• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.


Bicun Guncrawler

The Bicun is a large screw-driven vehicle powered by liquified-peat fuel that is commonly used by the Grawla from Port Squishy.


The Bicun uses screw shaped propellers to traverse difficult terrain including water, mud, and the difficult wetlands of Port Squishy. IT is reasonably fast enough to catch up with ships approaching the port or to run down the crawlers of those who might try to steal or skip out on their bills in the Port.
While the vehicle is lightly armored, enterprising Grawla will usually apply additional armor to the front, sides, and upper turret in the form of scrap metal welded onto rods that extend from the frame of the vehicle. Typically a smoke generator is also installed that can turn the liquefied peat fuel into a dense smoke screen to cover the vehicle as it moves.

There are three turrets on the Bicun. Typically the front turret is equipped with a rapid-fire cannon, while the rear turret carries twin anti-aircraft machineguns. The center turret is often equipped with a 24 shot rocket launcher for saturation fire.

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