• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

[Darkness Down Below] Chapter 1.1 - Easy Does It

Henri watched in amazement, his mouth hanging open slightly at the absurdity of the Hilda woman. Is she always like this? Is she insane? His facial expression slowly became more and more confused as she continued, his jaw suddenly snapping shut and his focus shifting once she had pointed out the approaching security. His focus once again shifted suddenly as he witnessed Cleo put Hilda in her place and cement her mutiny. "Ooh la la." He mumbled under his breath. A woman of action. He shook himself out of it.

"Er... If I may interrupt?" Henri piped up from his seated position, hoping to preempt any attempts at hogtying. "Perhaps I can be of help? After all, the security seems to be no more your friends than they are mine, and it does appear that we have all come here with the same intentions. The only major difference being that you brought your team, and I intended to make away with the valuables alone. In any case, allow me to assist in our escape. It would appear to be in all of our best interest that we leave this place, and quickly."
Gerasim holds up his hand like he is about to deflect a blow to his chest as the crazy lady starts to bark at his fellow stationers, his mouth open in an unspoken 'Woooo'. The surprise keeps him standing still like a statue for a bit before he relaxes one arm, moving the other to pull the hand through his hair. He watches Joshua join in on ordering around his comrades. Both of them manage to perfectly imitate stuck-up state officials that have the urge to show off their powers to 'civilians' to fill that need for control and superiority.

All three of them start walking off with the new prisoner in tow, leaving Gerasim behind. He drops his arms and rolls his shoulders, standing in place as he looks after them, with an absent stare. 'What a bunch of Moodozvons! How the hell did they get this far?' He thinks, and a grin spreads on his face, and all worries are gone like they were never there before. He starts jogging after them, catching up to them just as they start all pilling into the starship of the smuggler.

*Thump* goes the door behind him as it closes behind him and he rests the dull side of the blade on his shoulder, unsure of where else to place it. 'Totally, I look fucking cool with this.' He thinks to himself with a slight grin eyeing the entire group in one view from his spot. 'Tho, I am almost sure those guys need to get moving if they don't wanna get arrest-' He catches Midnight glancing at his set-up and almost instinctively winks at her, only for her not to notice as she turns away. Gerasim still feels very reinforced in his abilities.

"Dadadadadadadada." He watches as Cleo explodes into a tirade against Midnight, much more ready as before when she caught him off-guard. "Dadaddadada-she's right, I have never seen a worse organized mission on the field. Still, poor Midnight.'-adadadada"

Her gaze turns toward him and Joshua, and he looks into her eyes with a raised eyebrow, trying not to smile and look somber. "Dadadadada-" He stares right back at Cleo with a suppressed cocky grin, unimpressed to the scolding against him and Joshua. 'We got the objective, isn't that what we wanted?' He thought, with an aloof expression.

He did not move an inch the entire five minutes, and as the attention of the dog lady turned back to the Frenchie, he focused on what he was saying. He didn't speak any french, but he did learn Latin, and one or two words did sound familiar though nothing one could make a sensible sentence out of even with context. 'Why did I even bother with Latin, I should have learned Spanish. Ladies like Spanish.' He reminisced while rubbing his fingers together as if he is nervous, which he isn't and realizes that he is spacing off too often today.

Just as he is about to think about making a coffee in the kitchen, the room explodes into even more noise, and Gerasim snaps his head toward the screen, seeing a potato-nosed Pasha. Calmly he turns his head toward Cleo, immediately seeing this glint of murder in her eyes. "You boys ever see a Daqin Soldier actually try?" She says, and he, for the first time, hears her words crystal-clear with the intent behind them. He smiles at her as she gives him orders and puts down the sword, leaning it against the wall.

He gets close to her, puts one hand on the pistol, and pushes it down with light force. "How about we don't kill the people I know? I know you said we shouldn't question you, but you don't have any authority, so I will." He puts a thumb on the magazine release and pulls out the magazine. He lifts it to Cleo's face and looks her straight into her eyes. "I stored some of my stuff I need to take with me on your side of the docks. I gotta take them with me so-" He points at Joshua. "You, Joshua, need to hold the position because Gerasim here, a long-time citizen of this station which you could use as a hostage." He presents himself, moving his arm from his crotch to his head like he pulls up a curtain. "And there wouldn't be any bloodshed, how about that? Everybody is happy, and everybody is alive."

