• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Renée Janvier

Renée Janvier

Biographical information
Strasbourg, France December 12th, 2292 29
Physical description
Human French Female 5’4”, 165cm 122lbs, 55kg Platinum Blonde Slate grey Fair-skinned
Political Information
Grau Lancers, GWD Ex-counter-terrorism officer, Grau Lancer Janvier
Out-of-Character Information
Poe March 2021

Renée Janvier is a human Grau Lancer, created and played by Poe. She was born and raised in France before starting a career as a counter-terrorism officer. Her indifference towards corporate and political bias attracted the attention of the Graus, who ‘promoted’ her into a Lancer role.


Janvier’s stern expression completely matches her general demeanor and comportement. Amongst her old colleagues, she had a reputation for being excessively blunt and did not tolerate mistakes, sometimes to the point where she appeared cruel. It was not a matter of cruelty, but a manifestation of Janvier’s deep fear of failure. Janvier refuses to give up once on a lead or suspect’s trail, occasionally resulting in an obsessive burnout that she refuses to accept.

Below the immediate impenetrable facade is a deeply caring person who isn’t too sure how to express herself. She has a rather dark and blunt sense of humour, which doesn’t present itself too well and takes a little while to get used to. Despite her seemingly callous nature, Janvier is oddly good at giving life advice… if you can stomach how blunt she is.


  • Build: Janvier is slim and keeps herself fit, resulting in toned muscles without being particularly muscular.
  • Hair Style: Janvier wears her platinum blonde hair in a military-approved bun or ponytail at all times, although it it quite long on the occasions that she does keep it down.
  • Distinguishing Features: A poorly erased tattoo of a snake resides on the inside of her wrist. Janvier does not talk about it and tends to wear long sleeves to cover it up.


Janvier was born and raised in Strasbourg, and grew up speaking predominantly French. She learned English as a child in school, where she excelled academically. She later went on to study Applied Linguistics and Mandarin at a prominent university. Upon graduating, Janvier entered a fast-track programme into the GDW military and was placed on a counter-terrorism team.

The first counter-terrorism team was what developed Janvier into who she is today. The team was incredibly close and all had the same matching tattoo of a snake in order to symbolise their stealth and ability to strike to kill. However, the team went on a mission, with Janvier staying behind with a few others to coordinate, and it ended disastrously. Information had been leaked to the terrorist cell and all but two team members were slaughtered. The initial team was disbanded, with Janvier being placed onto a second team after a brief internal investigation revealed that she was not the leak. It was at this point that Janvier erased her tattoo.

Now much colder and harsher in personality before, Janvier quickly rose up the ranks due to an undying ambition and determination. She was sure to put herself first and seize any opportunity, eventually earning herself the position of squad leader. Her team ran like clockwork and obtained a reputation for being truly ruthless when it came to tracking down terrorists, particular those of a political nature.

Eventually, Janvier was approached by the Grau Lancers. She joined without hesitation, merely seeing it as a stepping stone forwards to further ranks. However, considering that she has been a leader rather than a team player for a considerable while, it is uncertain as to how well she will adapt to the role.


For clothes, Janvier sticks to black cargo trousers (of which the pockets always jingle), a black turtleneck jumper, black boots and a black grand coat. These clothes never seem to change in the summer, either. She has a standard and undecorated set of Lancer armour, with the only distinguishing feature being a large dent in the breastplate.

As far as weaponry is concerned, Janvier carries a standard issue blaster rifle and pistol. She also carries a not-so-standard issue pair of knuckle dusters, of which the right hand counterpart extends into a blade.

Janvier does not have many personal artefacts - she sticks to essentials, although she does have a bonsai tree that she looks after dogmatically. She has a family photo from when she was a child that she keeps hidden in a drawer. Apart from a suspiciously large amount of English, French and Chinese literature, Janvier’s room remains bare.


Art credited to hikanakich on Fiver.

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