Titan Slayer Double-Barreled Rifle
A double-barreled rifle only a bit larger than the Coach Raider, this rifle’s size is deceptive; the Titan Slayer is chambered for enormous .700 caliber rounds, and packs an incredible punch. This rifle is reserved for hunting only the largest and most dangerous of animals, the likes of which any smaller caliber will only tickle, and as such is strictly regulated. Most who handle these are wilderness rangers, pioneers, explorers, and rich folk fond of big game hunting; ordinary civilians are hard-pressed to find such enormous rifles, not only due to strict regulations but also due to their high price. This rifle is also sometimes utilized by the Magnetic Assembly in their fight against the Daqinren, as a more cost-effective alternative to the 14.8 GFK; while .700 reounds and Titan Slayers aren't cheap, they're a sight less expensive than the 14.8.