Natalia Volkova
Tends to come across as cold and distant. However, it's more that she's hyperanalytical and tries to utilize as much data as possible before making decisions. This has crossed into interpersonal relations, however.
Unceasingly curious.
Dedicated to the ideals of the party.
Perpetually has the general appearance of a university grad with one day until their doctoral thesis.
Calm, but gets genuinely excited when making progress on new research/ discoveries.
Not great at socialization/small talk.
Doesn't usually engage much in social leisure activities, preferring her texts, a glass of wine, and her cat Minx.
- Build: Academic body type. Average build, can tell she doesn't always eat properly or healthy, abs doesn't always have time for exorcize.
- Facial Features: see image
- Hair Style: Darker, shoulder length. Usually swept back in simple styles to keep it out if the way.
- Distinguishing Features: Burns on her back from a lab incident a few years can.
Member of the St. Petersberg Institute of Sciences, however, her focus on Aos Si has placed her as a bit more of a fringe scientist and is generally not respected. Her continued research and focus is generally only allowed as the potential to develop and weaponize Aos Si magic for the CCM population. As such, the head of her department has direct relations with GRU, MOD, and KBG, given the potential to help with the technological disadvantage the state finds itself in and also in evaluating the potential threat of the Aos Si people. Despite the state department links, they are in constant threat of being reorganized towards actual science.
Skills are things that they are either talented at or are practiced at doing. Maybe the character is a great cook, or a master sharpshooter. They could have medical skills of some sort, maybe field medic ability but not surgeon level stuff. In the end of the day, listing the and then following it up with some details or specifics would be ideal.
[*]Skill 1: Scientific
[*]Skill 2: Research
[*]Skill 3: Minor medical (A&P + dissections)
[*]Skill 4: Linguistics
[*]Skill 5: Survival
[*]Trait 1: Bookworm
[*]Trait 2: Loves food
[*]Trait 3: Can't cook
[*]Trait 4: minor obsessesion with aos si
[*]Trait 5: wants to prove herself
[*]Trait 6: fear of fire
Interstellar travel gear
Academic gear
Science gear
Survival kit