• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.


Miranda Fate Exousia

Though some believe the Caelumar to be servants of the holy gods or guardians of balance and call them Angels, others view them as simply another group of people, flaws and all. Present on many worlds where magic holds sway, they are typically found in some sort of custodial, peacekeeping or mediating role, leveraging both their magical and physiological advantages against any who would oppose them in the name of their God, Goddess or Pantheon. Though the precise reasons for this are largely unknown, even to themselves, their relatively widespread proliferation across many worlds means that they can be found in numerous places across space. Though they most often play their classic role as servant of the heavens and protector of the good, they can just as often be seen making the daily grind. Despite this widespread presence, their population is typically a small minority.

Physically however, they are everything that is expected of them and more. Absolutely flawless, and a paragon of beauty, the Caelumar are humanity taken to its genetic pinnacle and then pushed even further through magical means. In general, Caelumar Culture is Greco-Roman, with some variations between the different iterations used by the various godly pantheons that employ them.


In general, there are two main constants that all Caelumar follow, with any deviations being very rare and abnormal. First, is that their appearance is very similar to that of a flawlessly handsome or beautiful Human or Aos Si. Second, is that they have feathered wings that are either full sized or reduced to their compact form. Despite their depiction in many works of classical art from Earth, the Caelumar can vary greatly in ethnicity, but typically match that of the people they interact with in the local area. Even on the same planet, those in one continent can look different than those on another. While white is the most common feather color, they can vary through grey and browns, and typically complement their skin color. Black, however, is not not natural, and is induced by themselves or another party as a form of cultural marking. Eye colors can also vary greatly, ranging from a relatively normal brown to a particularly striking blue or gold.

Anatomy and Physiology

Though the Caelumar and humans share many anatomical and physiological features, the Caelumar themselves are notably superior in many aspects. Faster, stronger and with superior senses, their finely honed abilities closely mirror that of any humans that are at the pinnacle of what genetic engineering can give. As a result, several Caelumaric DNA sequences can be found within the Daqinese. However, a few key, distinct differences are also present.


Easily measuring 7 meters or more in span, angelic wings are fully capable of propelling a healthy adult through the air. Strong, light and fast, the wings have a surprisingly wide range of motion, enabling high speed flight and various aerial acrobatics. However, this is a tiring affair, and in order to compensate, the Caelumar prefer to glide, using drafts and air currents to ease their usage of energy. Surprisingly, the metacarpals of the wing are sophisticated enough to roughly hold large objects, and though lack fine motor skills necessary for hand work, have a retractable talon hidden by their feathers that can be used with accurate, lethal precision.


A Caelumar's muscles do not atrophy from disuse and remain well toned regardless of physical activity levels, and are noticeably stronger than an equivalent human's build. Unlike the Daqinese however, their musculature is not abnormally dense to the point of changing their buoyancy as a trade off that enables flight. Other improvements over baseline humans include improved oxygen storage and efficiency of use, allowing the Caelumar to sprint for far longer periods of time, as well as sustain their flight. Their muscles also have a faster contraction time and precision, better allowing their bodies to keep up with their improved reaction times.


In comparison to humans, Caelumaric visual acuity does not decay with age or living in confined spaces. Additionally, in order to aid in flight, their eyes also feature a visual acuity is generally 20/5; in order for both a Caelumar and a baseline human to see something with the same degree of detail, the Caelumar may stand 20 feet away, while the human must come to within 5 feet. In addition to these differences, the Caelumar also have improved peripheral vision clarity. Perhaps more importantly though, is their ability to see what they call magic and its wind-like ebb and flow. The most visibly striking feature they have however, would be their nictitating membrane.

These clear and translucent membranes slide over their eyes from the sides to act as protective covers when flying at high speeds, and like second eyelids, can blink to sweep away dust and tears as well.

Circulatory System

The Caelumarlic circulatory system holds a number of improvements over that of the baseline human. In addition to being in peak physical condition throughout their lifespan, the circulatory system prevents aneurysms and the like through having more durable, elastic arteries, veins and capillaries. Perhaps most importantly, the Caelumar are also more resistant to both positive and negative g-forces, especially due to the addition of specialized valves. Located in key places, these help to prevent the loss of or excessive blood pressure changes during high-g maneuvers or even acceleration during freight transit. As a result, the Caelumar are known to be some of the most capable fighter pilots, making moves that would otherwise cause a red-out or blackout in humans.

