Muromets (Russian: Муромец) is an ice giant in the outer rim of the Yasny system. Together with its moons Dobrynya and Alyosha, the trio of planets are named after legendary knights of the old Rus’. Muromets shepherds asteroids in the Granichny belt around Yasny, often catching those thrown by Gagarin - echoing to its namesake as protector of the realm. Due to having captured large amounts of iodine gas, Muromets has developed a regal purple colouration.
Muromets (Russian: Муромец) is an ice giant in the outer rim of the Yasny system. Together with its moons Dobrynya and Alyosha, the trio of planets are named after legendary knights of the old Rus’. Muromets shepherds asteroids in the Granichny belt around Yasny, often catching those thrown by Gagarin - echoing to its namesake as protector of the realm. Due to having captured large amounts of iodine gas, Muromets has developed a regal purple colouration.