Bjorn is an unmistakable figure, his cervidaen head balanced majestically atop the intimidating structure of a body built by years of demanding physical labor.
The antlers of his origin species are reinforced with a steel coating and inlaid with receptors. The 10 points of the antlers each rise from the circle of the crown in a slight asymetrical appearance.
His legs are modified and far sturdier than the origin species' legs to bear the weight of the andromorphic form. The hoofs are far more solid and wider, and his thighs far thicker. He is still completely capable of rising a roof directly in front of his hip.
His torso is nearly exactly humanoid with the exception that his hands include only four digits, a thumb and three fingers.
A scar runs from above his left eye all the way down his cheek and neck, through his left pectoral muscle. Though long-healed, the fur never healed back, leaving a lingering red scar in its place.
Skills and Abilities
Bjorn has spent several years traveling in any way possible since receiving proof of his self-ownership, but struggles to receive the universal respect for those freedoms. As a result, he has developed several skills in addition to those he was engineered to come by naturally.
- Strength and problem-solving for independent manipulation of exceptionally heavy resistances
- Piloting developed from the base programming of heavy equipment operation in rural farm and development areas
- Basic knowledge of medical practices necessary to stabilize an individual until better equipment is available
- Exceptional survival skills in a wide variety of biomes, repeats study and practice of this knowledge regularly
- Insatiable curiosity about why individuals hold the opinions they do, and an endless desire to challenge the opinions of others and himself
- Machine repair programming has developed him into a weapons and mechanics expert, equally for operation, repair, and inventive creativity
- Excellent chef, though he typically sticks to very basic recipes and a simple tea
- Rarely ends the day without reading or writing in an old-fashioned real paper book
Bjorn is a very guarded individual, but never hesitates to interact with others and is by no means unapproachable. He may come across as abrasive, reactive, or defensive in normal circumstances in a group. One-on-one he's an excellent listener who invites others to explore the depths of their own ideas, and a willing conversationalist who happily passes on the advise and wisdom of his former owner/mentor. Once scorned or disparaged - which happens frequently - Bjorn may recognize another person as being closed-minded and respond by completely shifting his personality towards that individual by interacting only when necessary or polite.
Bjorn was engineered as a factory worker, but was purchased instead as a farmhand by Timothy Sandren, a farmer in New Texas. Bjorn operated as the only Chongwu in an extremely rural area on Sandren's farm. The Sandrens provided him with an education, and treated him as a member of the family. After an illness struck the Sandrens and killed half of them, Bjorn helped the Timothy keep the ranch alive until the surviving children were able to leave for better opportunities. Alone and working together, Timothy acted as a mentor to Bjorn, teaching him from the scripts of ancient philosophers from Old Earth. Before Timothy's death, the farm was sold and all the proceeds were put under Bjorn's management. Bjorn was granted with the means to operate as manager of the Sandren Family, LLC, to build and manage the finances of the family trust funds. He was granted as many certifications and autonomous rights as he were legal. Bjorn managed the funeral alone, and then set off to develop contacts and information about the rest of the galaxy. He feels a responsibility to live by the old man's teachings and share his understanding with others.
He carries at all times a certificate signed by his late owner documenting the farmer's final act to provide Bjorn with autonomy and permission to acquire material possessions on behalf of the "Sandren Family, LLC". The documents are intended to grant Bjorn autonomy, and where that is frowned upon, provide him with recognition as a decision maker acting on behalf of the Sandren Family.
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