• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Kan'ya Koyama

Kan'ya Koyama

Biographical information
Tiāntáng (天堂) 2301 20
Physical description
Daqinren Tiger Form, former Dragon Form Female 5'6" - 170.68cm 128lbs - 58kg Blue-Black Golden Alabaster Ass
Political Information
Dàqín Dìguó, Diguo Junshi One Time Princess, now a Duìshuài (LT). Her Imperial Highness, The Black Sheep, The One that Fucked Up, Who was that again?
Out-of-Character Information
Soresu (Me) 1/5/2022, now 1/11/2022


One might find Koyama to be prim and proper. Aloof could be another. And it would be the truth. But in that truth lies yet more... truth. Hidden ones. Her demeanor hides the inner worries of one of lowly status in the pecking order that is her mother's brood. A clever facade even if it may leave a sour or bitter taste in some's mouths. And dislike coloring their views. Yet with these inner worries comes a burning desire and ambition to climb the ladder. From bottom to top and while she may not resort to all means able to her. She uses what she can in orthodox and unorthodox manners. Showing that beneath that exterior could lie someone of a whimsical or chaotic bent. Like many of her class, Koyama abhors having to deal with those in 'that other place', looking down on them as little more than an inconvenience at best. And at her worse something to make disappear should need to require it or if her day has been incredibly poor. Hardly acting on those feelings, there are things she may find fascinating about their limited, narrow world. Beyond the stench of the unwashed masses, or the terrible cologne or having bathed in it. The cheap perfumes and bathing in it.

Works of art, music, literature things of humanity she finds of interest. Mainly their classics. She may dislike the people but can appreciate some of what they make. As contemptuous as she can be in dealing with them, and in general anyone that seeks her precious time from the virtual worlds, she can show a little more of the cracks seen and what pours forth. A riotous, if kindly, intelligent and crafty soul. One who could give off the aura of someone capable of anything at any moment.


  • Build: Small framed, and svelte of build, Koyama's lack of ample feminine curvature while normally could be considered a hindrance instead enhances the already fragile, doll-like appearance while in her Tiger form.
  • Facial Features: Bearing more leaning toward her mother than her father, Koyama's features differ only in minor ways as some of her father's influence shine through. Koyama has a defined jawline, angular chin, and high cheekbones. She has a subtle fullness of the lips in comparison to some of her female siblings. Koyama was gifted with a narrow nose with its smooth bridge but with a softer curvature of fairly symmetrical eyebrows.

    Koyama's eyes are her dominating facial feature: Large, almond-shaped with molten gold color. And in some depending on where she stands can give off a metallic sheen that is observable in certain lighting.
  • Hair Style: Koyama was born with straight, blue-black hair. While initially worn short, she has since grown her hair out to where it now rests a little past the middle of her back in length. Style-wise, Koyama adopts either a side-swept or wispy fringe, while the side-locks and remainder have been layered to some degree to lend the illusion of more volume and length.
  • Distinguishing Features: Koyama's are those of a tiger and have a short coating of jet-black fur while the interior contains a small, downy puff of white fur useful in keeping water out. When touched, the furred exterior has an almost velvet or soft felt-like textural quality.


Born the youngest of the Empress' brood of children, Koyama is at the lower rung of the hierarchy of the family line. Being so far from succession, the young Dragon had attempted an audacious maneuver that left her wanting. While there had been a success, it had come at the cost of interfering, perhaps even construed in taking over an elder's operation. Catching wind of this, and dismissing the success, Empress Zhùlǐ inflicted punishment on her child. Taking her proud form from her and casting her down. To teach her child, the Empress had chosen the Tiger for her misbehavior. Putting her on the line of fighting and duty to their growing Empire. Humility and duty. Subservience. A lack of perfection of thought and form. The very last her own take on the matter. Now entombed as she is in this baser being, the young princess has been tossed from her little pedestal and to the ground and into the 'verse that waits. Whether it likes it or not.


  • Combat: As befitting one of the Shi, Koyama has undergone the training of those raw recruits new to the military. Harsh as it may have been. And just as meticulous, she has taken to a special liking for the physical finesse of strict hand-to-hand combat with a secondary in those regarding small arms. Working the two to a more rigorous standard than the basic training given her.

  • Diplomacy: Being so young, but as a member of the ruling family, the young woman had begun to learn the ways of courtly decorum and diplomatic strategies and tactics. Especially when dealing with those of other nations and their own political leanings and ties toward one another.

  • Cooking: Just because one spends most of their 'time' in a virtual space does not mean one cannot appreciate some physical acts. Be it sex to some other primal and primitive sensations. Such as the act of having to place food in your mouth hole. There are more efficient means of course. A ration bar or nutrient and protein paste. But where is the fun and delight in that? Being able to do such a thing may find amusement in others, forcing yet others to do it for them. Yet the rare few who enjoy the labor of their endeavors are well rewarded for performing so base on an activity.

  • Engineering: What started as a means of learning to maintain her equipment in the field all for the sake of self-sufficiency sparked a dormant part of her enhanced mind and thought processes. An interest in the more technical arts. Using the Virtual World for guidance and to perform hundreds of tests, designs, and to just read manuals. Koyama has applied some of what she has gathered from putting her nose into such things. Broadening her skillset, horizons and garner a firmer understanding of the Empire's technological might.

  • Medicine: An offshoot to her interests in engineering. The inner workings of the body are still a new mystery to uncover beyond knowing just where to place a shot or physical application of the fist, foot, or melee weapon to kill or merely debilitate. She is capable of rendering first aid and application of medicinal treatment for stabilization. However, with this budding interest, it is unknown how far she may take it.


  • Attractiveness: Koyama is a fairly attractive individual, between pale skin, black hair, and golden eyes. She is more than capable of giving a smoldering gaze that can pop especially with her particular eye coloration or whatever else she has in physical form to her advantage.
  • Cleverness: Capable of tricking one of the higher siblings in the pecking order. Playing one off the other or causing a prank without a hitch. Her acumen of appearing innocent aside, with her interest in engineering is capable of finding workarounds or advantageous solutions to a given problem and applies this penchant or thinking to 'real'-world applications outside of the realm of circuits and servos.




    South Korean Model: Lee Sung-kyung and Go Joon-hee

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