• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.



Biographical information
Daqin Empire, Chongwu Faculties 2295 CE 26
Physical description
Chongwu Bat-Type Female 5' 6"
(1.68 m)
112 lbs
Silver Amber Tan like baked bread
Political Information
The Magnetic Assembly, Hawking Logistic's Officer "SchwoomyCakes", "SchoomyLive"
Out-of-Character Information
NiceNecromancer May 20, 2021

Schwoomy is a listless bat-like Chongwu Idol-Streamer turned Military Officer attempting to dodge a Dismal Entertainment Contract for her lifelong servitude and is played by NiceNecromancer.


Just what it says on the tin. Describe what their personality is like! This is just as much some notes for yourself to keep track of your character, as it is information for other players and game masters to read up on, so the more information you put here, the better. Naturally, a character's personality may change over time too, so even past personality quirks of theirs can go here as well.


  • Build: thin, supple, and willowy
  • Facial Features: Flat, designed to be invocative and alluring. Dark under eye circles. Thin Lips
  • Hair Style: Mid-back Length Silver Hime Cut that grows down in front of her ears in small sideburns and along the nape of the neck and spine with shorter hairs
  • Distinguishing Features: Tall Bat like ears add a strong 10" (25.4 cm) with two gold gauges in her left ear that each hold a large golden ring. Long Toed hybrid feet with small talon nails meet dainty ankles that share their dark pigmentation. Her calfs are cover in fluffy silver hair.


This Chongwu was one of a unit specialty ordered from Daquin facilities for corporate use as a highly marketable, Livestreaming, E-sports champion for leagues that allow genetic edits or "Player enhancements" which really caught on with a mix of new viewers and the old fans of the Analogue E-sports rule set(s), which is used by all remaining major Tournaments. SchwoomyCakes was a name generated by some mix of trends and techniques studied by a bunch of people locked in a conference room all day. Her contract is air-tight and life-long with a 15 year long plan of her career and how she will be used to keep maximized profit as she ages. The plans involved evolving the brand in stages; Stage One is the innocent content creator phase wherein Schwoomy was made to livestream games or chatting into ridiculous hours and in between streams pose for long photoshoots or public appearances like conventions or announcements. Stage Two would involve subtle changes to the brand intended to be decided based on future trends but ultimately increase a sexual tension or desire between Schwoomy and the viewer as well as popular, focus-grouped "ships" with other Chongwu Assets. Stage 3 is to be triggered when the Elected Board at Dismal™ Headquarters decide the market is ripest and they begin to make professionally produced "Adult Material". SchwoomyCakes value to the company as an asset is to then be determined at the finality of her contract wherein she either enters a new contract or she retires into another field like voice acting. All of which would have been fine with her but as the plans developed and she had experiences with head-in-the-sand management neglecting her thin rights.
You could reasonably live off of the Merch for the Idol Group as to most of the world Schwoomy is a product.


[*]Skill 1: Less of a Skill and more an ability Schwoomy has a genetically altered brain
-A Neuron Dense Brain and 40% more Grey Mater than Average Subjects- Added by Dismal™ request
-Significantly improved short-term memory and problem-solving skills with a Large Prefrontal Lobe- Added by Dismal™ request

[*]Skill 2: Resource and Labor Management
-Through many hours of RTS on stream and E-sport training Schwoomy's sense of judgement and response to actions

[*]Skill 3: Operates with Tact when under stress
-In Tournaments the incredible pressure from the game
-Outside the life of a full time celebrity puppet


Traits are more or less some noteworthy aspects of your character. Are they brave? Are they cowardly? Is this person creative or dumb? Maybe they're very pretty, or completely distracting?

Trait 1: Adorably, constantly, tired. Bats tend to have longer sleep patterns up to 20 or so hours and human's require around 8 Schwoomy and all the Idols were designed to work for long hours off as little as a 3 hour naps or two 90 minutes.


-2 large Golden rings that fit snug in her ear gauges. Could be removed but not designed to.

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