Regeneration and Immunity

Caelumar are capable of regrowing entire limbs and recover from neurological damage that the average human would not. Given enough time, any injury will heal, with cosmetic scarring being the only indicator of any previous injury. They remain susceptible to diseases however, but with the very worst symptoms being far better managed as to almost never be debilitating or lethal. Additionally, the time being sick is usually cut in half at the very least, with the vast majority of diseases resolving themselves with enough rest and a proper diet.

Aging, Life Span and Reproduction

Though major Caelumar of particular note have been documented to live for millennia thanks to the aid of magic, observation indicates that the average Caelumar has a life span of roughly 300 years if the supply of magic is little to none. Most however, do age, but remain in their physical prime for the majority of their lives. Oftentimes, the youngest of Caelumar are incorrectly referred to as 'Cherubs' by outsiders due to their sapience and ability to speak only weeks after birth. When mature, Caelumar physically appear to be anywhere from 18-35 and remain fit throughout their lives. Even as they come closer to death, it is only within the last 50 years that they show signs of aging, but these are typically limited to whitening hair and the subtle changes in personality associated with such age.

Despite the advantages they have over humans however, the periods in which they are fertile is significantly lower, and occur much less frequently. In addition, due to their differing genetics, they have difficulty producing offspring with humans, with only one out of ten being successful.


Unlike many other species, the Caelumaric metabolism is variable in accordance with the individual's needs. While others are more likely to starve to death or become obese from a lack or excess of caloric intake, the Caelumar are less prone to such conditions. When deprived of sustenance, the Caelumaric metabolism carefully slows itself down to preserve the individual without excessively interfering with their individual performance. When pressed with a fight-or-flight response in this condition, their metabolism quickly goes back into a heightened state in order to allow them to act accordingly without hindrance. Meanwhile, should a Caelumar consume an excess of calories, their metabolism will accelerate in an attempt to use up the excess energy, increasing body heat in response. Due to cellular limitations however, this increase is only modest, and as a result, a Caelumar can become obese with enough consumption. This state will not last as they will revert to normal once their diet does as well however.


Though all Caelumar are capable of using magic, one universal constant is the presence of their angelic halo. Composed of golden hard-light, it floats several inches above their head and provides some limited protection, reflexively appearing upon magical exertion. Its manifestation can be consciously controlled however, allowing it to be hidden. However, their ties with the ebb and flow of magic go deeper than most, and is only rivaled by the Aos Si and Infernumar for better and worse. With only a little magic, their greatness fades, falling into far more mortal limits as their strength, vigor, youth and longevity all come closer to rather human constraints. Worse, if deprived of its life-giving currents entirely, they will degenerate, aging much more rapidly until death takes them.

Holy Prayer

Caelumar are unique among the magically inclined species in that they are able to channel and gather additional magic, bolstering their reserves. This is done by entering a state of mind similar to meditation, something that they treat ritualistically. During this, they either verbally or mentally make a wish for strength, fortitude or some form of positive attribute, often beseeching a figure of respect, legend or authority, though this is not necessary. During this mental state, where their mind and emotions are focused, the ebb and flow of magic changes around them, augmenting their abilities and increasing their reserves in the process.

This can be done without going into a trance-like state and can be verbally repeated like a mantra while performing other activities as well, but with significantly reduced effect.


Unlike most other winged species, the Caelumar are peculiar in that their wings can change in size at will. Though this transformation costs magical energy, their wingspan can vary from anywhere within a single foot to their full, complete span of 7 meters or more. This ability to transform is particularly important though, as their presence also governs how much of their magical energy can be accessed at any given time. With their full wingspan present, they may access their magic in full. In their smaller state however, the majority is stored away. During transformations, light, ethereal feathers composed purely of mana are shed into the air, and after having fallen, fade from existence. Old stories and legends also note that in rare instances, sufficiently high ranking and powerful Caelumar were able to transform into completely otherworldly beings that were borderline maddening to look at, but no recent documentation currently exists regarding this.

OOC Notes

  • What would be called Angels. Derived from caelum, which is latin for sky, and the suffix -ar, which means of, relating to, or being

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