Type 24 Small Stealth Ship (24型隱形小艦)
The Type 24 Small Stealth Ship (24型隱形小艦), officially nicknamed the Yīnghuā-bān (櫻花班), is a specialist class of vessel that sees uncommon use by the Dìguó Jūnshì. Despite this, it is considered one of the most advanced vessels in its class, equipped with a wide range of tools and systems that are atypical of a corvette. Built to penetrate deep behind enemy space and operate for months on end unsupported, it is abnormally large for a corvette. As a result of making numerous tradeoffs for its stealth capabilities, it is not the fastest, most well armed or armored vessel of its size and tonnage.
Despite this, it is a source of pride for Xuèlèi Shipyards.
Crew Accommodations
Claustrophobic is perhaps the best way to describe the interior of the ship and lodgings for the crew. Individual quarters are placed towards the bow of the vessel and is composed of small, narrow capsule-type accommodations. These individualized capsules are soundproofed and have a small amount of space for personal items. These can be sealed from the inside to serve as an emergency escape pod as well, with toileting and hygiene facilities being communal. Small rest areas with tables and chairs folding in or out of the walls also serve as areas to quickly prepare and consume food, which is typically optimized for a small storage footprint, long shelf life and meeting nutritional needs rather than taste.
In order to reduce weight and increase performance of the Yinghua Class, the ship carries minimal protection across the majority of its hull, designed to only deal with micrometeorites and be quickly patched by hull-hugging repair drones to maintain stealth. Instead, the only true armor inside the ship is located at its armored citadel, containing the ship's reactors, bridge and other core necessities. As a result of this type of construction, the ship can sustain severe damage upon detection, but still be capable of fleeing the area with acceptable speed.
Free Electron Laser Emitters (5)
Unlike other nations, the ship's primary armament is a quintet of free electron laser emitters in retractable, low-observability housing, with one of the five serving as the tail gun. When not in use, these seamlessly vanish into the hull for ease of maintenance and to keep the profile of the ship as undetectable as possible. Thanks to the nature of free electron lasers, their wavelength can be quickly tuned as needed, allowing them to emit beams as high wavelength as microwaves, to infrared, visible light and down to ultra low frequency ultraviolet and x-rays. In typical usage however, they can be most often found being set to high ultraviolet frequencies for added range and "stopping power" against threats.
However, due to the nature of the ship itself, usage of these weapons may indicate a disturbing lack of stealth.
Persistent Decoy Launcher (3)
A total of three persistent decoy launchers are fitted onto the ship, with two facing forward, and one facing back. The decoys themselves are six meters long and contain a slew of electronic warfare systems as well as an explosive payload. A combination of holographic projectors, both thermal and radar signature spoofing emitters, and a micro-fusion torch drive configured to mimic the host vessel's allows each individual decoy to convincingly serve as what appears to be a legitimate target. In addition to drawing fire while keeping up with the launching ship, the decoys can also suddenly accelerate as a missile and intercept, bursting its fragmentation warhead should the incoming fire attempt to evade.
Electronic Warfare Suite
Particularly advanced for a ship of its size, the EW suite installed in the ship not only aids in detecting target locks and incoming threats, but also serves as a capable jamming system. Perhaps rather unconventionally, it also includes an extremely formidable hacking capability for use when covertly attaching to other ships and subverting systems.
Low Temperature Ribbon Radiators
The Yīnghuā class of vessel uses ribbon radiators measuring several kilometers long to dissipate heat generated from normal operation. Due to the large surface area, they operate at low temperatures to evade detection. However, this is only low observability in nature, with scrutinizing sensors being able to detect them. They are ideal for long distance travel through the bulk of opposing territory, and are retracted in favor of other heat management methods once approach to higher security areas beings.
Advanced Stealth Thruster Assembly
In order to fully conceal the exhaust plume of the ship, the bane of stealth, numerous design changes and concessions had to be made. As a result, the thrusters and expansion nozzles are recessed into the hull of the vessel, taking up nearly a third of its length internally, and directly contributing to the abnormally large size for a small ship or "corvette" in French rooted parlance. This allows for the thruster assembly and its nozzles to be hidden from view by the hull itself. Abnormalities in construction and design do not end there however.
The expansion nozzles of the thruster assembly are massive, serving to hyper-expand the exhaust plume and allowing it to cool to the ambient temperature of space. Additionally, to obscure direct observation of the hottest parts of the thruster assembly from behind, the expansion nozzles are curved in an s-shape. This makes directly observing the hottest parts of the engine physically impossible, while also absorbing any radar pings in its geometry, preventing returns.
Thanks to the unique compromises taken in its design, surrendering size and volume rather than performance, the thruster assembly allows the ship to maintain speed that is typical of its class.
Multilayered Stealth Hull
Classic stealth features for the Yīnghuā Bān include both radar absorbing material (RAM) and an optically adaptive coating. The RAM itself is of imperial design, being composed of an ultra high-density polymer with hardness and malleability similar to civilian grade aluminum, making this layer relatively sturdy but also easy to repair. This is is covered by a poly-pigmentation layer that is actively controlled and adjusted by the ship's systems, and is able to fool most optical systems when under scrutiny. However, the hull's unique features do not end here.
It is composed of multiple insulated layers, and features an active cooling system throughout its entirety. During low security operations, such as traveling through the vast and empty space of enemy territory, the standard cooling system diverts heat to the ribbon radiators and can be maintained indefinitely. However, for more high security operations, the hull is switched to hydrogen based cooling. Though not perfect, it is far more effective than the radiator based heat management system. The months long operating time makes this ideal for approaching a planetary system or penetrating a low quality sensor network. Finally, the helium based cooling system renders the ship completely undetectable to thermal sensors, but is not the most efficient, being able to only operate for a few weeks at a time before coolant is exhausted.
Advanced Sensor Suite
Due to its capability for covert operations, the Yinghua has been equipped with an array of retractable, low-observable sensor systems. These deploy up and out of the hull when used to collect information, and are considered top-of-the-line science equipment. The fairly typical triad of visible light optics, thermal sensors and phased array radar are always present and do not need to be deployed. However, whenever their high-end versions need to be exposed, the stealth profile of the vessel is reduced despite the low-observability features built in. These advanced sensors include a LIDAR suite meant for capturing detailed scans of any objects of interest, as well as a radiation detection system capable of detecting fissile, fusion and annihilation reactions. Finally, the most complex and high-maintenance sensors however, include gravitational and exotic emission sensors meant for types of energy that may not be known or classified at this time.