• Nobles of Null is a forum based roleplay site where sci-fi and magic collide. Here, Earth remains fractured and divided despite humanity reaching out to the stars. Worse still, the trans-human slaves of one major power have escaped, only to establish their own Empire, seething with resentment at abuses of the past. Even the discovery of aliens, though medieval in development, has failed to rally these squabbling children of Earth together with its far darker implications. Worse still, is the discovery of the impossible - magic. Practiced by the alien locals, nearly depleted and therefore rare, its reality warping abilities remains abstract and distant to the general populace. All the while, unseen in the darkness of space, forces from without threaten to press in. For those with eyes opened by insight, it is clear that an era is about to end, and that a new age will dawn.

Joan Ambrose

Joan Ambrose

Biographical information
East London 2288 32
Physical description
Caucasean English Female 6'4 Piss off! Brown Blue Pale White
Political information
G.E.W Cowboy
Out-of-character information
Ikate Keda Studios 2020-04-24


Joan Ambrose is a largely unremarkable woman when it comes to appearance, other than the fact that she is quite large. Standing at 6'4" she is easily picked out from a crowd. Otherwise, she's rather unremarkable to look at. A life in the military made her stronger than the average dame, but with simple brown hair and pale blue eyes she isn't exactly your expected candidate for a Miss Universe Pagent.

Skills and Abilities

Situational Awareness: Joan has a keen sense of situational awareness, often able to see variables in combat that most would overlook.
Tactics and Formations: With so much time leading soldiers in the GDW, Joan knows how to use troop placement and terrain to her advantage.
CQC: With Counter Terrorism and Piracy being the most common task of the GDW, Joan through sheer necessity has learned the ins and outs of CQC combat.


Joan is a loud, brash, and unapologetic woman who speaks strangely and looks at you funny when you don't understand. A South Londoner, she's known for saying what she thinks and makes no attempt to hide where one stands with her. Very rarely will anyone figure out her thoughts on them from a third party before her, but you might need a third party to translate what she's saying.


Biography goes here


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