He gets close to Cleo's face, a stern look on his face. "How does that sound, leader?"
Cleo glared at Gerasim as he walked up to her and slowly grabbed her gun. Her eyes widened as her glare grew even more intense. But she gave him his moment to be a hero and believe to disarm her as he spoke. Though, the moment he finished, she stepped forward and brought her knee up between his legs, grabbing her magazine back from him and placing it back into her gun. "First of all, don't you ever touch me, or my weapons ever again," She growled darkly, squatting down next to him as he inevitably collapsed. "You've been here for less than an hour, and want to join our crew. They've seen you actively helping us and minutes later are at the door with an entire squad of armed men waiting to blitz in here and gun us down and you want me to walk out there with you as a fucking hostage?" She asked, grabbing his face and making him look at her. "If you have a problem with the orders I give, you stick a pin into it until a time where the enemy isn't right at the fucking door, and you bring it up with me then. I have no problem discussing the finer points between a violent and pacifistic approach but not when we don't have time for these stupid fucking arguments, you understand me?" Cleo hissed, roughly letting go of his chin and standing back up.

She then looked at everyone else. "That goes for the rest of you. You lock in step on the mission, vent your grievances after the mission, unless I'm being a total fucking moron fantasizing about all the terrible things these fuckwads are going to do to us while gushing in my panties," She snapped, looking at Henri. "If you really don't want to be caught, then you go up with Hilda and help her crack through the security. Joshua, you stay here to guard the ship as Gerasim here doesn't seem to want to shoot his fellow comrades, and Gerasim, you get to come with me, without a weapon, because I wouldn't want you to spill any blood, now would I," She smiled at him, standing next to the door again. "Now, get your shit together and get ready!"
Soyuz Sotsialisticheskikh Mirov
скучный Station,
SS голубь

Joshua bit his lip as he saw Cleo declare mutiny, torn between his soldier’s instinct to obey the chain of command and the Chongwu’s force of personality. On one hand, she’s got a point that this has been a shitshow. On the other, I kinda feel like a bunch of that is on me. Wait, he thought, blinking a few times, that means I should be glad Cleo’s blaming Hilda and not me. Mutiny it is then.

He looked around the shuttle, deciding what to start smashing when Midnight pointed out Pasha and his new squad of guards standing outside of the airlock. “Knew I should have demanded some more firepower,” he said, sighing as he put his hand on the butt of his pistol. When Cleo said she’d take on the entire group with only a little covering fire, he returned her smile and said, “Of course, I’d pay to see this.”

The show was interrupted when Gerasim stepped towards Cleo, which Joshua raised an eyebrow at. The guy saw her chase down the Frenchie and subdue him with her teeth, right? he thought, deciding to stay quiet while the pair talked through their issues. It was soon sorted when she crushed the Russian’s manhood and took back her weapon. Glad that’s settled.

“Sounds like a plan,” he said, nodding to Cleo, pulling his pistol out of his holster. “As long as I get to watch still.”
Soyuz Sotsialisticheskikh Mirov
скучный Station,
SS голубь

Hilda whined as she was manhandled by Cleo and ordered about. Tossed aside like a piece of trash and essentially told to go do the kitchen work, she couldn't help but mewl at all the abuse she was taking. The gazes of all the men around her and their offhand comments made her demotion all the more degrading as she climbed the ladder. Which, of course, only delighted the degenerate to the utmost degree! Fastening herself down into the cockpit though, she could hear them over the ship's monitoring systems. "But Cleoooo!" she whined. "I was going to tell you, we can just let them come into the airlock, and once I detach from the station, vent them into space!" The buxom, cat eared woman thought it was a great idea. Clean and simple. Very straightforward, like hijacking a ship! Like starting up a fighter craft, all it really took was the operating know ho - "Uh, guys? This piece of Russian junk might not start up fast enough!" she realized.

