transports. This would, in turn, give the Dìguó Jūnshì a large degree of freedom in how to hide equipment and materials among its 'civilian' 出国 freighter fleet, leaving human nations to wonder if the ships they were tracking were filled with commercial goods or large payloads of fighter-craft in their completely-covered cargo hold. For the next decade this modest design would be at the forefront of the Dìguó Jūnshì's influence spreading strategies in human space.

by the 2320s the 出国 is starting to show its age. More advanced starships have entered the Dìguó Jūnshì inventory, relegating the 出国 to progressively less important tasks, with the majority now being seen in frontier systems like Hawking and Atlantica, or in a support role with fleets further inside of the Human Sphere. Being assigned as captain to one of these ships is now more of a task one is expected to work through on their way to better things, or as a place for more disgraced captains to be placed 'out of the way'.



The 出国 is a compromise between insistent Daqin Diguo cultural officers and increasingly exasperated engineers trying to maintain low-visibility shaping while also trying to address scope-creep.

The ship itself possesses 6 large, stylized, radiator wing surfaces, with a very conventional 'crew space, cargo space, then reaction mass and reactor' stack layout front to back. While the crew space and reactor areas are completely enclosed, the cargo space has large double-doors that open along the center-line of the ship to allow for deployment of cargo.



The 出国 is lightly armored against most types of attack using a thin layer of industrial diamond attached to a carbon-composite material sandwiching a thick layer of silica-infused areogel. A heavy Osmium plate in the nose of the ship provides protection for the crew and cargo for attacks coming from directly in front.

Emissions-Management layer

Coating nearly every surface is an advanced Daqin meta-material composite designed to channel and absorb energy from enemy radars and shift the heat emissions of the ship into more limited wavelengths to reduce detection.​

Hydrogen-Slush System

Perhaps the major engineering component, the 出国 uses Hydrogen kept near its triple-point as both its cooling system and main source of reaction-mass. The storage tanks of Hydrogen-Slush are allowed to slowly evaporate. This keeps the slush at supercooled temperatures as the excess that 'boils off' is pumped through the interior armor channels of the ship, then through the ship's radiator fins, and then finally through the ship reactor's chambers before exiting out the ship's exhaust nozzle. This keeps the exterior of the ship extremely cold in an attempt to fool thermal sensors.​

Cargo Bay

Along the center line of the ship is the cargo-bay with large scale double-doors on either side and multiple configurable levels to allow the ship to stack cargo containers, create fight decks for support ships, and generally hold any mix of cargo and support ships.

Crew Area

The crew area of the ship is located towards the nose of the ship, and contains rather spacious living quarters for officers, bunks for the enlisted, diplomatic spaces, and work-pods for Daqin crew to connect to the ship's network in VR.


Particle Beam Weapons

A pair of forward-fixed particle beam generators are attached to the ship, and can be used for mid to long range strikes against a target as well as for destroying small objects directly in the path of the ship up to +-7 degrees off center thanks to electromagnetic fields helping to aim the beams.​

Life Support

Included within the ship is oxygen recycling, carbon removal, air filtration, and grey water treatment at one atmosphere of pressure for up to 100 people short term or 50 people indefinitely. It is expected that the crew of the ship itself will be active all the time, and the included support infantry or pilots will only be brought out of their VR pods when it is time for them to depart the ship. This allows the ship to provide a very comfortable earth-like interior environment for the crew and guests.

Reporting Name

The American Union's reporting name for this ship is "Siberian"

The name comes from the Siberian Tiger, and matches the American Union's naming Schema to attach tiger names to the larger Daqin craft, and housecat names to their smaller craft.

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