====Personnel Registry====

Name: 454 aka “Eisei”
Born: 2319
Gender: Female
Nationality: Echoni
Occupation: Bioweapon
Classification: E4-2 [HIGH DEVIL]
Originator Code: PrimativePolygon
!Security Recommendations!:
+[111 PSYCHIC HAZARD]; The unit should be kept contained with a physical key system only. Do not expose to personnel who have security knowledge of the facility.
+[052 UNREGULATED POWERS]; Should be kept in a Type 8 anti-exophage collar when not in an active test situation.
+[064 INTEGRATED WEAPONS]; Secure limb weapons using the PCS adjustable system when not in an active test situation!
+[015 TRACKING TAG] The unit has been fitted with an ankle-mounted OCTS to record location within the facility. Please ask your supervisor for approval before moving it to a location not on the attached data card.
+[052 UNREGULATED POWERS]; Should be kept in a Type 8 anti-exophage collar when not in an active test situation.
+[064 INTEGRATED WEAPONS]; Secure limb weapons using the PCS adjustable system when not in an active test situation!
+[015 TRACKING TAG] The unit has been fitted with an ankle-mounted OCTS to record location within the facility. Please ask your supervisor for approval before moving it to a location not on the attached data card.
-Physical Description-

Small and lithe, unit 454 displays many feyish features such as wide amber eyes, and a long untamed mane of cobweb hair. However, this is mixed in with several abominable alien features including a quad pair of transparent crystalline wings, a long prehensile fluffy tail with a barbed hook at the end, some small horns and razor sharp claws on the hands. The horns seem to be an outward extremity of xxxxxxxxxx, with an unknown connection to the xxxxxxxxxx.
Psychic hazard warning iconography has been added to the unit predominantly for machine identification purposes; Organic beings who are in the vicinity of the unit, even if not directly observed by it, are immediately exposed to auditory, sensory and visual hallucinations.
-Personality Description-
Unit 454 is sweet natured, but prone to examples of xxxxxxxxxx behavior, demonstrating an internal ability to xxxxxxxxxx. Observation and personality development is not recommended due to the hazards of exposure. Because the Trinket units have organic components, all communication and manipulation should be done using remote system xxxxxxxxxx instead.
-Advantages & Disadvantages-

+Psychic abilities include scrying (remote viewing) and inter-brain audio/visual communication through unknown means.
+Claws and tail barb seem to be self-sharpening, able to penetrate many soft metal types.
-Being as they are difficult to train and exposed to normal socialisation systems, it doesn’t seem like they can physically talk. Social concepts should be more stunted, but… Well, it’s impossible to tell what they have learned using their abilities.
-Physically frail due to lack of exercise and general spacey demeanor. They are very clumsy.
-Service Notes-

Internal service notes are AUTHORIZATION LEVEL ORANGE. Do not share with unauthorized personnel.
- Dr. Barkley Note #1
The initial boot-sequence for 454 was troubled, and the extra efforts required to initialize consciousness are detailed in apendex 1. We initially noticed that 454 was developing at an above average pace well exceeding our margins for uncertainty. Further studies found that her learning seemed to deviate based on where she stood in the room and which Echoni were in proximity to her. This led us to the realization that the barriers between Echoni enclosures are not sufficiently strong to block transfer of information.
Echoni development is to be paused after the current run for renovation of development areas to include additional shielding and spacing to prevent cross-contamination between new units.
The Mechanism that allows her to transfer information between the other Echoni is not yet understood.
- Dr. Barkley Note #2
This "spooky thinking at a distance" is using an outsized amount of our resources to study. Everyone from the Engineering, Biology, Physics, and Applied Psychology groups have taken a look at this. We will need to make a decision on continuing this line of research or being able to work with the other Echoni.
Further issues arise with Eisei being difficult to work with, requiring service animals, trinkets, or the caretaker team to be with her for best results. I have brought up training Echoni number 27 to assist with the social aspects to free up the rest of the team.
- Dr. Caxia Note #1
- Unit taken by 444 do to Doris' interference
- Research placed on hold
- Research placed on hold