Amisra of Yvresse
Known only as Amisra of Yvresse by humans, her true origin is kept secret for her own reasons.
Amisra was known as an Aos Si Ranger trained in the use of longbow, sword, shield, spear and magic. Despite this though, her specialization lies in her ability to use magic conservatively and efficiently, though the manner in which she does so is a secret of her famously arrogant family, House Vayare of the now extinguished city-state of Nosildor. One of already few remaining 'lore keeper' families, they jealously guarded the secrets that they had collected and protected over the years. Thanks to her training, Amisra's arrows veer mid-flight and sword blades angle to strike true. Meanwhile, her senses are unnaturally keen in finding water or game, bleeding staunches quickly, and any wounds never become afflicted. Perhaps more important though, is her current pursuit of modern knowledge.
With the passing of time, Amisra has found success in human society, slowly building up her education and popular fame before taking to the workplace like many other University graduates. However, unlike many, she rose through the ranks of the initially human lead company she had joined over the decades. Now a celebrity CEO, she promotes the recovery and reconstruction of Aos'Si culture using her vast resources.
At first glance, Amisra acts like any other noblewoman from Vayare av Nosildor. That is to say, so haughty and arrogant that it is an insult to state that someone acts as though they are from her house or city. However, those who pay attention to Amisra's tone of voice, expression or demeanor will quickly realize that there is no malice behind her pretentiousness or vanity, and will likely come to the conclusion that her arrogance is a formality that she simply observes. Insightful, observant, pragmatic and resourceful, she is a person who enjoys tradition, but prefers results - and staying alive - far more. This hard edge has mellowed with time, seeing as she has found much success in human society.
- Build: Amisra's body is deceptively strong despite its pleasingly soft and lithe appearance. Most noteworthy, her build features a more womanly emphasis at her chest than at her hips or waist.
- Facial Features: Though she appears to be of Caucasian descent at first glance, there are many similarities and features found from those of Asian descent as well. Her face has a soft, almost heart shape to it.
- Hair Style: Amisra's long red hair is worn loosely when relaxed, but at work, she typically puts it up into a bun, or ties it into a braid that is then tucked away or coiled up in turn.
- Distinguishing Features: Like most Aos'Si, the most distinguishing feature of her appearance is perhaps its lack of one, being a flawless example of her people.
Born of House Vayare and hailing from the city of Nosildor in 2188 CE, Amisra grew up well after the fading of magic from the realm. As such, her people were medieval in technology, with most high-relics lost to the ages or otherwise inoperable. House Vayare however, was one of few who specialized in keeping their knowledge intact through the generations, and Amisra was to be another of its keepers. However, with the situation having been dire for so long, she was sent forth to give her services in exchange for resources with other cities. During this time, she met Gwaedcryf and worked alongside him. At least until the PRC attacked. Though the scouring done by the Zhuli was thorough, it was also brief, and since then she had been on edge as the scattered tatters of here people stayed hidden out of fear and paranoia. New cities were built, but none dared to venture forth due to their still vivid memories of the event. Instead, professor Li Shi Cheng ventured forth to make contact, only for his helicopter to be forced back and the man safely isolated.
From him however, Amisra had learned that much had changed, and gambling everything, ventured into the human city at night to see it for herself. From then on, everything changed. Slowly and as inexolerably as the Aos'Si, Amisra learned their language, educated herself in their schools, and obtained a job at a company that she had been eying. And, just as she was certain, she had rose through the ranks over decades of peerless hard work and cut-throat corporate in-fighting to become the woman on top. For her, this entire journey was a small a period of time for her, like a human would consider their University years. However, her friend and mentor, Li Shi Cheng, was now an old, withered man who needed an exoskeleton to continue walking. Realizing this, Amisra could not help but feel melancholic, the edge from her self-purported superiority being blunted by the imminent loss of a longtime friend.
OOC Notes
- Amisra's armored appearance was meant to be inspired by what the Lord of the Rings elves from Galadhrim wore, unfortunately, the artist has English as their second language, so communicating the little details was very difficult. Still, I really do like it!