Right on the view-screen outside, Pasha and his friends were getting a door cutter ready.

"Open up, or we're going to open you up ourselves!" the portly station guard demanded.
Henri stood up quickly and took a small bow. "Oui, of course." He replied to Cleo as he was already halfway up the ladder to the cockpit, having only some minor difficulty with his injured arm. However, he did not let that slow him down, eager to remove himself as a potential target for Cleo's anger and get on with the escaping bit, since as it happens he did really truly did not want to be caught by the Russian authorities. Yes, that was very far down his list of wants. As he got onto the bridge, he just paused in place, looking around at the control and electronics.

"Mon Dieu, what a piece of junk. Woman, out of the way." He said as he shouldered past her seat and slid himself under the console. "Nothing will start up if you do not deactivate the security systems first. They are not in the habit of leaving impounded ships unlocked and free to take." He grunts and mutters about ruining his expensive suit and his bleeding arm, occasionally switching between English and French, as he digs around under the console adjusting some things here and cutting then crossing some wires over there. "Merde!" Henri yelled as he jerked out from under the console, shaking out the pain in his hand from an electric shock. He looks at Hilda with a conspiratorial grin and gives her a wink before sliding back under the console. After a few more moments, he shouted to her. "Try it now!... peut-être..."
While Hentri ran up the ladder, Cleo just looked as everyone else stared at her and decided it was time to start her plan. Though, she felt she could at least give Gerasim a chance. Not literally, no, but she would give his friends a chance to run away. So, she tapped the COM next to the door, her voice going cold. "I have your friend in here... I will tell you now, if you leave, him, and your pathetic security force will walk away from this without issue. If you don't..." Cleo said, looking at Gerasim. "Well, I can't guarantee your survival..." She said, her persona shifting as she got ready for the response.

All the anger was gone.

"Ha!" Pasha responded. "The words of a coward! Do you think your little group of unarmed criminals can stop the might of the Soyuz? We have you outgunned and outnumbered! Your bravado is admirable, but we have ever advantage!"

Cleo took a deep breath, looking at Gerasim. Then she shrugged, looking at the door again. "As you wish Pasha. If it means anything to you all, Gerasim regrets your decision," She said, opening the door. Just as it did, a grenade was tossed into the ship. Cleo snatched the grenade out of the air and quickly tossed it back,vanishing behind the lip of the wall just as where she was filled with gunfire. It was short lived however, as the security guards scattered to get away from the explosive. Once it went off, Cleo bolted out of the ship. Get to their ship, take off, escape the station. She could almost hear the sick bass rift as she engaged the first security guard.

It wasn't fair. Her assault on the first guard involved her ripping his rifle away from him and kicking him in the chest hard enough to send him flying. Add in the sickening crunch of bones breaking and what Cleo was capable of became harrowing. She shouldered the rifle with mechanical precision and while the other security were fumbling with their weapons to bring them to bear against the dog woman she had already planted shots into all of them, being sure to shoot Pasha in the legs before tossing the rifle to the side. "I told you. No one had to get hurt," She said, walking down the hall. "Let's go Gerasim! We're burning daylight!" She barked, so casual she even had time to let her hips sway back and forth.

Pasha however laid on the ground, clearly in agonizing pain as he clutched his legs. "YOU BITCH!" He shouted at Cleo as she walked past. "You worthless Daqin bitch dog! This is why we can't trust you or your kind! You're just pathetic slave!" He continued, butCleo didn't pay him any mind.
Soyuz Sotsialisticheskikh Mirov
скучный Station,
SS голубь

"What do you mean, security measures?" Midnight began incredulously. "This isn't the Gemeinschaft der Welten," she quickly pointed out, the name mentioned in pristine German. "I don't get it, all the systems are operational, but there's something keeping me from sending or - " stopping mid-sentence, the blonde watched as Henri simply linked the disconnected wires back together, the 'security' having been simply unplugging the main controls of the ship. "Oh," she realized, a hint of red in her cheeks at the realization. Powering up the ship's main reactor, the woman then glanced at the viewscreen inside the cockpit. "I was hoping not to make a scene, but now that we have, what next?" she realized out loud over the comms to Gerasim and Cleo. "I think this might be it for station security maybe? It's not like the rest can actually threaten to do anything, can they?" she realized. Considering the size of the station, this really might have been maybe half of all the security? The rest were likely still scattered about doing their daily routine.

