• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Swrujuhi Swru

Swrujuhi (Swru)

Biographical information
Hrof Dyuan Island 2292 31
Physical description
Grawla Savana Female 6' 7" 242 lbs Grey Red / Yellow Dark Green
Political Information
Black Triangle Clan Second Boss Mercenary / Explorer
Out-of-Character Information


====Personnel Registry====

-Physical Description-

Towering and robust, Swru is a clad in extremely large set of muscles, and has an active, long-limbed stature. Their skin is a dark viridian green with blue tiger stripe markings all over, and she has a wild and unkempt mane of glossy grey hair. She has narrow, darkly rimmed eyes, large arcing eyebrows, a flat nose, short but angular ears, and prominent fangs poking through large lips.

Though like all Grawl their clothes tend to be ramshackle, she tends to wear more human clothes these days due to her interactions with them- Starting as 'disguises' which them get blended into a mad mix of animal furs, tribal jewellery, cargo pants, skintight sports wear, even formal suits. For ritualistic purposes they tend to have face piercings often. Overall, practical and intimidation aspects always win out over either presentability and combfort.

-Personality Description-

Rather single minded and obsessive, Swru is very much the aggressive headhunter they appear to be. They naturally place pride in looking scary or doing strength-based activities, because they correlate that with their personal value- It's something they psychologically depend on because of their harsh upbringing, and because it helped them get work as a mercenary.

They have a strong dislike of bureaucracy and authority, often preferring to get their own hands dirty and find direct, simple solutions. Despite this militaristic approach, they are actually very doting and caring for those under their charge, inwardly affectionate even if they struggle to project emotions outwardly. Within this, they can be extremely loyal, even if it comes across as stalking sometimes.

Most valuable to the Edward Deiming crew is their wealth of knowledge on obscure Hawking lore and locations, as they have personally travelled to many isolated backwater islands and clans in their twinned roles of alien killer and treasure hunter.

-Advantages & Disadvantages-

+ Strong and hardy, great physique, experienced
+ Excellent melee fighter
+ Knows a lot about alien relics and locations

- Still only organic
- Not as great with ranged or advanced weapons as some
- Limited knowledge of human history and language

Alternate Art



Swru spent their early life as one of the Tsongisgus Bromadi Clan Island Nomads. Because of the dangerous terrain and wildlife there, the Grawl break with tradition by actively being involved with the lives of youngsters- But are extremely callous with their support, and only select the biggest, the strongest, and the most willing to fight.

As a young daughter-huntress, Swrujuhi learned to spear fish by six, and killed their first Foristingi alligator by ten. She literally earned her stripes by sixteen, and was at the head of the fighting killing Hrufan remnants, often with nothing but a bow and arrow.

They became increasingly disillusioned when their tribe boss leant more strongly towards aggressive piratical angles, using the power vacuum left by their former allies of Clan Stygra to increase his own territory and personal gain.

After years of agonization, Swru left on a paddleboat in the night, and became a mercenary to get by. Their clan's reputation prevented them from getting a normal job, and they still had a lot of natural enemies. Diving into ancient alien caves and space craft wreckage at least gave them treasure they could sell, brooding an interest in anti-alien rituals and what is enigmatically refered to as 'the old lore'- Shamanistic songs and literature detailing the methods and tools that could be used to defeat powerful aliens, even if the exact method of how it worked is not clear.

Out of pure chance, they happened to be on an island where Yilga was recruiting for the Black Triangle boys, and made less of a fuss about supporting a human-adjacent faction than others did.

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