• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.


Aralia Spinosa

Biographical information
New Cambridge 2296 28
Physical description
Human Low Cyborg Female 5'10" / 177.8cm Put 152lbs / 69kg Brown / Green vines woven in Brown Tan
Political Information
Magnetic Assembly, The Elevated Vessel Biologist / Weirdo Space Druid
Out-of-Character Information
Uso 2024

Aralia is a premade character available for new players to pick up and use.

Aralia likes plants.

Aralia likes robotics.

Aralia's life is an intersection between these two things, finding ways to grow and care for plants in the incredibly hostile environment of space. Sometimes this means equipping plants with extensive hydroponic systems. Sometimes this means fitting them with robotic legs so they can move about. Sometimes guns are involved.

Regardless of what she's doing, her excitement for her work always shows through.


Aralia is very excited about her pet project: Plants. She is happiest when she gets to talk shop about what she's working on, and can sometimes struggle with things that aren't in her area of expertise until she can find a way to make it include her area of expertise. She is naturally an empathetic person, and will generally try and help in a way that makes best use of her talents.

She is a strong believer in harm reduction. She chooses no to eat animals that have been killed, but will consume them if they died of natural causes. Similarly, she will only eat animal products if the animal it comes from got to live its entire life. The majority of the animal products she uses have been cloned or otherwise synthetically created. She will always be the one arguing for the least harmful approach to situations. One of her current projects involves synthetically creating fish-meat that matches that of what the Grawla of River City use as their main food source.

Aralia can, and has, armed animals to defend themselves.

"The laws of nature are stupid, and should be overthrown." - Aralia Spinosa


Aralia is someone who always feels like she must bring a lot of things with her, which tends to clutter her appearance. What she needs for what she is doing int he moment is always cluttered with her latest projects and other accessories. She tends to try and wear plants as much as possible, including shirts made from living organisms and vines that are woven into her hair giving her tan skin a plant-like green coloration added to it. Her often very hands on work has given her a toned physique, and she often carries with her the scent of hydroponic growth water and fresh air.

  • Build: Toned
  • Facial Features: Rounded face
  • Hair Style: Long hair
  • Distinguishing Features:


What's their history? Just some basics about how they came to be who they are right now is just fine, but feel free to add more. Major events that formed them are the most important details though.


  • Skill 1: Plants
  • Skill 2: Robotics
  • Skill 3: Cooking
  • Skill 4: Chemistry


Traits are more or less some noteworthy aspects of your character. Are they brave? Are they cowardly? Is this person creative or dumb? Maybe they're very pretty, or completely distracting?
  • Trait 1: PLANTS




A chicken that Aralia keeps to help deal with small pests and occasionally provide eggs. The chicken itself has undergone genetic modification to better deal with the rigors of space, and is typically equipped with a small backpack full of electronics that contains medical tools for operating the medical nanomachines inside of the chicken, radio communication, and a tiny laser turret that is designed to destroy flying parasites like mosquitos, but can also blind/dazzle larger enemies.

All of Aralia's chickens are named after famous detectives


A genetically engineered Fern optimized for pulling CO2 and other pollutants out of the air. The plant has Also been optimized to seek out those pollutants, its roots encased in a hydroponic system that is itself supported by multiple mechanical legs. Seymore also has a single mechanical arm, that Aralia will sometimes give a pistol or machete if she feels threatened.

All of Aralia's mechanically supported plants are named after famous plant-creatures like Ents.


Aralia's pet wolf. A well trained pet wolf that can be directed from a service backpack that carries a computer and communications system, sensors, and a small turret for optionally mounting more equipment of weapons. Fitting Doggo with with weapons was Aralia's direct response to being asked to learn how to use a gun just in case she ran into trouble.


OOC Information

Role in the Story

Aralia is very much a support character. Her primary job is to keep the crew of the ship alive through maintaining the plants that both clean the air, create the base materials for food, and generally create the ecosystem of the ship itself. When she interacts with the crew, her concerns are with if their air is clean, if they've eaten recently, and how they feel about the food as their well being depends on how well Aralia does her job.

And Aralia loves her job.

If she's doing something for fun, it will be tangentially related to her job. She could be doing anything as esoteric as trying to improve her pet plants and animals by fitting them with cybernetics, or pestering crew members to try her latest dish made from a newly cloned meat.

Role in Combat Situations

Aralia is not someone who's great with weapons, and suffers from being only human. If she's in combat, her game plan is to get out of danger as quickly as possible, typically using stun weapons, smoke grenades, drug-mists, or other less lethal or chemical means to get out of harms way fast.

Aralia does tend to bring along pets of questionable utility.[/H]

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