"Suukaaaaaaa," Pasha moaned, clutching his leg. The other security guards around him lay strewn around like a dog's abandoned chew toys, some better off, and some worse. Airlock open, the onlookers were peeking about again, this time with expressions of shock and horror.

"Should we, uh, clean up at least?" Midnight offered over the comms. "Or should we just leave them out there? We can detach any time though," she quickly added.
When the knee collided with Gerasim's red diamonds, the pain shot out through his nether regions over his entire body, making him double over and fall over to the ground. His hands both clutch his groin as if it would help cease the blunt trauma. It doesn't. Instead, as he grips them through his pants, he gets the odd, dreadful sensation that Cleo might have knee slammed his balls like they were from a soccer field. It rings through his mind, 'Goal.'

As Cleo turns Gerasim's head to make him look at her in a show of authority, he tries to look defiantly into her eyes, but it seems like he is just squinting at her as if he had terrible eye-sight. The moment she lets go, he rolls up a little bit further.

He lets out a pained, wet groan as spit comes together in his mouth, and the sensation of bile making its way up his chest takes up the second most felt sensation.

'Caught me off-guard.' He thinks, moving his hands away from his crotch to push himself off the ground. He takes a glance at Cleo as she looks down at him. He grimaces at her smile, 'Fuck, am I out of shape. Five years prior, and I could see that coming. I'm getting old.'

'Wait, I can't just think of myself. My comrades, Pasha, Filenkov, the boys from security.' He gets off the ground and composes himself, his legs slightly apart. He opened his mouth to reply to something, convince Cleo that violence isn't necessary, but he shut his mouth as she tapped the COMs. With only a little bit of a falling pit in his stomach, he realizes that these patriots want to play the heroes. In any other case, Gerasim would approve. This time it involved him getting ripped into pieces by bullets, though. He takes a look around the room and realizes he has no other option but to stick to these criminals for now.

He grimly looks at the door, and then Cleo. He walks only a little bit funny towards the sword, picks it up, and steels himself for the coming fight.

His gaze fixates upon the door as Cleo moves to open it. Grenade. 'What the fuck?' His instinct kicks in as he motions to catch, but Cleo is already on it, snatches it up, and throws it outside. 'Of course.'

The explosion goes off outside, and immediately Cleo goes out, exposing herself to gunfire, which never comes to hit her as the 'security guards' outside run around confused and uncoordinated. He looks in a weird mix of disappointment and relief at the incompetence of the officers. Even more, so is he relieved to see them alive even if all of them are writhing on the ground in agony. The fight ends as Pasha loses his Kneecaps. 'That's fine; we have the technology to repair him, make him better.' Gerasim thinks as he tries to downplay everything in his mind, keep a cool head. 'Poor Pasha.'

He furrows his brow as he started throwing racial slurs at Cleo, 'Well, he earned it after losing his knees.'

Gerasim grimly reaches down, picks up a pistol from the belt of one of his former comrades, a quiet sorry on his lips, and runs after Cleo with a dry remark at the ready.

"There's no daylight in space."
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Soyuz Sotsialisticheskikh Mirov
скучный Station,
SS голубь

Joshua sighed as he heard Hilda and Henri struggle to get the shuttle ready to go. There goes plan B, he thought. Hopefully Cleo’s not blowing smoke up our collective asses. Thankfully, his question was answered by Cleo going through the Russians like a buzzsaw. Heh, she doesn’t need to be armed to crush Ruskies under her paws.

He looked down at Gerasim as the other man struggled to get up and gave him a shrug. Your fault for getting up in the bitch’s face, comrade, he thought as the Russian went after Cleo. I’ll give you points for following her orders still.

Hmmm, to stick to the cover or not?
Joshua thought, looking between the fallen guards and the civilians. Pros and cons for each, though I guess it’s a question of whether Pasha let someone know his suspicions before trying to come after us. Though, what would an Investigative Bureau agent do if a ‘renegade’ security force attacked them? Ah, fuck it.

“Move it,” he told the civilians, pulling out his pistol and pointing it at the ceiling. “Get back or else you’ll join them.” Once the civilians cleared out, he stepped over a corpse and looked down at Pasha. “So, comrade, what possessed you to come after us?”
Soyuz Sotsialisticheskikh Mirov
Skuchnyy Station,
SS Golub

"The thing!" Pasha cried out in pain. Though some men were in more obvious pain, others lay silent, potentially knocked into a coma or worse. The portly head of security however was the former, and still plenty lucid enough to talk despite his own bloody injuries. "The fancy gold and silver and gem crusted thing in the ship! That's all I know! They said it was something worth a lot, and were going to pay a ton for it!" The moment the fallen man said this, Gerasim became acutely aware of the sword by his side. The silver, the gold, the tastefully placed stones? It was all so simple and refined, yet fit the bill perfectly. Even as he said this, Pasha began reaching over the side of his combat rig, the portly man pulling on what looked like a first aid kit. Here, Gerasim's drinking buddy lay dying in a pool of his own blood, rummaging for a tourniquet as the auto-injector of painkillers pitifully rolled away from his attention as he tried to stop the bleeding. "Eto pizdets!" the head of security swore, the words echoing in sympathy in Gerasim's head, as well as in between his legs. This was all Cleo's fault. She did this. "We were just supposed to wave the guns around and grab it!" Tying off one leg, Pasha's eyes frantically swept the place, wild with desperation as he reached out and fumbled for the injector as it rolled over to Joshua, Gerasim and Cleo. The sword, it was powerful. Powerful enough to put down a mad dog like her. Gerasim knew it.

"Please! Give me that!" Pasha cried out. But there was a nagging thought in the back of Gerasim's mind. Cleo wouldn't even let him have that mercy, would she?

"Nnngh!" Over in the cockpit, Midnight bit her lip, wiggling in her seat with displeasure as she had watched the whole ordeal unfold. "Why didn't I just do that instead?" she berated herself. Sighing at a missed opportunity, the feline eared blonde awkwardly sat in her seat, uncertain as to what to do next. The others were still...doing their thing just outside the ship, and until they came back in, she wouldn't be able to detach and get them all back to their actual ship. Idly sitting there, awkwardly staring at the screen, the woman's feline ears twitched as she started to realize something. Something dreadful was near. Absolutely horrible. It would destroy her. Slowly turning her head with apprehension, Midnight dared to look. "Now...now that I'm not of much use, what are you going to do to me?" she accusingly asked Henri, absolutely certain as to what was in store. "You're going to-to 'deal with' me, aren't you?" the buxom blond shrank back from the man in horror. "You're probably going to tie me up and gag me, and then, once I'm helpless - " it dawned on her. Springing forward, closer to the Frenchman in revelation, she pointed, fingertip quivering. "You're a thief, and you're going to steal...steal everything from me! Even my dignity!! Aren't you?!?!" her voice reached an almost ecstatic crescendo.

Despite being faced with a situation some would deem comical, deep down, Henri knew that he was horrible, horrible danger.
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Cleo stopped in her tracks, looking at Pasha and Gerasim. Her face was cold as she walked over, contemplating the man and what he said. "What this sounds like," she said, squatting down next to Pasha, swiping the injector. "Is you were going to kill us, take the sword, and leave our bodies to rot. I mean, you did shoot first, and that grenade was a beautiful touch," she hissed, gripping the injector tightly. "Really selling the whole 'we only wanted to scare you' pitch. Totally believable," she explained, grabbing the cowering man and sticking him with the injector. Sure, it was going to help him stay alive, but she was acutely aware of how to make it hurt.

"So this is how this is going to play out," Cleo growled, looking Pasha in the eye. "As you have learned, I don't fuck around. When people fuck around, they die, see?" She asked, pointing at one of the unmoving men. "You have the order, that man is dead because you wanted to fuck around. Not because I killed him, but because you didn't listen to my warning, see?" She asked, standing up and drawing her pistol.

"So this is the deal," she snarled, holding the gun to his groin. "I'll keep you and whoever isn't dead alive, but I own you. You take orders from me. You can stay on this station, live a simple life, but if I tell you to do something... You do it," she said, looking him in the eye. "And if you ever, ever betray me, I will find you, and I will keep you alive for as long as I can while I skin you like a fucking pig, got it?" She asked, baring her teeth at the man.
Henri took a few rapid steps backwards as Midnight leapt closer, and automatically brought his hands up to protect himself, wincing at the pain in his injured arm. After a moment, he held his hands out with his palms facing up in what he hoped would be a calming gesture to show he wasn't a threat to the insane woman. He started speaking in a quiet voice, straining to suppress his accent a bit. "Hold on now, mon ami, I am not here to take anything from you, least of all your dignity." If you even have any left. He thought to himself, taking another step back away from her. "I admitted openly that I am... eh... a specialist in acquisitions, lets say. Not to mention, I just helped you." He gestured at the console of the now functioning ship. "There will be no tying up and no gagging, and I certainly hope no more harming the handsome frenchman eh?"

He now gestured at the seat that Midnight had occupied a few moments earlier. "Perhaps, mon cher, you should sit now. Compose yourself and get ready? I am sure any moment now our friends will return to the ship ready to depart, and I assure you that none of us wish to be here any longer. Our goals are one and the same, you have nothing to fear from me." Henri finished his pitch with a smile and a quick wink, hoping desperately that he wasn't about to be tackled by a woman for the second time today.
Soyuz Sotsialisticheskikh Mirov
Skuchnyy Station,
SS Golub

Huh, Joshua thought as Cleo stuck Pasha with the painkiller and followed it up with a gun to the groin, she’s ruthlessly pragmatic. I like that. He smirked as he leaned over and started checking the other Russians, seeing how many were still alive and gathering first aid kits. “You’ll want to make a decision fairly quickly, my friend. Some of your comrades don’t look too long for this world if they don’t get some treatment.”
Soyuz Sotsialisticheskikh Mirov
Skuchnyy Station,
SS Golub

"Da-da-da!" Pasha cried out from the ground. "We'll do it, just stop! No more!" the portly man pleaded. "But please, it hurts!" As Pasha begged, reaching out for the injector and the relief that only its cocktail of morphine and painkillers could bring, Gerasim continued to stare daggers at Cleo as she lorded over the dying men. However, his gaze soon quickly drifted to the sword, a look of horror overtaking him as though it had suddenly become a venomous snake.

"Davay, davay!" Gerasim spoke up, interjecting between them as he encouraged their 'deal' to go through. "It's a good idea, a good deal!" he agreed, doing his best to sound amicable between the two groups as he clutched at the sword at his waist. "You have the sword - " the bear of the man removed it from his belt, tossing it to Joshua, " - and any help you need if you come back to t his station, and they get to keep their lives, it's all a good idea!" Gerasim encouraged them. Even so, Joshua could feel that the bear of a man couldn't be trusted. He had to be dealt with too. They all did. Otherwise, they'd do it all again once they could, he knew. "Meanwhile, I'll stay here and make sure to keep you informed if you stop by again!" the man began to rummage amongst the dead, pulling out another one of the painkiller injectors from someone who wouldn't be needing it anymore. "A great win-win, yes?" he injected Pasha. Of course, Joshua couldn't get his mind off of Cleo either. As alluring and decisive as she was, what she was doing, taking advantage of the dying, was evil.

It was Ungodly of her, wasn't it?

Midnight and Henri however, were oblivious to this moral dilemma and were faced with their own. "You want to bind me down onto the chair?!" the cat eared woman sputtered at the Frenchman, her feline tail practically a bottle brush with 'horror' as she completely misconstrued his words, twisting them into something far more horrible. "What - what depravity!" her eyes sparkled with hunger, his polite attempts to calm her down falling on deaf ears. "And what are you going to do to me once I'm tied down, completely and utterly helpless against your whims?" the buxom blonde edged closer, accusingly jabbing him in the chest with a finger. A provocatively warm finger. But just as soon as its weight was against Henri's chest, she lifted it away pointing a thumb at herself. "You've been looking at me this whole time, craving to touch every inch of me, haven't you?!?!" she once again accused the man. "That isn't enough for a Frenchman like yourself though, is it? You're going to fondle me, bit by bit, all before you begin tearing away at my clothing!"

As Midnight grasped at her jumpsuit's collar, the zipper, it dawned on him there was no polite reasoning with a masochist like this one! He needed to stop her, right now or else! Unless...unless he was ok with 'punishment'from The Dog.
Cleo held the small in her face. "Good choice," she said, standing up and looking the group over. She then realized that she had left a man alone with Hilda and groaned audibly, clicking her com. "Hey you fat bitch, no one wants to fuck you, leave the new guy the fuck alone or I tell everyone your real name," she snapped, looking Pasha over quickly. He was hurt, but he'd live... Now.

She started working on the others. "You see Pasha, I am a woman of my word. Which means now you don't have to worry about me, unless you break your word, see how simple that is?" Sure asked as she worked, going from person to person. Even she was a little surprised to see almost everyone was still alive, barring one or two. She wasn't perfect. She continued stabilizing the security guards, disarming them as she did. Last thing she needed was one of them getting smart and trying to shoot her in the back. Of course... That was until she noticed Joshua holding the sword and glaring at her.

She stood up, slowly walking towards him, holding his gaze. "Do we have a problem?" She asked, yanking the sword from his hands and pushing him back hard. "I hope we don't have a problem until we get back onto the ship and are out of this cluster fuck..." She growled.
Joshua nodded as Pasha agreed to Cleo’s proposal, leaning over to start patching up the other Russian security officers. He was interrupted when Gerasim tossed the sword to him. Huh, feels lighter than I thought it would, he thought. Why did the idiot throw this at me? If I wasn’t worried about being able to take care of him, I’d think he was trying to distract me from going after me or Cleo.

Wait, ungodly?
He thought, frowning as that word popped into his head. What am I thinking? God hasn’t crossed my mind since Mom won custody. Fuck these idiots, they were gonna try and kill us. Though, wouldn’t we be better off if I was in charge? We’d already be out of here if I was in charge of this shindig.

The power trip ended when Cleo pulled him back to reality by taking the sword and pushing him back. It took him a moment to regain both his physical and mental balance, before he said, “No, sorry Cleo. Uh, hey, Gerasim, did you get weird thoughts when you were holding the sword?” I sincerely hope that Chongwu brains aren’t as affected by whatever that was as I was. Otherwise, we might have a situation on our hands.
Henri shook his head, predicting things rapidly going down hill from this point on if he remained where he was. Unsure of how to deal with this woman or what was going through her ridiculous mind, he took another step or two behind him, putting himself right next to the ladder leading out of the cockpit. He glanced to the side, mentally preparing himself to throw himself through the hatch if he needed to. "I think I should leave now, oui? Clearly you are not happy with my company, so I shall take my leave." He gestured slowly at the ladder. "I will just go down and see how our friends are handling the security. Is that acceptable mon cher?"

Surely even if they are still fighting, I will be safer down there. He thought to himself.

Henri braces himself for another round of absurdity, but hesitant to simply go down the ladder without her response, unsure how she would react.
Soyuz Sotsialisticheskikh Mirov
Skuchnyy Station

In the end of the day, Hilda Midnight narrowly escaped the perverse clutches of the dastardly Frenchman. Loudly vocalizing the heinous acts that he totally didn't wanted to commit on her, the busty blond's outing of his intentions quickly drove him away. However, with their fight against the station guards resolved, the rag-tag team met together inside the ship and realized the true nature of the sword. Blessed or cursed, it called for violence against the wicked, and they were all wicked! Bursting into purifying flame, the sword had clattered onto the ground as the ruby-like pommel glowed brighter and brighter.

Right up until the sword melted through the floor deck and eventually dropped into the reactor.

They ran.

Chapter End